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Bugs, bugs, bugs.


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Many people say that this game should not have shiped with all the bug it has. But realy, what game in the past few years hasn't shiped with more bug than it should have?


I blame the internet in general. As with it, it is to easy to ship a bugfest and fix it later, and still reap all the profit. Come on Skyrim's first patch caused more bugs then it fixed.


Because of the "we want it now, now, now" generation, this is what we get. We pay to beta test a game for 6 months or more, then the game will realy shine. Even Bioware said that level 50 content had not realy been tested in the beta.


I for one have high hopes for sw:tor, and think Bioware can pull it off.


Yes is is obvious they have no MMO experience, and made many mistakes because of it, but it is a learning experience, and I for one have had a great time playing sw:tor.

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Some bugs are tolerable, some bugs are game-breaking even though they are all called bugs.


And there's this thing called the tipping point. Even the most harmless looking bugs, if they are present in-game everywhere and can be felt all the time, will turn the most fun game in the world to a frustrating experience.


And BW is really pushing that limit for quite a number of people.



At the end of the day, fanboys/haters or not, we all want to have a pleasant experience with this game, especially if it costs money.

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