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Suggestion to improve PVP Dailies


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When it comes to PVP, I'm a Pugger. There's quite a few of us. We enjoy PVP, but in my case, I like to dabble in all of the different areas of the game.


The problem, however, comes to those of us who just queue solo, and get game after game where all of us randoms are teamed up against 1 or 2 premade 4 person groups, where the combination of voice chat and group acquired gear are just making it near impossible to win a game, let alone 3, in a reasonable amount of time each day, if at all.


So for my suggestion:



Change the system to where rather than requiring 3 wins, make it so that you need 9 points total. Each win would be worth 3 points, each loss would be worth 1.


Also using this system, make weeklies follow the same pattern, and you get 27 points total, with the 1 and 3 distributed.



Doing this, you're still looking at a minimum of ~2 hours spent completing our pvp dailies if we lose them all, and those who still need their gear will still be able to slowly make their way to their quest completions, without requiring luck in getting a good group.



This system will also have 1 drawback I can think of. It will become a ground for AFK'ers to get their gear, hiding in a corner somewhere. Easy Fix. Add a 'Mark AFK option' to the OPS player right click option, where if 1/2 the team mark them as AFK, they get an immediate kick with a 15-30 min debuff that won't allow them to requeue. In addition to this, if a player does not contribute enough to the fight (less than a minimum amount of damage/healing/tanked/objectivepts), they get a debuff for removal in 1 minute, and an onscreen msg to everyone in ops saying 'not contributing' for people to kick immediately.





TL: DR - Redesign pvp dailies from 3 wins to 9 points, wins are 3, losses are 1. Weeklies require 27 points.

Edited by Lazerius-
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Winning is good and giving players incentive to win is generally good, but I agree with the OP. The problem is that it's much easier to get better gear if you already have decent gear while players with poor gear face a relatively daunting challenge. Edited by Lymain
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Ok im tired of reading complaints about premade groups, as im sure you've heard before friend some friends or join a guild who pvp's thats all there is to it, the current que system takes way to long to actually join a game how it is, if you took the premade groups out it would take even longer, so i VERY much doubt Bioware will do this.First Rule of pvp Adapt or Die. so ADAPT and stop complaining please, everyones tired of hearing people complain about this subject so do us all a favor and stop
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Ok im tired of reading complaints about premade groups, as im sure you've heard before friend some friends or join a guild who pvp's thats all there is to it, the current que system takes way to long to actually join a game how it is, if you took the premade groups out it would take even longer, so i VERY much doubt Bioware will do this.First Rule of pvp Adapt or Die. so ADAPT and stop complaining please, everyones tired of hearing people complain about this subject so do us all a favor and stop


If you don't want to hear someone complain about the game, then why come to the suggestions part of the forum? At the very least you can offer some advice or feedback on the idea instead of basically admitting to not even reading the OP and just going on a rant about a non-nonsensical anti-premade conspiracy.


@OP: I think a simpler solution would be to just make it games played instead of games won.

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As a new level 50 as of yesterday I will say that I expected to be underpowered and the PVP experience is fine by me. Yep you die alot, and you have to grind at it. Challenge is fine by me.


You know what this does. It makes me want to work at getting better gear, I can see what it does to help and add's incentive. I may be weak, but as far as the PVP goes, it's objective based, so as long as you try and group up and work with your team you can still help. Simple messages in the chat box can go a long way to help get a team working together.


Now I will admit that I have only done maybe 4 or 5 rounds of pvp since hitting 50. But the experience is about what I expected. Of course the level of play is going to be far more competitive among the top level characters. It keeps people working towards something even though they cant level up anymore.


And yes I have gone through round after round of loosing. But that happened to me pre lvl 50 too. Luck of the draw. What did kinda get to me was queuing into a round that's almost finished and your team is loosing horribly. But even with that, you have to go at it for a couple minutes, and you still get money and commendations for it.

Edited by TroyBerg
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