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What do your Keybindings look like?


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31-0-10 PvP Build


1 - Shadow Strike

2 - Force Breach

3 - Kinetic Ward

4 - Double Strike / Clairvoyant Strike

5 - Saber Strike

6 - Slow Time

ALT+1 - Mind Control

ALT+2 - Mass Mind Control

ALT+3 - Ball

`(symbol to the left of the "1") - Mind Snap

G - Guard

Q - Project

ALT+Q - Force Stun

E - Spinning Strike

ALT+E - Telekinetic Throw

R - Force Slow

ALT+F - Mind Maze

Z - Force Speed

C - Force Wave

X - Force Pull

ALT+X - Spinning Kick

F1-F4(at Mouse 5, logitech mouse macros) - Force Potency, Relic, Adrenal/PvP adrenal, Battle Readiness

Mouse 4 - Ventrilo/TeamSpeak button

Mouse(3) scroll click - Force Cloak

Mouse scroll right click - Stealth

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31/0/10 build


WSAD move


Q target nearest enemy

E target nearest friend

1 base attack

2 dbl strike

3 telekinec throw

4 project

5 stun

6 slow time

8 force potency

9 resilience

0 saber ward (or what it's called)

R mass mind control

F mind control

V interrupt

T throw huttball

C force pull

shift + Q finisher (<30% hp skill)

shift + W stealth

shift + R sprint

shift + 1 in-combat stealth

shift + 2 speeder

shift + 3 rest skill

shift + D stun kick


these are the one i usually hotkey, i have other bound to keys but i usually click on them

Edited by NevetzVess
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Keybindings are as my Shadow


1 Saber Strike

2 Double Strike/Clairvoyant Strike (depends on spec)

3 Project

4 Force Breach

5 Shadow Strike/Slow Time (depends on spec)

6 Force Wave

7 Telekenetic Throw

8 Force Lift

9 (empty)

0 Force Valor

- Quick Travel

= Focusing ritual


Lower Center Bar


` Low Kick/Kinetic Shield (depends on spec)

q Blackout/Mind Control (depends on spec)

e Mindsnap

shift q Mass Mind Control

shift e Mind Maze

MB3 Force Cloak

Shift MB3 (empty)

Shift w Force Stun

Shift a Force Speed

Shift d Force Potency

Shift s Deflection

Shift z Heroic Moment: Channel the Force


left vertical bar

Shift 1 Stealth

Shift 2 Spinning Kick

Shift 3 Spinning Strike

Shift 4 Tumult

Shift 5 (empty)

Shift 6 (empty)

Shift 7 Sprint

Shift 8 Speeder

Shift 9 (empty)

Shift 0 Shadow Tech

Shift - Force Tech

Shift = Combat Tech


Right vertical bar

ctl q Mind Control/Blackout (depends on spec)

ctl s Resilience

The rest is empty.


As you can see, plenty of room on the RVB for more skills

Edited by Shardie
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Main Bar

6 - Mind Snap (mapped left horizontal scroll on my mouse to emulate the '6' key)

7 - Force Stun (mapped right horizontal scroll on my mouse to emulate the '7' key)

8 - Force Wave (mapped to mouse sensitivity up on my mouse to emulate the '8' key)

9 - Force of Will (mapped to mouse sensitivity down on my mouse to emulate the '9' key)

~ - Spinning Strike (remapped 0 to ~)


How did you get horizontal scroll working? I have mine bound to some non essential F keys on the far end that work fine when bound on my G15 but I have not for the life of me been able to get the left and right scroll wheel buttons to work. Logitech G5 Laser Mouse.


I have tried running set pointe as admin but cannot get the default setup to overide in SWTOR.

Edited by MonkeylordX
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The main ones that I can remember (at work right now).


Main Bar

1: Saber Strike

2: Double Strike

3: Project

4: TK Throw

5: Spinning Strike

6: Whirling Blow


Bottom Bar

Ctrl + 1: Taunt

Ctrl + 2: AOE Taunt

Ctrl + 3: Force Stun

Ctrl + 4: Force Pull

.....(to the far right side)

Ctrl + R: Battle Readiness

Shift + R: Stealth

R: Interrupt


Left Bar:

Shift + 1: Force Breach

Shift + 2: Kinetic Shield

Shift + 3: Slow Time

Shift + 4: Force Speed



Right Bar (Starting at the bottom this time):

F: Medpac

Shift + F: Adrenal

Ctrl + F: Relic



All the other skills, stims, speeder and stuff and scattered around the other spots. It is kind of a mess right now since things just kind of got added as I leveled and I don't really want to change things right now.

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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Q | E | R | T | F | X

Shift+1 | Shift+2 | Shift+3 | Shift+4 | Shift+5 | Shift+6 | Shift+Q | Shift+E | Shift+R | Shift+T | Shift+F | Y

F1 | F2 | F3 | F4 | F5 | F6 | Shift+C | Shift+V | Mouse 3 | Mouse 5 | ; | Shift+ ;



1- 6 attacs - basic strike, project, double strike, slow time, shadow strike, kinetic trhow

S1-6 - kick, potency, stun, execute, spining kick, force lift

Q-F - pull, clipling, stealth, sprint, battle readiness, vanish

SQ-SF - taunt, the pushing aoe thing, mount up, deflection, kinetic ward, resilience


F1 - F6 - medidate, buff, spirnt, combat tech, force / shadow tech, summon little robot from dark force vendor :)

the rest is

relic 1, relic 2, huttball thwo, sap thing, remove stun thing, potion


Used to have 3x12 bars in wow, now just have to use the side bar, looking forward for UI cusotmization.



Dont have on my bar - blackout, Tulmut, mass taunt, force bleach, boost companion things, possible someting more i didn't ever used.

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I uses WASD to move (but use the both mouse buttons to do most the moving)

1,2,3,4,5,Q,E,R,F,Mouse4,Home,End on top toolbar

Bottom is the same just everything with Shift

Ctrl1 and 2 for the Companion

Then on side toolbar I have CTRL (Q,E,R,F) and T,G,V

I also have f1 - f4 for targetting grp, tab as default for target switching, then a few misc things for autorun, targets target, set focus and what not bound to ctrl and the mouse buttons

everything else I can click. Screenshot shows what I have located where but it may change as I adjust


Home and End are actually setup on my scroll wheel of my mouse when you click it side to side.


I played all the way to 50 with clicking and was ok but not to good in PVP. So in order to learn using hotkeys I started a Bounty Hunter and played to level 25, just enough to have a full set of stuff to use and be used to that. Just last night I came back to my shadow and I am still making some mistakes on learning what keys are what and in what situations, but I saw about a 50% increase in my DPS. I still need some practice but that is what I will stick to. I just have a regualr Microsoft Keyboard and a G5 Logitech Mouse which neither have anything special as far as extra keys to program.



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This is my Keybinding for my Infiltrator


F1=spinning kick


F3=mind maze


1=shadow strike .... shift1=Low Slash

2=Clairvoyant Strike .... shift2=Force Slow

3=saber strike .... shift3=Battle Readiness

4=force breach .... shift4=Mind Crush

5=Spinning Strike .... shift5=Whirling Blow

6=Force stun .... shift6=Channel the Force

Q=Mind snap




T=project .... shiftT=Force Potency

Y=Telekinetic throw


S=Force Wave

D=Force Cloak

F=force lift


H=mind control

V=Force Speed

B=mass mind control

mouse wheel=Force of Will

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I use ESDF for movement to keep my hand on the natural home row, and strafe by mouselooking while using S & F. I have 36 hotkeys I can press without looking at the keyboard:


1 2 3 4 5 6

! @ # $ % ^

q w r t y a


g h z x c v



My shadow is only 17 so I can't really list a keymap (my 50 guardian uses every hotkey). 1-5 is my standard rotation, s4 & s5 is my AE stuff, s2 & s3 is my channeled crap


qwrty is my frequent use cooldowns and rest

agh is snares/interrupts

zxcv is reactive/stealth/cc


QWRTYAGH is long cooldown abilities that I don't usually need to watch the cooldown for, they are only for big fights basically.


ZXCV is buffs/stances that I use.


7-= and s7-s= are abilities I just click to use, as they are non-combat.


This is a strange setup. It seems very intensive on one hand which would most likely slow me down or mean my hands get int he way of each other.

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I am only levelling my Shadow atm so I won't put specific abilities but general areas that I use.




Top Central Bar - Bound to right numberpad, going in sequence:


7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 0 . * These are my bread and butter abilties.


7 8 & 9 are standard attacks.


4 5 6 are either AoE or melee attacks for ranged classes.


1 2 3 DoT attacks, possibly with armour pen if the class has it.


0 is my in combat cc (short term instant cast)


(.) is my "finisher", the type of ability that gets used when they are at low hp/for my Agent the stealthed cc


(*) whatever gives highest damage at the expense of highest cast time (think ravage for the SW)




Bottom Central Bar Bound to keypad running along the top of the letters using 1 through to =


1 is my interupt


2 is my cc breaker


the rest are taken up with either heals/tanking abilities or with DPS classes more attacks (this is flexible as to what I use these ones for but they're the less used/more utilitarian skills)




Left Quickslot All bound to shift + bottom central binds


These are my buffs and PvP heals, starting with most urgent using shift + 1 and working down.


Last few of the binds are taken up with cc's with cast times.


Right Quickslot ctrl + bottom central quickslot (missing out the last 4 though)


Generally out of combat abilties, medpacs/less used stims will be put on the end closest to left and working down in priority. I could click these but I'm lazy.




Companion Quickslot ctrl + shift + bottom central quickslot. (not used that often thus the obscure binding)




Targetting ctrl + 9 to = on the bottom central quickslot also use directional keys and f keys


ctrl + 9 targets companion


0 to = targets party members


directional keys for next/nearest enemy and friend


f keys do various focus etc targets.






I believe that is all of them. It makes perfect sense in my mind to use this method as I don't own special gear. It's simplistic and means that I'm not constantly ******* my right hand between mouse and keyboard during combat which reduces time time to react. I also try to place abilities I need quickly close to where my hands naturally are. Such as interupt and cc breaker.

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Set-up: Standard keyboard and programable FPS type mouse 3 extra buttons + vertical scroll wheel.


(Confession: I'm going to start working on a esdf or possibly tfgh layout tonight (Read about it today, that's why I found this thread.) I still have a lot to learn and constantly try to improve my concept.)


Mouse buttons


I've reprogrammed mouse button 6 (between scroll wheel and left click) to be Ctrl. This allows me to do Cross over button duplication. I double all my keyboard buttons by pressing ctrl on my mouse. I double mouse buttons using shift on my keyboard. It means I do not have to do funny contortions trying to hold in shift while pressing something else :D


Scroll up- target closest enemy/ scroll down-target next enemy

Shift scroll up-closes friend / shift scroll down-next friend. (This made a BIG difference to my effectiveness)

(Alt scroll up and down for zoom in or out. I use alt keys for normal keyboard functions such as alt c to open character screen.)

Button 3-resilience /Shift 3- force cloak

Button 4- Stealth/ Shift 4- Force sprint

Button 5 /Shift 5 quick stun/ slow for kiting while strafing backwards.




As mentioned still wad for movement. (I don't uses s for backwards, too slow. Rather strafe sideways)


As mentioned I double up all my keys using the ctrl on my mouse. The normal key is used for the most used function. The Ctrl key combination is for a similar function but one less frequently used.



I.e. 'e' (next to 'w') is my normal close combat (Double strike) Ctrl-e is used for spinning strike.

r/ctrl-r: 2 less used close combat attacks say out of force attack and backstab

q/Ctrl-q: ranged attacks (normally project and TK Throw)

Tab- 2 abilities that I use often and need to access quickly (I don't use alt for any combat combos (ended tabbing myself out of battle too often)

On that note ctrl+spacebar to interrupt casting (This is really fast)

z - abilities I use going into combat say force potency and a relic for critical strike ability

x/ ctrl-x: Meditate/ med pack

c/ ctrl-c: force wave/ handgrenade :rolleyes:


f: cc break


t- Stable cc's before going into combat such as mind maze


`,1,2,3,4,5 + ctrl key combos (other utilities)

6/ ctrl-6: recovery keys after death: Force Valor and enable sprint.


I tried to get a layout where I can reach all the keys comfortably without moving my left hand and where I can get all the critical stuff while on the move.


Questions and feedback most welcome.

Edited by BobbFettle
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I've never heard of someone who doesn't use S for backwards...interesting point about it being slow.


Moving backwards is the second-slowest motion your character can make, after walking-speed forward movement. Some people recommend unmapping the S key altogether but I just conditioned myself to strafe sideways instead of moving backward, and I can quickly get outta the way whenever needed.

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Here is mine. I think I almost ran out of space to put keybinds. After I hit 50 I will probably re-map all of them to get similar ones together and the most used ones at easier buttons.


Interesting! Tell me, what build do you play and what's the difference between 1-5 on the main and 1-5 on the left quickbinds?

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I've been playing with using esdf for movement and it's really working well. Having q, a and z just a pinky away is a game changer!


Have to confess, I've rebound my back key. I don't use it while kiting but it's too convenient not to have :o


I'm surprised that more people does not use the two keys next to forward move for the most used strikes (In my case w and r since I use e) Since I've started doing that back in my WoW Cat druid days I've never looked back.

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