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Medium Armor Leggings, Consular Style


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I've seen a number of Sith Marauders wearing medium armor leggings that are more like 'Consular Style' leggings- legwraps, if you will.


I've looked around a lot for similar medium armor leggings on the republic side but I haven't been able to find any. I'd really like to roll a sentinel with that look (envisioning something like this minus the Sith-ness).


So does anyone know if/where these kinds of leggings are available to Jedi?

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I haven't seen any, but what I'm looking for are PANTS for my consular.


Also, for my sentinel, I decided since I'm going 'dark' I'd rather not have the standard 'Jedi' look...so I bought smuggler gear, stripped them of their mods, and put my jedi mods in them to wear. Gives me a uniquely un-jedi look. :)

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I've definitely seen a couple of pairs of light armor pants. I don't think they were moddable but I thought I read someone saying they were aiming to get some light armor moddable pants with a high enough social skill, but not sure where those pants are located.


My search to find medium armor, consular-style leggings is probably useless anyway unless they implement a full 'transmog'-type system eventually. Really wish they would :(

Edited by jbmulder
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