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Does Bioware even remember what the story of Kotor was?


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I'm still irritated about how Revan was just a tool of the Emperor during the events of kotor. Wasn't it implied in kotor II that he had seen the real Sith Empire and knowing that the Republic couldn't defeat them on it's own, decided to turn to the Dark Side and take over so that everyone would have a chance to survive?
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I'm still irritated about how Revan was just a tool of the Emperor during the events of kotor. Wasn't it implied in kotor II that he had seen the real Sith Empire and knowing that the Republic couldn't defeat them on it's own, decided to turn to the Dark Side and take over so that everyone would have a chance to survive?


That was what Kreia thought happened to him wasn't it?

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I think it's more like that

the Emperor "selectively erased" the minds of Revan and Malak and their followers, so that they thought they really WERE the Empire. He may have also implanted hidden commands to turn over "their" Empire to him if they won -- if they LOST, there would be no trail for the Jedi to follow back to Dromund Kaas. In this view, Revan was mind-wiped twice over, once by the Emperor and then by the Jedi.

Edited by Ancaglon
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I think it's more like that

the Emperor "selectively erased" the minds of Revan and Malak and their followers, so that they thought they really WERE the Empire. He may have also implanted hidden commands to turn over "their" Empire to him if they won -- if they LOST, there would be no trail for the Jedi to follow back to Dromund Kaas. In this view, Revan was mind-wiped twice over, once by the Emperor and then by the Jedi.


That seems pretty reasonable to me, and fits with both the book, and Kotor I.

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One thing you have to remember is history is created by the victors. The Republic believes that the Sith Empire they fought over the star forge is the same Sith Empire that's come back recently and forced them into the treaty of coruscant. The current Sith Empire is perfectly fine with claiming Taris as a win for them. Malak was Sith through and through.


Malak was someone who went rogue while working for someone who went rogue.


That's not exactly "part of the Sith Empire" there.


I'm still irritated about how Revan was just a tool of the Emperor during the events of kotor. Wasn't it implied in kotor II that he had seen the real Sith Empire and knowing that the Republic couldn't defeat them on it's own, decided to turn to the Dark Side and take over so that everyone would have a chance to survive?


It was, yes. It was repeatedly hinted at that Revan found something beyond the rim that made him turn to the Dark Side to oppose it. That he "sacrificed" himself to the dark side for the greater good. It was also implied that Darth Malak had absolutely no clue what this was all about, let alone that he knew or were a part of the Sith Empire.


After the mind wipe, it was suggested that Revan regained his memories of the Outer Rim and went searching for another way to stop the Empire.


But yeah.

Edited by Luckmann
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Its been a long time since I played Kotor 2 and although I'm loathe to take too much of what Kreia says seriously, I do think that other parts of the game also implied that Revan did have another agenda as Dark Lord of the Sith and that he was preparing for another threat. And Goto also said that Malak's strategies had none of Revan's foresight, implying that Malak either didn't know or didn't care about the threat that Revan saw. And while the way Kreia described "falling to the darkside for the greater good" always struck me as nonsense, that didn't necessarily preclude her from being right about him preparing for the True Sith. If you look at Revan becoming Dark Lord of the Sith and attempted conquest of the Republic from that perspective, it makes him an arrogant villainous fool, but one with a noble objective at the root of his fall. Edited by OldVengeance
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