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Thinking about combat medic over gunnery


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Hi guys Im looking for a better experience here. I'm thinking about respeccing into combat medic and my questions are more attuned towards Crafting and pet.


Pet : Im thinking m14x is the companion of choice; He is just so funny; and


2: if I take the above companion I take it would be most beneficial that I take up cybertech for the droid upgrades.



My question is really is this the optimal for combat medic and how fun is it to play this.

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I enjoy playing combat medic, the style of healing is awesome and the fact that you can still DPS when you have some downtime from healing is cool also. though for a companion i would recommend Dorne, if you are healing and the droid is tanking, no one is left to DPS. also he is a bit squishy in hard fights. I have found Dornes healing is sufficient enough that I can focus DPS while using heals in between to keep myself topped off. But if you are dead set on having a tank companion, put in vic. he is a little less squishy, and doesn't require hard to find machine parts to keep up.


as far as crew skills, I have cybertech, scav, and slicing (I have 2 guildies with UT) and the machine parts become obsolete relatively quickly until you get orange ones. but all in all any crewskill that seems interesting will work, though maybe not synthweaving and artifice...

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I'm a combat medic at 50, and I use Tanno Vik as my companion. So it's similar to the tank/healer setup you're proposing. I'm an armormech as well, so I've kitted Tanno out in decent tank gear. It works well, I spend about half my time dpsing and the other half healing Tanno (less time healing on normal mobs, more on elites). Using 4x as you companion should work pretty well if you're Cybertech and can keep him nicely upgraded.
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Yea sorry was just reading above and should have put my level in. Im 25 atm and just started tattoine.


Im using dorne atm and have biochem for crewskill but Im not worried about changing this as if I go combat medic; I can sort of heal myself and use/buy medpacs. Money isn't an issue Ihave 200k in the bank




Thanks guys Im gonna give this a try and I'll put an update here.


I kinda want to use the droid cause he's really funny as well but I'll have to get cybertech up a bit I think

Edited by jhMaracle
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Biggest thing IMO


Use the companion you like.


I personally do not care for M1-4X, but to each his own.


If your going to use him, gear him like crazy so he's effective.


When I healed, I used Arik Jorgan and used a Presence Stim, he did tons of damage, and I was easily able to keep us both healed through any kind of fight (elites included)


But like I said, use who you like. I like Jorgan, but now that I'm DPS I most definitely use Dorne.

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I'm a level 49 Combat Medic with 4X as my companion and also a 400 cybertech.


With cyber tech gearing 4X is beyond easy and he'll always have the latest blue gear and makes him an effective tank. I do spend most of your time DPSing as long as Trauma Probe is on 4X there isn't much healing needing to be done. Elites will need some healing but you will never have trouble killing anything in non-heroic areas.

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