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Does nobody remember other MMO launches?


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Like STO, Warhammer, WOW, AOC, or DAOC? Servers crashing for hours(or days), 1000ms pings, gamebreaking bugs, etc.


Yes, your cookie dosent have as many chocolate chips as someone who reserved theirs months ahead of you. This is a good life lesson, you put things off until the last minute and it wont work out as good as if you took care of it earlier.


I would say go work on your car, clean your house, or take the woman somewhere to make her forget you are about to spend most of your awake time ignoring her. However, the likelyhood that some of you have these things is....slim.


1. People who preordered retail in July had to wait months before getting the preorder code.


2. Bugs have nothing to do with staggering/simultaneous access


3. Having the majority of players in a 24-48 hour queue is a poor way to improve playability for all.


4. Had we all been invited at once, you could avoid the queues, crashes, and lag by working on your car, cleaning your house, or taking your significant other out.

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This says it all.


I would rather crash every now and then knowing that other people are dealing with it too. This is more like I opened the game and crashed... now some people are capped level and my game MIGHT be back up tomorrow.

well that's incredibly selfish.



of course this game still hasn't launched yet.

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I remember how those games were available to everyone at the same time, and guess what? I bet even SWTOR's "invincible" servers, according to you, will crash and we'll have long que times and all that on launch day. I'm going to lol so hard when that happens.


are you going to apologize if it doesn't happen?

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