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Yet another "I am a new Marauder and I really need to ask Questions" thread


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...Yeah, sorry. I'm looking at the forums and unfortunately I cant find the answers to my questions. So, if you would be very nice (or very mean) please feel free to answer them. Sorry, search isn't giving me a good outlook in life with thousands of threads in line for me to look at.


1. What's the difference about the Light Side Marauder and the Dark Side Marauder apart from their story line? Do they get the same equipment or is the other side gets a good advantage to the other?


2. I have a female character. I trying to avoid to marry vette or any of my female companions for the matter. Is this possible?


3. I have Artifice, Archeology, and Slicing as my Crew Skills. I'm still trying to get used to them. Will my companion be missing anything while they are on a crew mission while I bombard around the landscape hitting anything killable (or not so killable for the matter)


4. If I respec repeatedly, will the cost of the respec accumulate or will the cost reset after a period of time?


Thanks for the help guys! I sure appreciate the answers! (good or bad)

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...Yeah, sorry. I'm looking at the forums and unfortunately I cant find the answers to my questions. So, if you would be very nice (or very mean) please feel free to answer them. Sorry, search isn't giving me a good outlook in life with thousands of threads in line for me to look at.


1. What's the difference about the Light Side Marauder and the Dark Side Marauder apart from their story line? Do they get the same equipment or is the other side gets a good advantage to the other?


2. I have a female character. I trying to avoid to marry vette or any of my female companions for the matter. Is this possible?


3. I have Artifice, Archeology, and Slicing as my Crew Skills. I'm still trying to get used to them. Will my companion be missing anything while they are on a crew mission while I bombard around the landscape hitting anything killable (or not so killable for the matter)


4. If I respec repeatedly, will the cost of the respec accumulate or will the cost reset after a period of time?


Thanks for the help guys! I sure appreciate the answers! (good or bad)


1. I haven't noticed any differences. I started off as Light Side and later decided I wanted to embrace being a true Sith and started doing dark side things and I didn't gain nor lose anything.


2. You can't have same sex romance.


3. As long as you have more than 1 companion you can use one and send the other(s) out to do crew skills.


4. The price will go up every time you respec, but the cost will reset to 0 after you haven't respecced for a full week.

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1. What's the difference about the Light Side Marauder and the Dark Side Marauder apart from their story line? Do they get the same equipment or is the other side gets a good advantage to the other?


Darkside corruption graphic if you enable it. From a min/max perspective, there is no difference. All equipment that are LS/DS restricted (there aren't many) have LS and DS mirror versions.


2. I have a female character. I trying to avoid to marry vette or any of my female companions for the matter. Is this possible?


Lol, you don't have to do any romance tracks if you don't choose to. Also, there is no "SGRA" (same-gender romance arcs), so you wouldn't be able to hook up with your female companions anyways. You do have 2 male options though.


3. I have Artifice, Archeology, and Slicing as my Crew Skills. I'm still trying to get used to them. Will my companion be missing anything while they are on a crew mission while I bombard around the landscape hitting anything killable (or not so killable for the matter)


Yes, your companion will not gain or lose affection for conversation choices while they are away.


4. If I respec repeatedly, will the cost of the respec accumulate or will the cost reset after a period of time?


It accumulates, and it is scaled based on your level. It resets every server reset on Tuesday (note: the dialogue box warning you how much it costs will not reset, however, which is kind of lame).

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...Yeah, sorry. I'm looking at the forums and unfortunately I cant find the answers to my questions. So, if you would be very nice (or very mean) please feel free to answer them. Sorry, search isn't giving me a good outlook in life with thousands of threads in line for me to look at.


1. What's the difference about the Light Side Marauder and the Dark Side Marauder apart from their story line? Do they get the same equipment or is the other side gets a good advantage to the other?


2. I have a female character. I trying to avoid to marry vette or any of my female companions for the matter. Is this possible?


3. I have Artifice, Archeology, and Slicing as my Crew Skills. I'm still trying to get used to them. Will my companion be missing anything while they are on a crew mission while I bombard around the landscape hitting anything killable (or not so killable for the matter)


4. If I respec repeatedly, will the cost of the respec accumulate or will the cost reset after a period of time?


Thanks for the help guys! I sure appreciate the answers! (good or bad)


1. Equipment choices may vary a bit, as some are slated to be used by only light or dark side aligned players. (Particularly lightsabers)


2. Marriage is completely your choice. However, as far as I know same sex romances haven't yet been implemented.


3. I'm not sure what you're asking here. Are you curious if they miss out on mutual XP? If so, the answer is no. You will likely want to have them with you during conversations and such to gain affection with your dialogue choices.


4. Respec's cost more each time you do them. However, after one week (I think) of no respec's, the cost resets.

Edited by AmedusTOR
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...Yeah, sorry. I'm looking at the forums and unfortunately I cant find the answers to my questions. So, if you would be very nice (or very mean) please feel free to answer them. Sorry, search isn't giving me a good outlook in life with thousands of threads in line for me to look at.


1. What's the difference about the Light Side Marauder and the Dark Side Marauder apart from their story line? Do they get the same equipment or is the other side gets a good advantage to the other?


2. I have a female character. I trying to avoid to marry vette or any of my female companions for the matter. Is this possible?


3. I have Artifice, Archeology, and Slicing as my Crew Skills. I'm still trying to get used to them. Will my companion be missing anything while they are on a crew mission while I bombard around the landscape hitting anything killable (or not so killable for the matter)


4. If I respec repeatedly, will the cost of the respec accumulate or will the cost reset after a period of time?


Thanks for the help guys! I sure appreciate the answers! (good or bad)


1. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIGHT SIDE AND DARK SIDE. Sorry to burst your bubble. The story is exactly the same (except for when you choose different dialogue choices) and your abilities/talents/skills are all 100% the same. The ONLY difference, is that there are some items (lightsaber crystals) which require light or dark. Its just a personal alignment choice, it doesn't effect gameplay.


Also, if you're a marauder, then there is no gear for you at the light side / dark side vendors, so it REALLY doesn't matter.


2."I trying to avoid" isn't logical grammar, so I don't know what you meant. If you want to romance your female companions as a female you currently can't, but they've said they're adding it in. If you're female and you're worried about female relationships... don't. It isn't a thing right now. So it won't happen. Not sure what you're asking.


3. Again, not sure what you're asking here. You have crew skills, cool. You're worried about your companion missing out while on crew skills?

You realize you get multiple companions, right? And you can only have 1 out at a time? So effectively all the others would "miss out".

No, there is no missing out. Their level is tied to yours, they do not get experience. And you equip them yourself, so if you get an item that would be good for one companion but they aren't around, you can just wait and give it to them when they're back.


4. cost of respec increases each time to try to keep you from spamming respec. The cost resets to 0 every week.



These are all generic general questions which have NOTHING to do with the Marauder class. So you're on the wrong forum.


In addition, MANY threads covering these very topics already exist all over the forums.


You're just being really lazy. Go read the game manual, and go read existing threads before you make a new one asking the most basic of questions that have already been answered.

Even you yourself called this "yet another thread"

Edited by miliways
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1. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIGHT SIDE AND DARK SIDE. Sorry to burst your bubble. The story is exactly the same (except for when you choose different dialogue choices) and your abilities/talents/skills are all 100% the same. The ONLY difference, is that there are some items (lightsaber crystals) which require light or dark. Its just a personal alignment choice, it doesn't effect gameplay.


Also, if you're a marauder, then there is no gear for you at the light side / dark side vendors, so it REALLY doesn't matter.


2."I trying to avoid" isn't logical grammar, so I don't know what you meant. If you want to romance your female companions as a female you currently can't, but they've said they're adding it in. If you're female and you're worried about female relationships... don't. It isn't a thing right now. So it won't happen. Not sure what you're asking.


3. Again, not sure what you're asking here. You have crew skills, cool. You're worried about your companion missing out while on crew skills?

You realize you get multiple companions, right? And you can only have 1 out at a time? So effectively all the others would "miss out".

No, there is no missing out. Their level is tied to yours, they do not get experience. And you equip them yourself, so if you get an item that would be good for one companion but they aren't around, you can just wait and give it to them when they're back.


4. cost of respec increases each time to try to keep you from spamming respec. The cost resets to 0 every week.



These are all generic general questions which have NOTHING to do with the Marauder class. So you're on the wrong forum.


In addition, MANY threads covering these very topics already exist all over the forums.


You're just being really lazy. Go read the game manual, and go read existing threads before you make a new one asking the most basic of questions that have already been answered.

Even you yourself called this "yet another thread"


Some people were just born to flame.... Don't waste your time reading and responding to the OP if they annoy you, especially if his questions were already respectfully answered

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Choose well your alignment.

You get different variations of items depending on it.

The most annoying are the color crystal restrictions.

I'm a LS sith and cannot use red crystals anymore. Sigh.


There's a red saber you can get from commendations... Belsavis maybe?


The saber itself doesn't have the dark side restriction. So you can use that saber, and have a red saber :)


The only thing is you won't gain the bonus from the red crystal, so you lose out on a little bit of stats. And if you pull that crystal out, you can't put it back in. But if you want a red one for fun for awhile, there ya go.


I'm doing the same thing, other way around. I'm dark, and I'm using a blue saber using this trick, for fun.


Anybody asks, I say I got it off a Jedi I killed.

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a veiw on LS or DS choices in the marauder storyline



Actually I have found that at least once choosing LS or DS can affect your quest line. On Alderan I had an instance where choosing the LS option gave me an extra section of quest line where as the dark side option was to kill the person that gave me the extra section of quest. I also had a portion on Nar Shadaa where I could either kill a republic commanding officer (Dark Side) or tell him he owed me one (Light Side). Later on down the line he pays me back by backing me up in a fight later in the questing on nar shadaa. So your choices have very slight changes to your story line i think but then again I'm not 100% sure. In the end you end up doing the exact same things but for different reasons.


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There's a red saber you can get from commendations... Belsavis maybe?


The saber itself doesn't have the dark side restriction. So you can use that saber, and have a red saber :)


The only thing is you won't gain the bonus from the red crystal, so you lose out on a little bit of stats. And if you pull that crystal out, you can't put it back in. But if you want a red one for fun for awhile, there ya go.


I'm doing the same thing, other way around. I'm dark, and I'm using a blue saber using this trick, for fun.


Anybody asks, I say I got it off a Jedi I killed.

I found out too late unfortunately. I removed a red crystal and realized that as LS I could not use it back. I noticed that at the same time that I was looking on the GTN for red crystals; they all are forbidden to light I.

I want the black red crystal. Damn !!

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