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Power & Accuracy or Critical & Surge ???


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As a DPS I have assumed that Crit & Surge would be the best secondary stats to go for. I'm Arsenal spec and I know a few abilities proc when you score a critical.


I have over 35% crit chance and about 85% crit mulitplier. Even with selecting gear and mods that focus on crit & surge my ranged accuracy is still over 95% and tech accuracy is over 100%



However, I have started looking at the level 50 PvE and PvP vendors and most of the Eliminator gear seems to focus mostly on Power & Accuracy. A few pieces offer crit and/or surge but most are Power & Accuracy.



Which is best for DPS Merc? Should I be trying to max crit and surge or power and accuracy? I assume the gear bought from PvP and PvE vendors with commendations are the best gear you can get but replacing my orange gear which has level 50 purple mods with the level 50 purple gear would dump tons of crit & surge.


I would appreciate your thoughs and if you could explain the reasons as well.



Edited by stesergio
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Here's my 2 cents.


You need to at least get and maintain 100% accuracy. Some would argue that 100% isn't needed, but shots that don't land on the target can't crit, and shots that can't crit won't vent heat ;p


As far as the crit caps, I am not sure. I have heard multiple things from different people. Once you get your 2 piece set bonus, that adds 15% crit to tracer missile. I would say once you get around 35-40% crit, you need to stack power & surge. Most say crit caps around 50%.


As far as alacrity goes, If terminal velocity (vent heat when you crit) could happen more than once every three seconds, it would be worth it. However once every 3 seconds means the more you shoot, the more heat you generate. I would not personally stack alacrity.


Keep in mind, this is when you are fully buffed by all the classes in an operation setting.

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As a DPS I have assumed that Crit & Surge would be the best secondary stats to go for. I'm Arsenal spec and I know a few abilities proc when you score a critical.


I have over 35% crit chance and about 85% crit mulitplier. Even with selecting gear and mods that focus on crit & surge my ranged accuracy is still over 95% and tech accuracy is over 100%



However, I have started looking at the level 50 PvE and PvP vendors and most of the Eliminator gear seems to focus mostly on Power & Accuracy. A few pieces offer crit and/or surge but most are Power & Accuracy.



Which is best for DPS Merc? Should I be trying to max crit and surge or power and accuracy? I assume the gear bought from PvP and PvE vendors with commendations are the best gear you can get but replacing my orange gear which has level 50 purple mods with the level 50 purple gear would dump tons of crit & surge.


I would appreciate your thoughs and if you could explain the reasons as well.




you are at the right place with crit/surge imo, you have to get other set pieces (combat medic hands and head i think) and swap out crit/surge with power/accuracy to get a mix, your crit should not be more than 35, your surge more than 85 but as numbers go up in higher gear it will take less pieces to keep that so you should stack power/accuracy for everything above 35/85 slots.


and for world bosses you need 105 accuracy to never have a miss be your fault, 110% for raid bosses, they haev special ability to miss more than all other mobs (or so i read)

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you are at the right place with crit/surge imo, you have to get other set pieces (combat medic hands and head i think) and swap out crit/surge with power/accuracy to get a mix, your crit should not be more than 35, your surge more than 85 but as numbers go up in higher gear it will take less pieces to keep that so you should stack power/accuracy for everything above 35/85 slots.


and for world bosses you need 105 accuracy to never have a miss be your fault, 110% for raid bosses, they haev special ability to miss more than all other mobs (or so i read)


a note on accuracy, be sure you are looking at both accuracy ratings, its super easy to get your tech rating to 110% accuracy even if the normal accuracy is barely breaking 100%


ive done every raid boss in the game with only 100% normal accuracy, the 110% tech accuracy, my missles and real skills NEVER miss


the only thing that occasionally misses are offhand shots when tossing in a rapid shots while moving or venting heat in long rotations and quite frankly the damage from those is so low as to be laughable anyway compared to the thousands I am putting out with missles, unloads and rail shots, all of which never miss with 110% tech accuracy


tech accuracy is the only one you should be mildly aware of, normal accuracy will be good enough as a side effect (it will be at least 100%) so long as 110% tech accuracy was reached

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heres the way I think about it and the priorities I have for myself for my stats


priority 1. get crit up to 35% - the higher my crit chance, the better I'll perform cuz i'll have more consistant crits to vent my heat through terminal velocity. the lower my heat is the more damage I can do simple as that


priority 2. get accuracy to 100% ranged and 110% tech, majority of your damage is coming from your tracer missles, you want that to be hitting all the time, the only ranged abilities you will be using are unload and rail shot but those are only used a fraction of the time.


priority 3. everything else, power and surge are bonus stats for all I care.

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