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hmm people in mmos have been COMPLAINING time and time again that they don't want to stop playing just to craft and make more money in game... low and behold an mmo comes out and gives you this chance. and now you get to accept what happens, they don't vocolize anymore as that was removed. that's good but what else would you like the game to choose and make your companions craft for you without you even making that choice?


please one person, tick off 5! try to please those 5 you tick off 25. it's a never ending spiral.


solutions: 1) don't craft when you'd be running your missions, 2) ignore the text it sends back, 3) don't run missions while you are crafting.... hmmmmm i wonder what is going to be the one chosen... i'm sure there are others but i am not going to look for it.


Darth Freki

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