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This class is.....


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FINE!!! Stop complaining and take some time to get good at it. I love this class. Im always top 1-3 damage every warzone. Since the ability delay is somewhat fixed, you can do pretty well in any of the specs. Pick a spec, keybind ALL your abilities, use your mouse to turn your character not your keyboard, practice and profit. Please stop asking what the best spec is and what rotation to use. Take like 30 minutes to read the tooltips for all your skills and talents and you can easily figure out what skills to prioritize first.


For all those saying we have no survivability.. Are you kidding me? Yea maybe when all 200 of our defensive abilities are on cooldown we may struggle. Spread your cooldowns out, don't use them all at once. Bring medpacs too


Your main job as a sentinel is to sit on healers first whenever you see one and for the love of god use your interupts. Or if you're real good you can focus interupt the healer while burning down another target.


Please bioware don't dumb down this class for the lazy people.

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Ok so a class is fine because you're in battlemaster gear?


Can't wait till you meet a good Sorc player that is also geared. Be prepared to get owned HARD.

It takes a fool to think that a class is fine because you "top dps". Guess what I can top dps too. That doesn't mean the class is fine PvP wise. You might win 1v1, but you'll be wtfpwned by any good geared group.

Edited by Vibeth
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Dumbing down is one thing - bringing up to par with others is quite another. For one, a lot of Guardian abilities don't scale properly, our talent trees look like they're 3 builds old. Sentinel trees were amazing in the pre-pre-pre release Beta build - they were streamlined, but now, it seems that they just took awesome talents, randomly planted them all across the trees and filled up spaces with... stuff.


Other than needing amazing gear to shine and knee-jerk polishing of the Knight archetype after it was nerfed to the ground back in Beta, I love it. I love the complicity of the combat system, and I like having 40 buttons to push instead of 1 (lol tracer spam kills).

Edited by Helig
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Ok so a class is fine because you're in battlemaster gear?


Can't wait till you meet a good Sorc player that is also geared. Be prepared to get owned HARD.

It takes a fool to think that a class is fine because you "top dps". Guess what I can top dps too. That doesn't mean the class is fine PvP wise. You might win 1v1, but you'll be wtfpwned by any good geared group.


I destroyed BM sorc's before I got BM, and I still destroy them now. You have to know when to use your cooldowns. It's not something you just learn over night like the other classes on this game. Do you realize how many interupts you have? I can go in a 1v1 and literally take NO damage from a sorc/merc/sniper/etc. for the first few minutes of a fight. That's HUGE. Force leap, kick, force camo when you get knocked back or just want to avoid one of his casts, rebuke, resolute his stun, guarded by the force + medpac, awe to stop a cast, force choke to stop a cast, etc.


Now you guys want a stun??? lol you're setting our class up to get buffed, then nerfed HARD. Stop whining and learn your class.


I have gone 1v1 with a lot of top players on my server and won most of them. Sentinels are fine.

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