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Hidden Beks Republic having fun on Ilum


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Now the video doesn't actually show just how bad the screen lag was but the UI was unresponsive, I don't really heal as I should because clicking names takes an age and to complete the daily/weekly I have to stop doing my class role and attack people/tag them.... :(


Last night though rather than one ops group prowling Ilum there was two and a massacre ensued... an EMPIRE MASSACRE!!! :) We're used to having toe to toe battles on Ilum but never have we had such a Republic get together.... :) YAY!!!


I still wish I could complete the daily through healing though.... as most of the players in both Ops groups know me as a healer and expect me to do that role.


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Prepare to be flamed by Republic trolls who are convinced that just because theirs and a few other servers have rubbish Republic pvpers and/or not enough people that care about PVP and grouping up first, that what you've presented video proof of like screenshots I've posted before, actually didn't/couldn't happen on any server in SWTOR.
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We do have our down times where we struggle but usually we have an even match to the Imps or a few players less :) Plus since we have such a great WZ 50 community, we know who to mark as the healers on the other team.... :D


Last night was just fantastic despite the FPS lag and I'm surprised Fraps didn't really pick it up because it was absolutely terrible.

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Prepare to be flamed by Republic trolls who are convinced that just because theirs and a few other servers have rubbish Republic pvpers and/or not enough people that care about PVP and grouping up first, that what you've presented video proof of like screenshots I've posted before, actually didn't/couldn't happen on any server in SWTOR.


No one's claiming that it "didn't/doesn't happen". I'm glad to see that Ilum is playable and balanced, and it's nice to know that the occasional balanced battle happens or that some servers in general are balanced.


Guess what? That doesn't help the dozens of other servers (including mine) on which we have plenty of people who want to PvP (it's a PvP server, after all), but there's utterly no point in going to Ilum anymore because it's always a soul crushing zerg.


So no, I'm not going to flame the OP because I'm happy that he's having fun, but there are a lot more of us that aren't able to participate in this type of thing.

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No one's claiming that it "didn't/doesn't happen".


Lol. :D I've had to post screenshots as an Empire player in other threads been many Republic have flat out denied that decent PVP battles are server dependant. Trolling me and laughing me off in their groups just because it doesn't happen on their server. I spent a whole day on these forums trying to convince the Republic that it was server dependant to little avail. One even said that for all he knew I was a Republic player and I had screenshotted an Empire zerg despite you could clearly see Empire logos and 'Mercenary' under my name. It's good to see there are some people out there though like yourselves who do have common sense.

Edited by Zetara
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