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Please make Targeting Markers bindable!


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It would make pugs sooooo much easier.

As it stands right now it takes me ~15 seconds to mark a pull.

Pugs have no patience for this.

If the Target Markers were able to be keybound, I could mark each pull in less than 5 seconds (from experience)

This would make tanking and healing much easier, and reduce dps guilt from pulling aggro.

Not too mention prevent pugs from falling apart because heals is bad because dps pulls aggro, etc.

Am I the only one thinking this?

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adding keybinds to target markers will not prevent your dps from pulling aggro nor make your healer any better.

~you could buy a marker from the social vendor and bind that to a key if it really matters that much to you~


~ and if they dont want to wait 15s, then your marker isnt going to matter ;)


Wow... just wow...


OP is contributing with an interesting suggestion, one I can fully agree with as I found myself many times trying to speed up the whole process, or should I say the ordeal as it is right now.


It seems you can't propose quality of life/play improvements in these forums without someone rebuking it with some other "better" solution, or just plain trolling, which I think I was a victin right now.

Edited by coldcite
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The whole marking of targets isn't even needed. Most likely anything that is cc'd is going to be broken anyway and most of the encounters that have multiple targets as long as more than 1 target isn't beating on your squishies can be taken by anyone.


Does it help sometimes? Sure! Is it a hindrance others? Yes! Stop slowing me down because you are compelled to mark every single pull, needed or not.

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