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(L,F&E #22a) Escape from Coruscant


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Boss stood and nodded to Val.


"You need rest and..." His gaze shifted from her and he barked. "Nia!"


Everyone in the room turned to see a young woman, maybe 20 years, walking clumsily out of a room. The Wookiee was seen behind her, almost cringing. Boss strode quickly to her with L'trask following. Boss caught her as she stumbled and then set her back on her feet.


"Nia..." He said sadly. "Come on girl, you know better, get back to your bed." She shook her head, stubbornly.


"No... Dad need..."A look of confusion crossed her stubbly haired head and she looked away. "What...? No... I..." She slumped. A man in Jedi robes came hurrying in. He moved to her side. He spoke gently and quietly, but with no give at all in his voice.


"Nia, your dad is gone. He had to go take care of something. You know this, we told you." She shook her head, and then she slumped as the doctor skillfully applied a hypo. The Jedi caught her easily and carried her back into her room. Boss, L'trask and Olana all shared a glance. Boss strode off, Olana went back into the room with Nia and the Jedi and L'trask came back to where Val was sitting, stunned by the rapid sequence of events. He didn't smile.


"That girl is almost as stubborn as her dad. She needs time. She refuses to wait." He looked at Val. "Lets get you a bed. I want to get some detailed scans of that arm and you will probably be more comfortable in a bed than in that chair." He extended a clawed hand to her, careful to orient himself so that she wouldn't use her bad arm.

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Val took his hand and pulled herself up. Her eyes still full of curiosity after seeing the girl walk in and the events which unfolded. A Jedi on the ship, she really couldn't say that she had seen a Jedi before now... lots of Sith sure but not any Jedi. And that girl, she was definately Will's daughter, there was no denying that.


She let out a yawn as she followed the doctor. Tiredness was creeping in again despite how much she wanted it to dissipate, this ship was just far too interesting and she didn't want to miss anything either.



((Posted by Nitwhit))

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L'trask led Val to a bed and helped her into it, the poor girl was asleep on her feet. Before he was done with a series of scans on her arm, she was completely asleep. He dialed up the med bot to keep an eye on her and then covered her with a sheet. Her injury was healing nicely, and he smiled. He really enjoyed helping people, he always had. He had liked working for Cranna, but the Stormhawk needed him more. He gently removed her boots, and then nodded to himself and left the room. Boss was waiting in his office of course. L'Trask spoke without preamble.


"She will be fine. The damage to her arm is healing nicely. Cranna's staff do good work." The Trandoshan sat heavily and sighed before speaking again."You really think we can use her?" Boss sighed and nodded.


"Yeah. We can handle her. The question is if she can handle us." L'traks grimaced a bit sourly and bent over his desk to finish his paperwork. Boss left as silently as he had arrived.

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Val was too tired, this whole thing... this whole thing was just so much... so much at once... Her eyes closed and she sleeping within seconds.


Val's eye bolted open as she felt heat around her wrist. Where was she? What in the cosmos had happened? There was the astromech and the man on the dock and then snickering and darkness... was it all a dream, it had to be a dream, it had to.


As her dark brown eyes took in her surroundings they confirmed the worst. She was on some sort of table in restraints a surgical droid was hovering over her a wielding tool of some sort in its hand and sparks were flying. Her wrist felt like it was being dipped in molten steel, there were no sedatives. Fire filled her being as she screamed in pain, her eyes welling up with tears.


A deep laughter could be heard in the shadows as the man... the same man from the docks emerged. Through her blurred vision she could tell he was smiling. "Nice to see you finally coming to. I wanted to hear you scream... to make sure you were human. Pain is a wonderful thing, it always brings a person's true self to the surface and right now I can tell that you really are just a deluded little girl." The man scoffed.


"Master the bonding process is complete and the reaction has stabilized the device is secure and fully functional." The buzzing voice of the droid hummed towards her the fire began to fade away but the burning remained.


Val bit her lip trying to contain any attempts to scream. She closed her eyes... let it all go away, let it all go away... please please let it all go away. She heard laughter once more, deep bellowing laughter.


"Silly girl this is real, it's not going to disappear. Open your eyes and face reality, they traded you, they didn't want you anymore... but we, we need you. You are vital to us and you WILL serve us. Besides don't you want to make daddy proud."


She opened her eyes. It was still all there, it wasn't going away. It was real. A look of defeat filled her face. She didn't have to ask, she knew where she was well the basics of where she was... she really didn't have a choice in the matter she could comply or loose her sanity and her life. The tears stopped and she regained control.


The restraints snapped back freeing her, she could move her wrist once more. The droid exchanged its welding tool for a syringe of some sort and appeared to be ready to stab her should she not comply. Val pulled herself up slowly and pulled her arm to her body examining the damage and the new piece of metal around her wrist. There was no visible way of removing it, the chemical reaction the droid had initiated made sure it was beyond her power to dismantle it.


"Oh yes and Viala, don't try to remove that. Let's just say bad things will happen if you do. So... what's it going to be Sunrunner girl? Are you going to work with us peacefully or do I need to force you into submission?" It was clear the man before her wanted her to pick the latter but she knew better. Sith were brutal, she didn't want to test their resolve against hers... she had a feeling that they would win every time.


She took a deep breath and sighed. This was the beginning of the end. "I'm not going to fight you. I'll... I'll comply."


The man smirked. "Good, good." A second later the droid stabbed her with the syringe and the man laughed. Everything went black.


Val's eyes bolted open and she shot up in the bed using both arms to hoist her up. The jolt of pain running through her left quickly reminded her of her injuries and snapped her back to reality, she hissed as she pulled her weight off of it and allowed it to hang loosely again.


She looked down at her feet to see her boots were off and smiled before turning her attention to her wrist. The scars could still be seen but faintly. She sighed and took a deep breath in order to calm herself before lifting her eyes up and taking in her surroundings once more.


((Posted by Nitwhit))

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Nia sat up. Her head was almost clear. She knew something was wrong, someone... Pain? Fear? Someone...nearby. She had to help. She shook her head. The medical droid beside her bed gave a squawk as she hit the deactivation switch with the Force and it went dark. She sat up, slowly, the buzzing in her head was much lesser now. She put her feet on the floor and stood. Her head spun a bit, but nowhere near as bad as it had. She followed the feelings out of her room, but they subsided. She staggered to teh wall and held herself up. She walked into the bay, wondering where everyone was, then she felt something... Something new. Someone she hadn't sensed before. She walked, almost normally into another room. A woman she didn't know with brown hair lay on the bed. She sat in a chair by the bed, not wanting to disturb the woman's sleep now that it was untroubled. Then she realized the woman was aware and looking at her.


"Oops. I am sorry. I didn't realize... My name is Nia." Words came much easier to her now. "I could not help but feel your pain, are you all right, miss...?" She broke off realizing she had never heard the woman's name. She smiled, trying for warm approval and hoping she wasn't just terrifying the woman. She knew she looked like a wreck.

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Spotting the woman Val's eyes widened a moment before relaxing. Nia was the one who had been on a small scale rampage previously but nothing about her seemed violent now. Val blinked a few times and rubbed her right hand across her eyes, she had gotten sleep but not re****l sleep in the least. She sighed turning her attention back to Nia.


"I'm Viala Sunrunner, but you can call me Val. Viala just takes too long to say sometimes and Val is much more efficient and easier to pronounce." She smiled still wary of Nia, she really had no idea how mentally stable the woman was and slightly fearful after seeing that she had fought off a wookiee.


"And I'm fine. My arm should be healed shortly, I believe." Val kept it short. Reliving those memories in her dreams was bad enough, she really didn't care to discuss them when awake. Dreams stayed in their place, reality stayed in its place and life went on smoothly. Besides this woman had to be talking about her arm anyways, people just didn't see other people's dreams... did they?


((Posted by Nitwhit))

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"It wasn't... I'm sorry. I should explain. I use the Force, although I'm not a Jedi." Seeing Val's look turn fearful Nia hurried to finish. "I'm not a Sith either. I'm something in between. And I am no danger to you." She smiled helplessly. "It's kind of complicated, but I am no threat to you."


"I am not... entirely here yet. I was...well...hurt." She shrugged. The thin hair on her head bounced a bit. It almost hid the mass of surgical scars on her scalp.


"I felt your fear and pain through the Force. I... Sometimes it helps to talk about what scares us. Or, at least it helps me. If you want to talk about it... I will be happy to listen. If you want me to leave, I will." She looked at Val, trying to project non-judgmental sympathy.

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Val raise and eyebrow and a puzzled look spread across her face. Not a Sith or a Jedi... she supposed that could make sense just like the crew was technically not under the Sith or the Republic. The woman didn't look evil, most Sith at least looked evil and the eyes, the eyes always seemed to give them away. Nia didn't have those eyes, Val relaxed a little.


"I... I... just never really talk about it. I don't like to dwell on it, I don't believe dwelling on it helps." She paused a moment as her right hand moved to her chin and her eyes darted off into space. "I don't know that I've ever tried talking about it though." Her hand dropped back down to her side and her eyes went back to Nia. "Then again, I've never really had someone to talk about it with." She smiled and let out a sigh.


((Posted by Nitwhit))

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"I know a little about keeping things in." Nia grinned sheepish. "It doesn't help and it can hurt a lot. but... If you ever do want to talk, they won't let me out of here for a while..." She spun as a throat cleared in the open doorway.


"For good reason, Nia." A dark haired man in Jedi robes was grinning sourly. "If we let you out of here, you would go, do something dumb and hurt yourself. Instead, all you can do in here is scare the bejeebers out of everyone. Luckily I found you missing. If Boss had, you know how he would have reacted." Nia reddened under his gaze. He sighed then looked at Val. "Hawkir Strum, Jedi Knight, at your service Ma'am."

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Val glanced up at the Jedi. "Viala Sunrunner and it's nice to actually meet a Jedi." As much as she wanted to try and hide it the amazement in her eyes still showed through. A Jedi, a real live Jedi... they definitely didn't look anything like their Sith counterparts.


Force users were an anomaly to her, how they worked, how they functioned, how they did what they did always confused her to no end and thus they fascinated and to a degree annoyed her. They were a in a realm where most logic didn't seem to work properly, in a realm of religion and philosophy, a realm she was unfamiliar with.


Her eyes crept back to Nia. "I.. I don't really feel like talking about it now, I still need to recover and reprocess everything that happened the past couple of days." A friendly smiled crossed her face. "But perhaps later."


((Posted by Nitwhit))

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"I'd like to talk further, Val." Nia stood, but her knees buckled. The Jedi quickly caught her.


"Nia..." his tone was exasperated and proud. "Lets get you back to your bed." She sighed and he shook his head. As he carried her out his voice came, filled with amusement and resignation in equal measure.


"I have told you and told you, you can't push this..." The voice cut off as the door to Nia's room closed. A few minutes later, the Jedi returned to Val's room. He bowed to her.


"I hope she didn't bother you, Ms. Sunrunner. Nia has a good heart, if an impulsive head."

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Val smiled partially happy to not have to talk more about her dreams and therefore her past and partially sad since she didn't mind the company. "She didn't. I'm just not used to anyone caring really."


She stretched her good arm over hear head a moment as she slid off the bed. With her one good arm she clumsily attempted to put her boots back on , after managing to jam her feet back in them she gave up tying the laces and just tucked them in hoping it would be enough to keep them on her feet for now.


((Posted by Nitwhit))

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Hawkir smiled at her.


"If I may..." His face closed for a moment in a sign of concentration, then her bootlaces tied themselves. He smiled at her expression. "The Force is not just for great things, even the smallest of actions can have meaning." He bowed to her again and left the room. The armored figure of Stormhawk Boss came in. When he spoke it was quiet and kind.


"You have rested, you look better. The doc has said your arm is healing well. I don't want to rush you. But we do need to know." He shook his head at her expression. "This doesn't lock you into any choices. If you decide you can't work for us, say so, and we will set you up somewhere. Give you a new name, a new face and a new start if you wish. I hope you want to stay. We can use you. What do you say?" He extended his armored hand.

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She paused a moment before turning her brown eyes up at the armored man smiling. It really didn't take her long to decide, not long at all. "I'll work for you."


She grasped the man's armored hand. It was time for a change.


((Posted by Nitwhit))

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"Welcome to the Stormhawk Viala Sunrunner." Boss clasped her hand firmly, but not too firm and smiled under his helmet. "We will get you set up, just give us a list of what you need, and we can go from there. But for now, just do as the doc says and heal. He gets kind of testy when people disregard his instructions and we could..."


((OOC, ok that was good run, thank you to all who participated. Val now is a part of the Stormhawk crew, so be warned. Any idiot who DARES to attack her will have problems... ))

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