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I simply can't decide on what class.


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Ok, I dunno why this is bother so much. I love Star Wars, I love the Jedi storyline and all that but the restrictions of the jedi order are just so frustrating to me. Can't do this, can't do that, ect..ect... seems like absolutes to me.


Anway, i'm having a hard time deciding what would be my best class for this game. I only have time for one character so I don't wanna waste time on one Im gonna end up hating.


I don't have the personality to play as the Sith, they are complete hate filled, ego jerks, so thats out.



I've tried Jedi Sentinel to level 12, but I get so bored of the same old hacking and slashing commands and running low on focus and the damage doesnt' seem that great. Does it get any better depending on what focus skill? Having no long range attacks makes it get dull quick IMO.


I recently gave Consular a shot and it was fun to have force powers so I could have some long range attacks and change it up. It also seems the Counselor has the better damage output or it least it "LOOKS" like it in combat. I"m not into playing stealth characters so I woudlnt play a Shadow. Do I have to follow all the stupid rules of the jedi code or can I really do whatever I want? Or will I get kicked out/punished for not following code? Thats my biggest issue/worry with playing as a jedi.


The trooper is alot of fun, flexible, powerful along with a BFG for commando's. I just don't feel same "cool" factor as a jedi though and I worried that PVP i'll just ganked by a bunch of melee sith once they close within range of me.


Any suggestions on what I should do/not do for this? I"m torn....

Edited by IceTron
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Personally, I enjoyed Imperial Agent > Bounty Hunter > Trooper > Sith Inquisitor > Smuggler > the rest, in that order based on how much I enjoyed the class story. However, I am planning on playing a healer or tank.


im going IA sniper, as everyone is telling me that there are less of them than anything, sith warr jugg or mar would be choice 2

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If you want the Jedi cool factor with out the melee, then you have to play Sage... since they are the only real ranged types for Jedi. But I would suggest Trooper Commando. If you get sick of blowing guys up and freezing them with cryo grens, you can shoot green beams at people, healing them and making them love you more and more.:D
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im going IA sniper, as everyone is telling me that there are less of them than anything, sith warr jugg or mar would be choice 2


It's because the mechanics for the Sniper/Gunslinger are mind-numbingly monotonous: Snipe, Rinse, Repeat. If you get a cooldown proc, use it, then back to Snipe.


If you roll one, I strongly recommend going with the middle tree for either AC (grenades and sharp sticks respectively).


Eventually they'll overhaul the Sniper/Gunslinger trees to make them more exciting to play, and then by all means go for it. But right now... it'll probably be the most boring thing you've ever done in your life unless you've played Eve Online.





Sentinel melee (dual wield) is useless. Has lower dps than the Shadow and none of the utility.

Sentinel tank is the highest dps melee, but not really that tanky. Think of it like a brick that swings other bricks and can throw itself at people for massive damage.


Sage is extremely useful as a healer, the caster dps is also useful for CC.

Shadow is extremely fast, and has a lot of utility, plus some burst, so it's also quite useful for PvP.


Trooper commando is pretty generic. Press autoattack, wait for things to die. Press a number to spike. Press another number to AoE. Pad meters. Mow down targets that aren't being healed in PvP.

Trooper Vanguard is like Sentinel's tank, except instead of being a brick that throws bricks, it's a cinderblock that forces you to smash your face against it. If you're playing anything that's not a healer or Trooper/BH, then you'll hate Vanguard/Bodyguards: if they get near you, it's hard to peel them, and they'll melt you unless you're being healed by the non-existant healers. Plus male BH does a double-fist pump while he farts fire everywhere. Whoever picked that animation is my hero.

Edited by PuppetSoul
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Well, I had a hard time deciding too, was going to go empire originally on a RP-PvP server but looks like most folks are starting out empire so I'd like a good challenge. In beta I tried out BH, SI and JK, all were great and the story lines were great. BH mechanics wise was fun as all get out. I played a DS JK though because I didn't want to play by the jedi code either. Go Jedi DS if you don't want to stick to the jedi code it's a heck of a story line and it got so good I can't pass it up and I have to see what happens anyway.


You'll be blown away by what you can do.

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