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What would you do?


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You are your guilds 3rd 50 and 2nd dedicated tank. You quickly get geared for both tanking and dps in full epics, not raid gear but daily/heroic stuff and upgrades could onl come from raid/hard fp.


Fast forward 4 weeks. A clique has formed where basically the few raid ready in the guild pug with other guilds to do raids while the rest of the guild catches up.


Finally enough are ready for raiding. Except now, a week old 50 in half pvp gear gets your tank spot, and the raid has 2 guardians instead of 1 shadow 1 guard. Brig up that I want to tank and asked to dps. And why is the other tank takin my spot? Cause they have a couple raid peices and are apparently better geared (except you know for all the wasted expertise itemization).


It's insinuated that I don't have the 2nd tank spot because I didn't raid with other guilds to be ready to raid with mine.


I'm ready to move on and tell them to 5$-@ off and go to ell. Bu I've played with them for years across multiple games.



What would you do?

Edited by Froteus
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This may be a little too carebear for your tastes but:


I used to be the tank lead in a guild with more tanks than spots (4 tanks, only two tank spots available) and we set up a rotation system so that everyone got a turn to MT and OT and the other two had a night off. If it was your MT night, you were responsible for setting things up with your partner and determining how things would go.


It meant we had to accept a slightly slower progression since we were spreading tank loot among 4 people instead of just 2, but it allowed us to have a buffer so that if we lost one tank for any reason, the other three could carry on. It also allowed all 4 to become experienced and cut down on any kind of diva mentality.


We were not pushing for server firsts or anything, so depending on how competitive you are, this may not be ideal. For us it worked great and it allowed more people to play and learn while keeping a reserve of players who didn't have to feel like they were being benched.


You may want to suggest adopting something like this, especially if these people have been friends for years. They must trust you by now.


Conversely, if there were absolutely no raid spot for me, I'd look for a different place to raid.

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I'd actually, be slightly butthurt.

but i'd tell 'em how i feel about it and why in a civilised fashion.


after all, theres bound to crop up others in the guild that get bumped as well, and feel the same way.


heck, if enough people get bumped you have enough sooner or later to go raid on yer own.

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Guess I'm jut frustrated, thanks forthe replies guys. And you're right; gonna talk to them some more. That rotation idea sounds perfect as we aren't bleeding edge nor have a desire to be. I just really dont wanna be stuck as dps on a melee and felt like I kind of got the shaft when I was told we would need 3 tanks for 16s. Apparently in 8s this fresher 50 in half pvp gear got my spot and I'm a bit miffed over it.
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