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The Birth of a Legacy


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Hello, this will be my first TOR fan-fic, and it will focus around Hargus Kis, a Jedi that has influence to some extent in all of my characters' lives, and is the namesake of their Legacy (or will be, when I get around to completing Act I). Hargus is not one of my characters, himself, but he has a hand in all their backstories.


So, here we are:



Chapter 1: A Knock in the Night


The storm pounded the small house like a gundark pounded a skull, the warm light coming from within holding the spirits of the denizens up, despite the howling winds and darkened skies. A burly, muscular man labored away over a stack of papers, while a similarly built woman cradled a baby, only a few months old, in her arms gently. Rain battered the well-built walls from outside, and thunder smashed against the horizon as the storm grew in the night sky of Ord Mantell. It didn't bother the new family, for the storms had been present for the past week, growing in intensity.


A sudden knock on the door caused the man to jump, knocking into a stack of papers and sending it to the ground. He sighed in a perturbed tone, before rising from his chair and crossing to the door, activating the console to open it. When he did, a man in a brown robe clutching at his side stumbled in, soaked to the bone from the rain. He had dark skin, short black hair, and brown eyes. His jaw and face were built in a strong manner, and his eyes seemed to have an inherent understanding within them. The stranger stumbled forward, leaning against a wall, before turning to the man.


"Please... I'm.... I'm hurt. I need help... I can... pay..." The robed man managed to stammer, his voice tired and ragged, before passing out and collapsing to the ground. The man sprung into action, finding the first-aid kit on a high shelf, and kneeling over the injured stranger. Pulling away at the man's robes to get to his wound, a metal cylinder fell out, puzzling the man. The woman, having set the baby in its crib in a hurry, knelt down beside her husband, picking up the cylinder and looking at it.


"He's a Jedi!" She said suddenly, surprised filling her voice as she held the man's lightsaber out, before looking down at his injured body in shock. This spurred her husband into further action, quickly setting to work on the injuries. There was a massive burn in the man's left flank, either from a blaster or a vibroblade, that was the largest injury. It was quickly tended to, a syringe filled with kolto the surest aid available.


When the stranger's wounds had been tended, the man of the house lifted him up, and place him gingerly on the sofa, placing a thick blanket over his freezing form. "He'll need rest. In the morning, we'll see if he's a wake and ask him what happened." He stated simply, to his wife. "Until then, we should get some rest."




Pain surged through the Jedi's body, causing him to groan in an irritated tone. It was lessened greatly than before, however, so he judged the house he had stumbled into in his weakness had pulled through. When he managed to pry his eyes open, they were assaulted by a bright light, but quickly adjusted, and he saw he was lying in the room he had stumbled into the night before. He tried to sit up, the pain in his gut worsening, before a hand placed itself firmly on his chest and pushed him down.


"Hey, don't strain yourself, or you'll make it worse." A female voice said, before the hand removed itself. "You were hurt pretty bad, and you'll need to lay up here for a bit. Is that fine with you?"


"Uh... Y-yes, it is." The Jedi said, his voice shakey. "I thank you for your aid. As well as the man that was with you." He added, his voice regaining it's composure quickly.


The woman nodded, before rising from her seat and walking to a crib tucked away in a corner of the room, and retrieving a bundled up child, holding it gently in her arms. "Honey, the Jedi is awake." She called, a soft thump from another room answering her. The mention of Jedi caused the stranger a small amount of alarm, as he realized his identity was revealed. The man that had healed him the night before entered the room, his stride quickly covering the distance as he sat down beside the sofa that the Jedi was bedded on.


"You're a tough one, and pretty quick at recovering. That was a nast burn you had there." The man spoke in a reassuring voice. "My name's Arthin Kis."


"And I'm Rihulda." The women set, slowly walking to sit down beside her husband.


The Jedi smiled slightly, before issuing a slight nod. "I'm Nys Drath. I can't thank you enough for helping me, and no credits could possibly match my gratitude. But, I must ask... How did you know I was a Jedi?"


"Your lightsaber fell out of your robes, and I knew what it was." Rihulda said softly, beginning to rock her arms, the baby laughing slightly. Arthin reached to the table at the head of the sofa, just behind the Jedi, and pulled the saber's hilt into view, handing it firmly to the Jedi


"It's not often we find Jedi this far from town. What brings you here, and how'd you get hurt?" Arthin asked, a mix of suspicion and curiosity lining his voice.


The Jedi sighed slowly, before settling in more comfortably. "Well, I was here on a mission, as I am a Jedi Knight. I was tasked with investigating the disappearance of a friend of the Order. When I arrived at his last known location, I was greeted by his corpse, followed by a squad of assassins. I was able to handle most of them, but one caught me in the side with his rifle, and I had to flee. They pursued me for an hour, before I lost them in the storm and found myself here." Nys said long-windedly, shaking his head when he finished. "I shouldn't hold you two up for too long, though. I recover fast, even by Jedi standards."


"Stay as long as you need, friend. We're always willing to help the Republic, and the Jedi." Rihulda responded happily, smiling gently.


Nys registered the words to some degree, but his focus shifted to the small child that the woman held in her arms. There was something calling out to the Jedi, and he knew the Force flowed through the babe strongly, there was no mistaking it. His intense focus showed on his face for a few moments, before he shook himself to reality. The Jedi now had the unpleasant task that was his duty as a Jedi.


The Jedi swallowed hard, trying to gather the courage and set up the words that he needed to. "If you truly wish to help, there is something great I must ask of you, that is both an honor and a burden." Nys said, his sympathy evident in his voice.


Concern crossed both Arthin's and Rihulda's faces at the Jedi's confusing words, and that only served to worsen the blow to Nys.


Taking a deep breath, he continued. "Your child... He is... very strong in the Force, and it is my duty as a Jedi Knight to bring him to the Temple, where he might learn to control the powers that he has." Nys said gently, trying to place the request as softly as possible. "I know it's hard, but it's important that we take him as early as possible, both to give him more time to learn, and for the grief to be less striking for both you two and him." The Jedi added, a tone of sadness finding its way into his voice.


Rihulda tried to fight back tears, but failed as she buried her head into Arthin's shoulder. Arthin himself took on a grief-stricken look, appearing as if he too was fighting back tears. Finally, the man gather himself enough to speak. "Fine... fine... When you go, take our son, so that he might learn to control the Force, and serve the Republic. Take him... so that others do not lose their children."


Rihulda hesitated for a moment, before nodding slightly. "Yes... it would be an honor." She stated in a detached and distant voice, holding her son to her chest closely.


"I thank both of you, for your sacrifice. Know that I, too, have felt this same loss." Nys said calmly and reassuringly. "Your actions will be immortalized by your son's accomplishments."




Another night had passed, and the morning greeted Nys as he stepped gracefully from the house, the clear sun a stark contrast to the storm he arrived in. The Kis child was asleep in a soft bundle that rested in the cradle of Nys's arm. The Jedi looked over his shoulder at the teary-eyed parents that stood in the doorframe, their grief evident in their faces and body language. Bothered slightly, Nys turned back around, and headed toward the nearest town with a spaceport, intent on returning to Coruscant soon.


The Jedi looked down, his gaze locking on the small child that he held gently. A warm smile crossed his face, and he felt slightly more sure of his decision. "Well, little Hargus, let's take you to your new home..."

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Chapter 2: First Lessons


Several years had passed since Nys took Hargus from his family, and the boy was now ten, learning the basic arts of the Jedi. He was just beginning to control his emotions, and finding inner peace, and was coming along nicely. Though the Jedi did not show it, Nys was proud of the child's progress, and hoped that he could take him as his Padawan, when the time came.


Nys himself had told Hargus of his parents, and where he was from, despite his better judgment. The sadness it might bring the boy might not be worth knowing, but the Jedi felt sure of his decision, just as the Jedi who found him was sure when she told him of his family. Thinking of his recent master brought always tugged at his heart-strings, and he knew he had to work harder to control the emotions.


Hargus, however, was shaping up to be a fairly skilled youngling, albeit smaller than those his age. The boy had a stronger aptitude for the Force than most, and was better at controlling his emotions and staying calm. From what the handler of his group could tell, he would be a good Force-user, if lacking in the ability to duel compared to his peers.




Nys stepped into the room, glancing among the initiates that sat on the floor, meditating deeply in a break from their studies. His eye stopped on Hargus, the child's crimson hair, freckles, and pale skin impossible to miss among the other children. Before he stepped in, Nys felt a hand on his shoulder, and turned to look at the handler, one of her fingers placed over her mouth in an attempt to tell him to remain quiet. The Jedi nodded in response, and slowly walked into the room, placing his feet quietly as he made his way to a chair, and took a seat.


As the initiates finished their meditations, Hargus spotted Nys sitting in the corner, and glanced to his handler, as if asking a question. She simply nodded at him reassuringly, a small smile on her face. The youngling quickly made his way to the Jedi Knight, beaming happily. "Hello, Nys!" He said enthusiatically, sitting in the chair beside the Jedi.


"Greetings, little Hargus. You're coming along quite nicely in your training, and it won't be long until you're ready to become a Padawan." The Jedi said, smiling at the youngling.


"Thanks. I can't wai- No, I can wait. I need to learn how to be patient. I'll handle the wait as long as needed." Hargus responded, acting slightly flustered as he corrected himself. "I still have a ways to go..." The initiate sighed, slumping in his chair.


"Less of a ways than I did, at your age." Nys responded, patting the initiate on the back. "Keep your chin up, and keep working hard, friend." He said assuringly, standing slowly from his seat. "Listen, I stopped by to say 'hello', but I have to go investigate something for the Order. I'll stop by soon. Keep up the good work, Hargus, and I might be taking you with my in a few years."


Hargus responded with a smile and an short wave. "Stay safe, Nys." The initiate said, as the Jedi walked from the room.




A group of teenagers with varying heights and builds stood, gathered in a room to wait for their Initiate Trials to finally become Jedi Padawans. Tallest and thinnest of them all was Hargus, now 16 and almost into adulthood. He had a calmer and more passive demeanor than the friends that gathered around him, and he stood patiently, his eyes glancing to the door across the room, occasionally. The door opened suddenly, Nys stepping through, the Jedi's robes draped over light armor.


"Most of you know me." He said as he walked forward and stood before the group of initiates. "For those of you that don't, my name is Jedi Master Nys Drath, and you'll be receiving your trials from me, today." Nys said calmly, a grin settling on Hargus's face as he remembered the Knight that had watched over him, and the Master he had become.


"However, it will be slightly different than usual. You will all report to a Jedi Knight to be carried through your first trial separately, and then I will assign you the last two when they are finished. The second and third trials may be somewhat different than what you may have read or heard from other Jedi, but the Order has its reason, and your safety and health won't be at any larger risk than usual." The Master said firmly and clearly, finishing his instructions. He produced a datapad from a bag on his belt, opening up a screen.


"Step up to me, and tell me your name. With that, I'll direct you to your instructor for the first trial." Nys finished, the first of the initiates stepping forward.


Hargus was the last to stand up, waiting patiently for his turn. "Ah, hello, friend. It's good to see you finally ready to become a Padawan. You need to meet... Dokkin Dell, a Twi'lek. Treat him with respect. You'll find him meditating in the courtyard." Nys said in a friendly tone, nodding respectfully at Hargus.


"Thank you, Master Drath. I'll return shortly." Hargus responded, bowing slightly and exiting the room, before heading out to the bright sun that shone down onto the temple. He blinked slightly, having stayed inside for several hours. The initiate quickly crossed the courtyard, heading toward a tall twi'lek with deep blue skin that sat cross-legged on a rug, the Force visibly gathering around him.


As Hargus entered within a few meters of him, the Jedi raised a hand, signaling him to stop. Without opening his eyes are turning to the initiate, the Knight spoke, slowly. "I am Dokkin Dell, and you must be Hargus Kis. I've heard good things about you." The twi'lek said in a smooth, quiet voice. Dokkin shifted slightly on his rug, opening up enough space for another person. "Come, sit beside me and rest, and I will issue your trial."


Hargus obliged, gently settling into a similar cross-legged position as Dokkin, closing his eyes and concentrating on clearing his mind. "Thank you for aiding me." The initiate said, his own voice sounding calm and focused, like somebody far beyond him in years.


"There's no need to thank me for my duty." Dokkin chuckled, breathing deeply and focusing on Hargus, his eyes still closed. "Tell me, young initiate, do you know the Jedi Code?" The twi'lek asked, his eyebrows raising slightly in curiosity.


With a collected breath, Hargus nodded slighty.


"There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no death, there is the Force."


Hargus said softly, his voice barely more than a whisper. When he finished, he felt more relaxed, and was able to focus more entirely on his meditation.


"Very good, Hargus. Now, youngling, what do you think that means?" Dokkin replied, opening his eyes at last and glancing across at the initiate, his purple eyes boring straight into the young man.


Hargus reacted in a surprised manner first, before thinking for a moment. "It-.... It means that, instead of allowing our own emotions to overcome us, and lead us to the Dark, we seek inner peace, within our own spirits, and with the Force. To do this, we have to seek out knowledge, to cast away our ignorance, so we can truly be at peace with the world. And when we are, we will truly become an entity within the Force, that which everything is connected to, so that we will never die." The initiate said, his voice remaining calm and gaining more confidence as his explanation continued. When he finished, his eyes opened, the deep-brown of his irises lighting up with all he had said, and how peaceful it made his mind feel.


"Well said, initiate. You can see, now, how valuable the code is. We, as Jedis, do not die, we merely move on to become one with the Force, so we must place our lives where others should not." Dokkin said with a strong tone. "That, and we are among the mightiest fighters in the galaxy. Solely because we seek inner peace through fighting the threats that plagues others. Some Jedi may disagree with me, on this, and they have a right to. However, it is the Jedi's duty, as guardians and servants, to fight threats, so they and those that they protect may be at peace. It is the Jedi's duty to fight, so others might not. It is the Jedi's duty to seek knowledge, so that it is not lost. It is the Jedi's duty to make hard decisions, as both leaders, and as the embodiment of the Force.


"A Jedi might have to make a call that would haunt another being. That is why we strive for inner peace and meditation. To stem off the guilt we feel from murder, and the other dirty deeds we must commit. Though we may strive for peaceful ends and reaching the epitome of the Light Side of the Force, there are times when we must fall down the path, and perform vile actions, for the greater good. Knowing the difference between good and evil is invaluable, but sometimes even the greatest and kindest of Jedi will have to make decisions that would bring crushing guilt onto somebody that lacks the inner peace Jedi achieve.


"It is for that reason that the Jedi will answer the call to defend the Republic, and the call to fight those who would do harm to the galaxy and the Force." Dokkin said, finishing and sighing deeply after his speech ended.


Hargus blinked slightly, looking away from the twi'lek as he took in all the information. It was a lot to handle, and he had to consider all it implied, and he realized what the Knight meant. "I think I understand your meaning, Dokkin." He said, slightly unsure.


"Do you? It will be shown, in the future, whether you do, by the decisions you make in times of stress and difficulty. But, youngling, I believe you have the makings of a great Jedi, and you have my approval for becoming a Padawan." Dokkin said in response, rising slowly from his postion on the rug, and helping Hargus to his feet. "Head back to Nys and tell him I said so, and good luck."

Edited by Explosive_Lasers
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Chapter 3: The Trials

Hargus stepped deftly into the room Nys had been in, the Jedi Master still there, now sitting in a cheer and thinking deeply. As the Jedi saw the initiate, he nodded in greetings. "I can guess what Dokkin told you. He's very vocal and opinionated, but he is worthy of respect. He might not be the kindest of the Jedi, but he gets the job done, and knows what needs to be done." Nys said, both thoughtfully and grimly at the same time. "Either way, I must give you your next trial, friend." The Jedi said, standing from his position and moving closer to Hargus.


"Listen carefully, Hargus. There is a room, where you will face something that will test your willpower. It is not very dangerous, but I would greatly advise caution. You must stay wary, and keep your guard up. Take what Dokkin said to heart, and you may make it through." Nys whispered, his voice low and ominous, as if he was afraid he was being hunted, or an enemy was near. The tone unnerved Hargus greatly, and he slightly doubted if he was up to the task. "I wouldn't give you this trial if I doubted you." The Jedi added reassuringly, placing a firm hand on the scrawny youngling's shoulder. "Down the hall, to the right, there is a door with a red square on it, and a small pyramid above it. That is where you must go."




The door slid open easily, to a dim, cozy room. The initiate entered slowly, keeping his wits about him, and looking around in an alert fashion. The only furnishings in the room were a chair in one corner, an empty shelf on the opposite wall, and a table in the center, with a dusty rug strewn before it. A square holocron rested on the table, looking fairly content with it's position. Hargus thought for a moment, and stepped forward slowly, his feet kicking the dust from the rug as they pounded onto it. Lowering himself to his knees, he looked at the holocron before him, his hand instinctively reaching out to touch it, before he resisted the urge, and thought a moment.


With a sigh, Hargus placed his index and middle finger onto the side of the holocron, a light flashing in a deep corner of the device, rumbling forward and lashing out at the initiate, who gasped and collapsed onto the ground, his eyesight fading into shadows, and his mind being invaded.


While he knew he had passed out, Hargus still felt alert and awake, and he realized the darkness of his sight was exploding into life and vibrancy. He saw before him a brightly-lit, open room, with a large amount of space. In front of him was a computer terminal that shone brightly, blue and gold contrasting on the screen. On one side of him, he saw a row of people, men and women, on their knees, with their arms bound behind them. On the other side, a man in a uniform he recognized as Imperial Officer attire stood in front of a ship, walking into it leisurely. An itching came in his head, and thoughts invaded his mind.


'The people are hostages, who will be killed by an explosion in this facility if I don't stop the countdown with the computer. The man in uniform is an Imperial Officer renowned for brutality, that will continue to lead his troops if I don't stop his ship. I don't have enough time to stop both.' Hargus's mind buzzed rapidly. Suddenly, the world seemed to increase in speed greatly, despite his knowledge that it was slower than the norm before. He had to act swiftly, and he had to make a decision. He looked to the computer, but found himself knowing that would be a fatal error. He turned to the ship, the ramp starting to retreat back into the ship. Hand darting to his belt, a lightsaber found itself in the initiate's hand, and he knew just what to do.


Dashing to the Officer's location, he pounced a long distance, barely slipping through the doors before they shut behind him. Hargus immediately found himself blocking two bursts of lasers from two troopers, who he quickly dispatched without a thought. His body was not his own as he lashed out with his leg, knocking a third trooper into the wall with a nasty crack. The initiate's body pushed forward, slamming the Officer's head against a wall, knocking him out cold. Entering the cockpick, Hargus slipped into the seat and began to lift the ship off, glancing toward the row of hostages, and guilt tore at his heart. He shook his head, and took the ship quickly from the ground, and turned it to leave the hangar, the explosion chasing him out.


Hargus, despite knowing the event was a dream or a vision, felt the guilt deep in his gut, and he tried to fight it, succeeding just barely. He swallowed his emotions, clearing his mind and his heart of distractions, and told himself that many more would die if he didn't stop the Officer. And any information he had would save further lives.


Pain lanced through the initiate's head as the sight before him twisted and changed, vertigo assaulting his mind like a hammer on a nail. Suddenly, Hargus found himself strewn out before the holocron, back in the room Nys directed him to. He clutched his head, a headache clawing at him in anger. Groaning lightly, he sat up, and looked at the holocron, which had changed. It was no longer a square, taking the shape of a triangle, red light coursing through veins and cracks along its surface.


Thoughts filled his mind. Thoughts of him standing above crowds that kneeled in defeat, or admiration, blood-red armor covering him from head to toe. Thoughts of him sending waves of lightning forth, annihilating his opponents swiftly and painfully. Thoughts of domination, strength, power, and passion.


But one thought fought with tooth and nail, climbing to the top. A thought of him standing before the Jedi Council, a brown robe all that he wore, a lightsaber at his hip, a small nod as his thanks for performing an important task. He felt a calming feeling from the last thought, and he heard Nys chuckle, deep in his head, and he knew that he would prefer the final thought a hundred times, again and again. Suddenly, the thoughts receded from his head, and he found himself kneeling before the holocron, both of his hands reaching out on either side of the triangle, transfixed like clawing statues.


With a deep sigh, he pulled his arms back, and stood up slowly, before turning around and leaving the room swiftly. He immediately felt at peace when he stepped from the dim atmosphere of the holocron's holdings, and took a deep breath of the clean air that always flew through the temple.


A grin crossed Hargus's face as he walked back to the room Nys had been in. When he walked in, he saw two more initiates had already arrived, a muscular male Zabrak, who was older than most, and a tall female Mirialan, who was Hargus's own age. He gave them a small wave, before turning to Nys, who was sitting in the same chair as before.


The Jedi Master walked forward suddenly and swiftly, placing a hand firmly on the side of Hargus's face, surprised the young initiate. After a moment, Nys pulled his hand back, nodding slightly and grinning. "You resisted. Well done, all three of you." The Jedi said, turning and gesturing at the other two initiates. "Now, there is something I must tell you three." He added, turning and pulling Hargus closer to the others and standing beside them.


"The second and thirds trials you all did were... unorthodox. And I apologize for that. We were trying to test a new system that was both risky and rewarding, that showed if the initiate had what it takes to be a Jedi. All three of you passed, but you might not have, and the results might not have been worth the risk. I, personally, think that risking our initiates is foolhardy, and I will be speaking against this method, despite your success." Nys said, his tone changing from sympathetic to more boisterous.


"But, Master Drath, what exactly WAS that method?" The Zabrak spoke up, his sudden interruption breaking the Jedi's train of thought.


Nys sighed, placing his hands on his waist. "It was a... well... It was a Sith holocron. One that a one of our Seer's tinkered with to grant visions that would test one's mind. The tinkering wasn't entirely successful, and images of the Sith remain. While most Jedi Masters wanted to lock the holocrons away, a few suggested that we instead put them to use, by testing an initiate's discipline, willpower, resistance to the Darkside, and decision-making skills, all in one swoop. Despite protests, it was decided to test it on three exceptional initiates-you three-and so we place them in the rooms, to be activated.


"And, now, you have all proven to be very exceptional initiates, and will be very exceptional Padawans." Nys finished, nodding heavily as he did so.


"So, that means we're- We're Padawans?" The Mirialan spoke up, her eyes widening.


"Yes. That it does. Two masters have already voiced their desire to train you two. And I wish to train YOU." Nys responded, pointing to Hargus on the final word.


Hargus stood, losing the ability to speak, as he bowed deeply before Nys. "Th-thank you, Master." He managed to stammer out, the Jedi Master placing a hand on his shoulder.


"You three have earned it."

Edited by Explosive_Lasers
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Chapter 4: Loss and Victory


Hargus hit the ground heavily, his breath getting knocked out of him from the impact, as he struggled to get back to his feet. The Padawan was too slow, a foot smashing sharply into his ribcage, tossing him a few more feet, as well as causing him to grip his side in pain. With a bit more effort, the Jedi struggled to his feet, barely managing to lift his training saber in time to block his robed and hooded opponent's vibroblade, the clashing weapons sending sparks flying in Hargus's field of vision.


With a grunt, Hargus splayed his hand out, a blast of energy knocking his attacked back several meters, but not off of his feet. It gave the Jedi time to regain his footing, and drop into a defensive stance, able to more easily repel the aggressive attacks his enemy favored. He had but a moment to prepare before a flurry of blows struck him, the unrelenting foe easily crossing the distance Hargus gave himself.


Taking an opening, the Padawan swung offensively, laying a glancing blow on his enemy, causing the attacker to wince. With the window of time, Hargus tossed his saber aside, and punched his opponent in the chest with both hands, the Force repulsing the victim heavily. Sailing through the air, Hargus's opponent lost his robe, revealing Nys's black hair and full beard, right before he colliding into the solid ground below him.


Quickly hopping to his feet, the Jedi Master turned his vibroblade off, returning it to its sheath. "Well done, my Padawan. You're getting good at taking openings." He stated, walking swiftly towards Hargus, who had sat himself down on the ground, the Padawan breathing heavily. "Looks like you need some rest." Nys chuckled, sitting down beside his apprentice. "We'll take a break for a few minutes, then we'll have another round, before heading to be-" He began, before getting cut off.


"Master Nys." A female voice said, Hargus automatically recognizing it as the Mirialan female who underwent the same trial as him, Hywen. "I was told to give you a message, from the Council. You and your Padawan need to handle a crew of pirates that are in orbit of Coruscant, and are threatening to take down some valuable satellites. There's a shuttle waiting for you in the spaceport.. over there." She stated, pointing to a massive building not too far away.


Nys sighed, as if aggravated or annoyed. "I'm not sure if Hargus is ready for this. He might get hurt."


"I'm ready. You know I am." The Padawan interrupted, looking sharply at his Master.


"Fine... Fine..." Nys responded, rising to his feet. "Tell the Council we'll handle it."




Metal grinded against metal as the shuttle collided in a spectacular smash with the hanger of the pirate's ship, having been shot with enough firepower to take down a rancor. The pilot grunted in pain, coughing up a mouthful of blood. "There. We landed." She said simply, shutting the damaged shuttle off and working her way back to the bay, where Hargus, Nys, and a squad of marines waited.


"Alright, here's the plan." Nys said, standing up and moving to the center of the bay. "The pirates know we're here, and are coming our way. My Padawan and I will move out of the shuttle ASAP, and head for the bridge. You marines try to make a diversion in the engineering bay. While you're there, cause some chaos in the machinery. Sound good?"


"Yes, sir!" The marines responded loudly, saluting the Jedi Master before opening the shuttle door, and bursting forth.


Nys and Hargus sprinted past the marines, moving quickly into the nearest corridor to avoid detection. The moment they left the hangar, a band of pirates burst forth from an opposite door on the other end, blasters blazing as they charged the marines. They quickly learned the error of their ways, as the superior training and weaponry of the soldiers cut down the pirates that didn't flee. As the wave of criminals dispersed, the marines advanced forward towards engineering, checking each corridor for pirates, and routing a few. They made as much new as possible, and threw a few grenades to draw as much attention as they could.


As the marines reached the door, they found that there were no pirates in the area. "Call the Jedi, something's wrong." The leader of the squad said. Obeying, the pilot took her holocom and tried to contact the Jedi. No response. She tried again. Nothing. Trying one last time, the call finally went through, the Jedi Master kneeling, most likely behind cover.


The sound of blasterfire cut through the com, before Nys responded. "They knew what our plans were, and there's a massive force of pirates at the bridge. It was a trap." He shouted over the sound of battle raging behind him. "Get here as soon as you can." He finished, before the com cut off abruptly.


The squad's leader cursed under his breath. "Alright. Cassus, you take point." He said, pointing at a massive man in heavy armor with a rifle. "Malani, you take the rear, and watch our backs." He continued, nodding to a woman with similar equipment. "The rest of you, stick with me in the middle, and prepare yourself. Let's high-tail it to the bridge."




Hargus pressed himself tightly against a wall, just out of the pirates' line of sight. Nys was a few meters away from him, in equally precarious cover. Suddenly, the storm of fire that hailed them stopped, and the dull thumping of boots was heard. At the same moment, Hargus activated his vibrosword, and Nys activated his saber. "Stand down now, and we'll spare you two." A gruff voice growled.


"You're dealing with a Jedi, pirate. I suggest you surrender, before I show you exactly what that means." Nys retorted, glancing at Hargus sternly, as if telling him to remain silent.


The gruff voice began to chuckle. "Another trophy for the wall, then. I've faced your kind before, Jedi. While these pirates that so easily decided to serve me might not offer you a challenge, I believe Mandalorians have a history of slaying deadly foes."


Nys's expression changed from one of confidence to one of doubt. Thinking for a moment, he began to speak, but was cut off.


"You know what... I believe that allowing you to surrender would rob me of a good kill." The voice laughed, before the thudding of his boots could be heard, moving further away. "Kill them." He ordered, the storm of suppressing fire starting back up.


"Hargus! You need to get out of here!" Nys shouted over the fire, narrowly avoiding a stray shot.


"No. I'm not going to abandon you. We can take these pirates, if we both attack at once!" The Padawan shouted back, preparing to charge forth.


"HARGUS! THIS IS SERIOUS!" Nys roared, glaring at his Padawan. He growled slightly, looking in the direction of the pirates. "Fine! Follow me lead!" He yelled after a moment, bursting from cover, his saber flashing rapidly to deflect the shots flying his way. Hargus quickly charged out after him, deflecting stray blasterfire.


Nys cut down two pirates, dodged a strike from a third, who he kicked in the head, sending the attacker reeling. With a deft movement, he hurled his lightsaber quickly, ending the lives of two more pirates, before pounding the ground with his hand, sending a wave of the Force outwards, stunning or dazing several more pirates.


Meanwhile, Hargus began lifting debris and smashing it violently into the pirates that Nys wasn't dealing with. The victims were hurled around like ragdolls as hunks of metal and heavy cargo crates crushed and pounded their bodies. The Padawan felt a hand on his shoulder, and turned around just in time to get smacked in the face heavily by a large Trandoshan. His opponent stood over him, blaster rifle in hand. Before the trigger was pulled, the pirate froze, collapsing in a heap beside Hargus, his back smoking. A hand pulled at his robes, ripping him to his feet. Recognizing one of the marines, he breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks." He said quickly, before the marine stormed forward, tossing a pirate aside, and moving to fight beside Nys.


"Marines, end this fight!" The squad leader roared, his soldiers pouring forth like a massive wave, wiping the room clean of pirates.


"Thanks for the help." Nys said, nodding appreciatively towards the squad leader. "But we have bigger problems. These pirates are under the command of a Mandalorian. I think he fled back to the bridge, and might have reinforcements of the way."


"Correct on all accounts." The gruff voice from before stated. Nys turned, his gaze locking on the hulking Mandalorian, that stood in the doorway at the end of the room. "You made quick work of these men." He added, gesturing at the pirates that littered the floor. "You'll find I'm no push-over, however."


With a sudden movement, the Mandalorian sprung into the air on jets of flame, rockets ripping forward from his wrists and fire spraying from the guns in his hands. Hargus, the marine that saved him, the pilot, and Nys managed to dive into cover, the rest of the marines being blown apart and torched before they could move. As soon as the flames subsided, Nys jumped from cover, pulling the Mandalorian out of the sky with the Force, which proved to be a mistake. Grabbing the Jedi Master by the throat, the Mandalorian headbutted him brutally, a pained grunt escaping his mouth. The Mandalorian released his grip and began moving backwards, sending a volley of blasterfire to keep the survivors in cover, several shots hitting Nys. Before he slipped into the bridge, he tossed a fragmentation grenade at Nys, the small explosive rolling to a halt at his feet. With a laugh, the Mandalorian locked down the bridge, heavy blast doors slamming into place.


Hargus spotted the grenade, and managed to make a quick barrier between his master and the device, blocking as much of the explosion as he could. The fire and shrapnel that ripped themselves from the confines of the grenade filled the room, harming Nys, Hargus, and the two surviving marines.


When the smoke died down, the Padawan jumped from cover, dashing towards his master and falling to his knees beside his broken body and injured body. Hargus held Nys's head in his arms, his grief evident on his face. "Don't die, Nys. You can't die. I need you to live." Hargus sobbed, sadness filling his voice.


Coughing up blood, Nys managed a weak smile. "You don't need me, Hargus..." He groaned lightly, his voice too weak to speak loudly. "You've learned well, and you're a strong Jedi. I've taught you what you need, and you have become all I could wish of you..." The Jedi Master whispered. "You've made me proud, and I'm happy to admit it. I'm happy that, at this moment, I can express all my emotions for you, little Hargus." Nys continued, his smile growing. "But, you need to remain strong, and you need to control your emotions. Right now, I need you to hold your grief aside and focus on the task of stopping these pirates, and that Mandalorian. Not for revenge, but because it's your duty."


Blinking away the tears that were beginning to well up in his eyes, Hargus nodded slowly. "I will, master. May the Force be with you." The Padawan murmured, his voice soft and sad.


"Good luck." Nys said, as his last words, before falling limp in Hargus's arms.


Remaining silent, the Padawan looked across at Nys's lightsaber, which lay, damaged, a few feet beside its owner. His fingers wrapped around the device, which had been used often and taken care of very well. He held it tightly, and felt at peace with his master's weapon in his hand. He stood slowly, looking to the marines.


"Sir, we have your back." The man said, holding his rifle firmly and nodding.


"I will face the Mandalorian alone. My gut tells me there are more pirates coming, and I need you two to hold them off." Hargus responded, nodding at the door they had entered from.


"Aye aye, sir." The pilot said, taking cover in a position to defend the room, followed by the other marine.


Turning to the blast doors the Mandalorian was hiding behind, Hargus lowered himself to his knees, breathing deeply and slowly, meditating. After a few moments, he jumped to his feet after exhaling, splaying his hands forward, a blast of force erupted from him, tossing the doors aside like paper in the wind.


"You killed my master. Time for you to face justice." Hargus stated grimly, his master's lightsaber igniting, the blue light casting a glow over the Padawan as the Mandalorian turned to face him.


The Mandalorian drew his pistols, pressing a button on his left wrist. "Well then. Come for me, Jedi." He responded firing a volley at Hargus.


The shots were deflected easily, the lightsaber flowing smoothly and naturally in the Padawan's hands. The Mandalorian paused to fire a rocket forth, giving Hargus enough time to smash his body into the ground with the Force, knocking the air out of the shocked warrior. Leaping through the air swiftly, the Jedi landed with a roar in front of the Mandalorian, the shockwave the impact produced knocking the victim across the floor.


Managing to struggle to his feet in time to dodge the lightsaber as it sailed through the air, the Mandalorian began to feel doubt and fear as the Jedi's relentless assault left him with few options for defence. As Hargus caught his saber and lifted a heavy crate, planning to smash the Mandalorian with it, his opponent abused the opening, fire a rocket at the Padawan's feet. The explosion knocked Hargus into the air, only to crash back down to the hard, metal floor, his back aching from the pain.


The Jedi would not be brought down easily, as he hopped back to his feet and glared at the Mandalorian. With a sudden motion of his hand, he lifted his opponent of the ground, concentrating hard to keep the warrior suspended. He begun to spin the Mandalorian in the air rapidly, preventing him from attack the Jedi. Keeping the action up, Hargus lifted the crate up again, his mind strained immensely. With a roar, he brought the Mandalorian and the crate together heavily, the metal box shattering from the impact. The victim suffered similar damage, his bones battered and broken from the impact. With a might heavy, Hargus slammed the Mandalorian down aggressively, a roar ripping itself from his throat.


Lying in a heap, the Mandalorian gave up any attempts to get up. The Jedi slowly made his way to him, placing a foot firmly on the warrior's throat, his lightsaber pointed at the Mandalorian's face. The Jedi's face was completely calm and passive, multiplying the immense fear the Mandalorian harbored in his heart and mind. The Mandalorian swallowed, wincing as pain lanced through his body with the action.


"Didn't think you could... defeat me... Jedi." The Mandalorian coughed, his voice weaker than it was before the fight. "Color me surprised... You are worthy opponents, and ones to be feared." The warrior finished, his eyelids closing slightly.


Hargus removed his foot from the Mandalorian's throat. "We are worthy opponents. The Mandalorians should think about that next time they threaten the Republic and its people. The Jedi will not tolerate threats to the delicate peace we are sworn to guard, and you have seen how we respond." The Padawan said fiercely, keeping his calm gaze.


"I'll make sure to tell them that in Hell." The Mandalorian muttered, before falling limp on the ground, his eyes shutting completely. Hargus tore his gaze from the Mandalorian after a moment, walking back to the marines. There were a few more pirates taking dirt-naps than he remember, and he nodded slightly at the marines, who saluted.


"There was another squad of pirates, sir. Me and Cassus made short work of them." The pilot said, gesturing at the other marine and the fresh corpses.


"Sir, we can get a clean-up crew to gather the bodies. I think we've dealt with all the pirates, though, so we should head back to Coruscant." Cassus stated, holstering his rifle on his back.


"Sounds good." Hargus murmured, glancing at Nys's body for a moment, before heading back to the hangar.

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Chapter 5: Two At My Back


"We killed them." Hargus spoke in an unwavering, resolute tone. He stood completely still and straight, barely daring to breath as nervousness filled his mind, but not his body.


"Well... I suppose that is better than allowing them to attack Coruscant's assets. But the death of the Mandalorian might bring about sever reprimands, Padawan. His clan will not be happy." The Jedi Master stated, a man on the Jedi Council, and the master of the Mirialan who gave Hargus and Nys their mission.


"With all due respect, that pirate scum killed my master. If the Mandalorians take offense, they can jump in a sarlacc pit and rot." The Padawan snapped back, his calm demeanor shifting to one of irritation as the Master's tone implied he was displeased with Hargus.


"Well... Yes, I suppose that's true. You acted in self-defense, but you shouldn't become angry now, nor at me. I'm simply stating that the Mandalorians will not take this lightly, as for as my experience and readings would suggest." The Master responded, raising his hands defensively. "It'd be best if you kept your eyes peeled, even if there's little evidence, you never know."


Hargus calmed down slightly, looking at the Master apologetically. "I'm sorry, I'm just upset about Nys's death... It's... been hard." The Padawan muttered absent-mindedly, looking towards the ground for a moment, his brow furrowing in thought.


"Yes, it is very tragic. But you have to control your grief, and your anger, and remain calm in the face of this tragedy. It is important for a Jedi to do this, and important for you to not let it overwhelm you. If you need to talk, though, you have my ear."


"I- Thank you, Master. It means a lot."


"It's no trouble, Padawan." The Master replied, his face returning to a smile. "If it's not too much trouble for you, though, can you go tell my Padawan to return to me. I think she's with that Zabrak that graduated with you two, in the library."


"Of course, I'll tell her immediately." The Padawan said in response, bowing slightly before heading to the Temple's library.




When Hargus arrived, he spotted the muscular Zabrak immediately, pacing around near the Mirialan while reading a holopad. The Zabrak was tall and muscular, with a strong jaw and broad shoulders. He had no hair, instead having six prominent horns on the top of his head, only two being sharp to any extent. Curved tattooes drifted up to the bottom of his eyes from his throat, before curving gently around to each of the horns. The Mirialan herself was studying a holocron intently. She had dark brown hair and eyes, with deep green skin, giving her a look that made Hargus think of nature. She was more slender than the Zabrak, but not much shorter. This unnerved Hargus, as he realized he was shorter and scrawnier than both of them. Crossing the distance to them quickly, Hargus raised a hand in greeting, before calling out. "Hey there."


The Zabrak glanced at him, raising his fingers slightly to acknowledge the Padawan, before returning to his holopad. The Mirialan on the other hand jumped at the sudden noise, her focus wrapped entirely into the holocron. "Oh, I didn't hear you coming. Hello, yourself." She said, laughing slightly at her own reaction.


"Wait, Hargus..." The Zabrak murmured, as if he was unsure of his words. After a moment, he nodded, assured of who he was talking to. “Sorry to hear about what happened to ol’ Nys. He was a good Jedi, and a great man.” He spoke with a voice that seemed both too soft and too smooth for his appearance, as he layed a hand heavily on Hargus’s shoulder. The action caused the smaller Padawan to sway slightly.


“Thanks, it means a lot.” Hargus responded, his own voice surprised him as it sounded slightly more masculine than the Zabrak’s, despite the latter being much larger than him.


“If you don’t mind me asking... What did it feel like? Killing somebody?” The Mirialan said abruptly, having stood up and moved closer to the Zabrak and Hargus. Her voice was cheery and uplifting, seeming to have the confidence of a leader within it.


Hargus shook himself slightly, bringing himself back to reality after having drifted off. “Well... to be honest... It was worse than losing Nys. Most of my grief and guilt has been caused by killing the pirates. The Mandalorian... I don’t hold much remorse for him, because I think he was forcing the pirates to fight for him. I’m not sure though, maybe it’s because he killed Nys. Either way... the feeling of losing my innocence is worse than losing my master, if you understand me.” The Padawan said, his voice sounding distance and conflicted. The act of killing a living creature was a burden he wasn’t sure was his to take, and he sure didn’t want it.


“I think I understand...” The Mirialan muttered softly, stroking her chin. “At any rate, it’s been a few months since the three of us have really spent time together, which isn’t something I take lightly.” She continued, trying to change the subject. “I mean, we weren’t really friends when we were initiates, but we did go through the same trials, right?”


“Uh huh.” The Zabrak continued. “So, Hargus, I know I’m good with names, and I know you aren’t.” He chuckled, his laugh like rolling thunder, which surprised Hargus with the contrast to his voice. “I’m Kadlen, but you can call me Kad.”


“I’m Hywen.” The Mirialan added in.


“Well, Kadle-” Hargus began, before the Zabrak raised an eyebrow at him. “-Kad, here, introduced me.” The Padawan continued, his inquisitive expression drawing a suppressed laugh from the larger Jedi. “Anyways, Hywen, your master sent me to tell you that he needed to speak with you. It sounded urgent, but that might just be me.”


Hywen sighed slightly, shaking her head slowly. “Kad, you mind putting the holocron back? I’ll return to him now.” She said over her shoulder as she began to walk away.


“Erm, sure.” Kadlen muttered in response, returning to the table. “It was nice talking with you, Hargus, but I should get back to my master, too. I’ll... uh... see you around, friend.” The Zabrak stated, picking the holocron up and strolling to a bookshelf nearby.


Hargus sighed slightly, standing alone in the middle of the library. He began to think, mostly about what had transpired on the pirates’ ship, but also about what would happen to him, now that he didn’t have a master. He subconciously brushed Nys’s lightsaber with his hand, the smooth, worn metal running under his fingers gently. “I won’t forget... Nys...” He whispered quietly to himself, before turning and striding from the library, his robes flowing behind him, as if wanting to avoid the upset Padawan.

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Chapter 6: Trial by Fire


Sitting in the cramped shuttle, drumming his fingers impatiently on his lap, Hargus looked around, his doubts the first thing on his mind. The Padawan was slightly nervous, his stomach gripped in anxiety, and he wondered if his trial for knighthood in the Jedi Order was truly the best idea for him.


Admittedly, it was more surprising to Hargus that the Council had only issued him one trial, but he assumed it was because Nys had died, and the Padawan had proved his capability by slaying the Mandalorian. He took some solace in that victory, thinking about the trial he had been assigned.


Still, assaulting an Imperial base, with three squads of troops, two Jedi Masters, and two other Padawans didn't sound like the best plan. Especially with the rumor of a Sith Lord commanding the base.


"Sir, we'll be landing soon." A metallic voice stated, crashing Hargus's train of thought. He turned, coming face to face with a marine, a helmet shielding the soldier's face.


"Uh, thanks for the warning." The Padawan said in reply, his voice failing to mask his anxiety. As if in response to his feelings, the shuttle suddenly shook violently. Fate appeared to despise Hargus, as the pilot's voice carried back to the bay.


"We've been hit. I'll try to bring us in fact, but we're taking fire, and it might be a close one."


"How are the other shuttles faring?" The marine that had warned Hargus called back abruptly, his voice sounding slightly worried.


"Damned fine, if I'm any jud-" The pilot began, being cut off as the shuttle shook violently, followed by a massive crash as the hunk of flying metal slammed into a larger, stationary hunk of metal.


The bay seemed to be in utter chaos, the marines and Hargus scattered around messily. With a grunt, Hargus sent a wave of the Force out, tossing the door to the bay, that sat on the opposite end of the pile of marines and himself, into the hangar beyond, a dull thud following it by a few seconds.


"Alright, men, let's get out of this husk!" The Padawan shouted encouragingly, scrambling through the opening he made. He was just in time to see the other shuttles land, almost completely unscathed, their doors opening to reveal the rest of the Republic forces.


"The Imperials know we're here! Let's work fast, then!" One of the Jedi Masters shouted, one Hargus recognized as Hywen's master. As soon as the thought crossed his mind, the Padawan stepped forward, two vibroblades sheathed on her backs. Kadlen and his master, a Miriluka woman, emerged from the third shuttle. The Zabrak had an electrostaff, himself, and seemed to have some amount of armor on under his robes, making him appear even larger.


Hargus suddenly brought his hand to his belt, the feeling of Nys's saber comforting him. He felt more courageous about this mission. "Masters, I'd suggest you take two squads and aim for the command center, drawing most of the Imps attention. The other Padawans, the third squad, and I can head engineering, and sabotage vital systems." Hargus stated with a confident tone as the invading force converged in the middle of the hangar.


"That sounds like a good course of action. Nice thinking, Padawan." Kadlen's master said, nodding with approval. "We don't have much time to plan, either way, so it'll have to do." She added, pointing to a door on one side of the room. "The command center should be that way, let's move out!"


Hargus paused for a moment to watch them go, before he felt a tug on his robes, and turned to see Hywen pulling him towards a door across from the direction the Jedi Masters went. The Padawans and their squad began to move quickly through the corridors, running into several dead ends.


Finally, they ran into a force of Imperials headed towards the hangar. "HALT! You've violated th-" An officer began, just before a marine fired three shots into his head, sparking a sudden flash of motion as Kadlen, Hywen, Hargus, all the marines, and all the Imperials drew their weapons.


Kadlen was the first to leap into the fray, dashing forth with immense speed and knocking two Imperial troopers across the hall, before punching another in the jaw with immense strength. Hargus reacted shortly after him, slamming a trooper into the ceiling brutally, the victim's back snapping like a twig with the impact. Shots filled the room as Hywen jumped forward, following Kadlen's lead. She landed amidst three troopers, and preceded to slash them all several times with her weapons within the course of a few seconds.


After a moment the marines' fire subsided, and silence filled the halls with unnatural speed. The Imps' corpses filled the corridor, several heavily mauled by the Padawans' use of blunt attacks. "Let's keep moving." Kadlen stated suddenly, his voice snapping everybody from a silent trance. He motioned forward, and the small group followed him as he dashed through the halls, all of their weapons still drawn, each of them ready for another fight.


And a fight is what they got.


The Zabrak Padawan halted abruptly, Hargus bumping into him slightly and losing his balance for a moment. The sound of weapons being drawn found its way to Hargus's ears as he looked past Kadlen, to a large squad of troopers, with their rifles trained in the small corridor the marines and Padawans stood in.


Hargus reacted with sudden swiftness, time appeared as if it stood completely still for a split second. He pushed past Kadlen, dropping to a knee for stability, and throwing his hands up. Concentrating deeply, he erected a solid barrier composed of the Force, deflecting the sudden storm of blasterfire that charged furiously at the invading force.


When the troopers realized their shots were being tossed aside as if they were pellets, they ceased fire. Hargus lowered the barrier, an equally aggressive spray of shots pouring forth from behind him, bringing several Imperials down, the rest leaping for cover. Kadlen and Hywen took the actions of the remaining troopers as a challenge, and swept forward like birds of prey, and ripped the survivors from their cover.


"Engineering's through that door." Hywen called, pointing at a large door to the right of the corridor they had entered from.


The invaders burst forth, finding the room completely empty of any Imperials. Hargus moved past the rest of his group, walking forward as if under a spell. When he was a few yards in front of them, he heard a sudden sound like a blaster at point-blank. He whirled around quickly, a barrier of energy a few inches in front of him.


"Well, well. I've never killed a Jedi Knight before." A menacing voice, which had more akin to a cunning predator than a human, spoke. The Force suddenly started to grown weaker in Hargus's grasp, as if wilting and shriveling. Turning slowly towards the source of the voice, Hargus saw a tall humanoid, with lean muscles. The speaker had armor over several spots on his robes, and had a lightsaber attached to his belt. When he turned his head to look at the Padawan, Hargus saw red skin and orange eyes, realizing he was facing a Sith Pureblood.


Looking over his shoulder nervously, he saw a squad of Imperial troopers advance upon his allies on the other side of the barrier, who charged forward to meet them. He gulped, before mustering his courage and turning to face the Sith, drawing his lightsaber and activating it.


The Sith answered the challenge, drawing and activating his own lightsaber, the red light casting itself forward towards Hargus's own blue. "This truly will be a treat, to kill a Jedi Knight, the defenders of the Republic." The Pureblood mused, wonder and joy in his voice more than anger.


"I am not a Knight. Not yet. I'm only a Padawan, and I WILL defeat you, Sith." Hargus snapped back, receiving a puzzled look from the Sith.


"No matter. You will die all the same."


With a sudden leap, the Sith closed the distance between the two rapidly, Hargus having to hop to the side to avoide the lightsaber slash. With a roar, he swung his saber horizontally with an aggressive step forward, but the Sith parried it with a wide, desperate arc. The parry staggered Hargus, causing him to sway for a moment. His opponent took the opening, stabbing forward with his saber at the Padawan's waist. Throwing his hips back in reaction, Hargus avoided the stab by mere centimeters, and retaliated by bringing his right leg up in a swift kick to the Sith's head, pressing his face against the barrier and ripping a pained howl from his jaws.


Hargus jumped backwards several yards as the Sith flourished forward, his blade swinging wildly. A massive burn covered the side of his face from where the barrier had scorched him, one of his eyes shut in agony. "You'll pay for that, scum!" He roared, charging forward blindly at Hargus. With a deft motion, the Padawan pivoted on his foot, using the momentum of the spin to lower himself to a crouch and throw his hands forward, a blast of the Force hurtling forward and slamming into the Sith, knocking him to his back.


Lifting his lightsaber into the air, Hargus leaped forward, towards the Sith's vulnerable body, stabbing his lightsaber downward. The Sith rolled to the side, dodging the stab. Kicking Hargus aggressively in the back as the Padawan kneeled, the Sith discharged the Force into his enemy. The attack pushed Hargus forward quickly, but he rolled as he hit the ground to avert most of the damage, landing on his feet almost perfectly. An itching at the back of his head alerted him, and he spun around quickly, his lightsaber slinging forth from his hand in a vicious arc, advancing towards the Sith.


The Pureblood broke his sprint towards the Padawan, sliding forward on his knees, bending his back heavily. Hargus's lightsaber narrowly passed over the Sith, returning to the Padawan as his opponent hopped back to his feet and then pounced forward. Raising his saber, Hargus managed to block some of the ferocious attack, but the Sith lashed forward with his free hand, punching the Padawan in the gut. With his hand still forward, he brought it up to grab Hargus by the throat sharply, the Sith's metal gauntlets digging into his jugular. Letting loose a visceral roar, the Pureblood slammed the Padawan angrily, the impact causing Hargus to bounce and let loose a sharp cry.


Hargus lost his grip on his lightsaber, the metal cylinder sliding across the floor from the brutal attack. The Sith stood over his prey, raising his saber slowly, savoring the kill he was about to perform. It was enough time for Hargus, as he pulled the Sith's saber-arm with the Force, bringing him off balancer. With a nimble motion, the Padawan grabbed the Sith by the wrist of his main hand, placed his foot on his stomach, and tossed him over his head with the Force, the Pureblood slamming into the wall opposite of the barrier with a crash.


Continuing his action, Hargus quickly jumped to his feet, whipped his lightsaber back into his hand, and turned his gaze upon the Sith, who was scrambling back to his feet. Just as Hargus swung downward with his saber, the Sith swung upward with his rising motion, causing the collision to stagger both of the fighters. They stepped back several feet from the force, and then brought their sabers together again with another strike, this time spinning off to the side, opposite of each other.


Noticing the futility of the stikes, the Sith began pacing to his left in a circle, Hargus doing the same, remaining opposite of his foe. "You've put up a good fight, Jedi, but you can't defeat me." The Sith spat, malice filling his voice.


"Watch me." Hargus snapped back, leaping forward suddenly, over the Sith's head. Landing on the ground on a knee and a foot, swept his saber at the Sith's feet, forcing the Pureblood to hop into the air, giving the Padawan enough time to rise to his feet. As the Sith landed, Hargus grabbed the wrist of his saber-arm, punching him in the gut with his own saber-hand, discharging a jolt of the Force into the Sith, causing him to reel slightly.


The opening the attack had created gave Hargus the oppurtunity he needed. With his free hand, Hargus smashed the Sith in the jaw, causing him to recoil back a few steps, the space giving the Padawan enough room to let loose a shockwave that knocked the Sith forward, the victim dropping his lightsaber from the impact. Slamming into the same wall as before with a much larger impact, the Sith fell to the floor in a heap, bloodied and battered from the damage he had taken.


With inhuman speed, Hargus advanced upon the Sith, stopping a few feet from the subdued Force-user. "The Jedi will not lose to the likes of you. Or anyone." The Padawan said with a grim, resolute voice, raising his lightsaber up for the killing blow quickly, and stabbing down towards the Sith in a flash, killing him.


After a moment of standing completely still, Hargus deactivated his saber, and stepped away from the corpse of his opponent. He turned his gaze on the barrier that separated him from his squad, and then he spied a panel that looked like it would disable the wall of energy. After a moment of looking over the several buttons and switches, the Padawan found what he needed, and deactivated the barrier.


Immediately, Hargus was set upon by Kadlen, who rushed forward like a wave, and voice his amazement. "THAT WAS INCREDIBLE!" His voice boomed, louder and more excited than Hargus had ever heard it. "You defeated that... Sith, by yourself." He said, clapping his fellow on the back in congratulations.


"He's dead, isn't he?" Hywen broke in, raising an eyebrow inquisitively at Hargus.


"I stabbed him with my lightsaber." Hargus responded, sealing the question from further development. "Thanks for the praise, but we need to hamstring this base ASAP, and then rendezvous with the rest of the force."


"Way ahead of you, sir." One of the marines called, hard at work wiring several charges to important-looking devices. The marines all seemed to be in good condition, save for one who received a blaster-wound during their fight with the Imperials on the other side of the barrier.


"Our objective is complete, then." Hywen stated, turning towards Kadlen and Hargus. "Good job." She said to the marines and the other two Padawans.

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