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Thank you, Bioware, for ruining my PvP experience


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Let me just get this out first, before SW:TOR, I rarely did anything PvP, once in a blue moon in WoW and other various MMO's I've played.


I must say, I loved PvP before 50, though - it was actually fun, and I actually felt like I stood a chance, I was pretty much at 1000 Warzone / 1000 Merc when I hit 50, got 5 bags - whoo 15 commendations.


Oh, and then I won 3 warzones on my first day - 3 more commendations.


But, more and more on my server it seems like our Imps don't stand a chance, we have some solid PvPers on our side especially for a RP server - yet this is normally how i find a game of, say.... turrets to go.


I rush mid with 5 other people, since I don't have any 50 PvP gear, people notice I only have ~13k health as a Jugg (I think)


I get stunned, hit for 50%, come out of stone, stunned again, hit again for a few seconds and I die.


Instead of worrying about letting the dogs out by having 50's in matches with non-50 PvPers, maybe you should've focused more on the gear and scaling it to not make 50's alone the greatest in the world.


Winning three games on our server is pretty rough for one night, and I often get frustrated and get off before we win even two, mainly because a majority of r50's already have their supergear and just run over me, and the other 50's whom get shafted by these bags.


So, why didn't Bioware do some sort of tier bracket system? Is it fair a level 11 has to fight level 49's? From 45-49 I was pretty much the most dominating player on my team, then at 50 it was like I hit a brick wall.


Pretty much, it seems like you turned 50 PvP into something not even worthwhile for the casual gamer, or person whom enjoys PvE, but only for those whom are fully outfitted with Battlemasters to go and run the show.

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I'll agree there are too many stuns, and people die too fast - it should last a bit longer. More fun.


The entire pvp system has roots and stuns as its foundation. I don't like roots, stuns, snares, etc. so the pvp for me gets annoying fast.


Its also not yet found its balance. Certain classes have big advantages. Its zerg or be zerged. Basic pvp principal. Mass your group. Rally win fast. Zerg again.


The game lacks any combat depth. I've yet to see builds really matter in pvp. Besides huttball where a few sages/sorcs can literally be next to impossible to counter class, roll, etc. don't seem to make much of a difference.


Armor does as people like free kills. I mean why not kill the easy targets first.


I just think pvp is very much not a core game feature. I think its fun for what it is, but to take it seriously as long term end game for me it needs way more reason to particpate. There is no reason to win or lose. Sure you "level" faster. Honestly so what? Given the pace to which I see people leveling pvp gear does it matter?


Its very carebear. Its not even good combat. Its more fustratating than fun. Non firing specials, lag and massive CC just make it thing to help level/play when I am waiting for friends to quest with.


Hardcore pvp it is not. Its just some afterthought.

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They should take stuns out of pvp completely, this is what bugs most people.

Roots, snares, slows, and knockbacks is enough cc for anyone.


If they want to keep stuns, give a one minute immunity so you cannot be stunned to death.

I takes zero skill for a stealth or two players to stun someone until they die.

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I dont mind stuns, but when it's seriosuly













It get annoying


Also, for Taram, I'll never admit I, let alone my team was perfect unless we hold them at the first doors, 6-0 them in huttball, or beat them by 400+ in turrets, let alone how I play - I try my best to be a team player, using my jugg skills to protect healers and taking prot damage (I averaged about 40k prot before the brackets).


But, when it's a 2v2 and I seriously get hit four times and die, I don't think that has anything to do with me, I can break one stun ever minute or so.

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I had similar issues when I first hit 50 last week. It has been frustrating at times, but give it a couple of weeks. I can already tell a difference now that I have been able to get 6 pieces of champion gear (lucky rng).


It takes a different play style at 50 than it did 10-49.

Things happen a lot faster and you have to be a lot more careful to stay out of trouble. Team work, especially in Huttball, is an even bigger advantage than it was at 10-49.


The other big issue I see is queing solo. When you que solo you usually wind up replacing someone who either:

a) just left the match because he knew who he was up against was going to be a tough fight.

b) left the match early because they were already losing.


I notice a huge improvement in wins/losses when I can que with even one other person, because you don't become the substitue for a lost cause half of the time.


Head up! it's going to hurt for a little while, but it will get better.

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Let me just get this out first, before SW:TOR, I rarely did anything PvP, once in a blue moon in WoW and other various MMO's I've played.


I must say, I loved PvP before 50, though - it was actually fun, and I actually felt like I stood a chance, I was pretty much at 1000 Warzone / 1000 Merc when I hit 50, got 5 bags - whoo 15 commendations.


Oh, and then I won 3 warzones on my first day - 3 more commendations.


You enjoyed PVP and were doing well because as you got closer to level 50, you had more of an advantage over the lower levels. Each level you got over the level 20s and 30s in your WZs gave you a 1 talent point advantage over them.


Explain to me, how this is different then progressing in gear.


But, more and more on my server it seems like our Imps don't stand a chance, we have some solid PvPers on our side especially for a RP server - yet this is normally how i find a game of, say.... turrets to go.


I rush mid with 5 other people, since I don't have any 50 PvP gear, people notice I only have ~13k health as a Jugg (I think)


I get stunned, hit for 50%, come out of stone, stunned again, hit again for a few seconds and I die.

Unfortunately for you Jugg is a pretty gear dependent class. The reason you're getting curb stomped is because you progressed into the next bracket. You went from being a big fish, to being the little fish because you're at the bottom. Your opponents actually know what they're doing now, and have the same amount of skillpoints as you.


Instead of worrying about letting the dogs out by having 50's in matches with non-50 PvPers, maybe you should've focused more on the gear and scaling it to not make 50's alone the greatest in the world.

That doesn't even make sense. If your gear doesn't progress in stats then what is the point?


Winning three games on our server is pretty rough for one night, and I often get frustrated and get off before we win even two, mainly because a majority of r50's already have their supergear and just run over me, and the other 50's whom get shafted by these bags.

I feel for you there, the bag system is dumb.


So, why didn't Bioware do some sort of tier bracket system? Is it fair a level 11 has to fight level 49's? From 45-49 I was pretty much the most dominating player on my team, then at 50 it was like I hit a brick wall.


Pretty much, it seems like you turned 50 PvP into something not even worthwhile for the casual gamer, or person whom enjoys PvE, but only for those whom are fully outfitted with Battlemasters to go and run the show.


Um, you're wrong. I'm the definition of a casual gamer and not only am I having a blast but I'm topping charts. Not only are fresh 50s not totally crippled, but they can compete just fine.


Now as I said earlier, you were unlucky to pick a particularly gear dependent class. Pay your dues and earn your gear. We all started as fresh level 50s at one point.


Not to mention by the sounds of it, you need to adjust your style. If you only have 13k hp don't go in first? Hang out in the back until the fight picks up steam and then jump in. MOST pvpers when they pick a target in the first 10 seconds of a battle get tunnel vision. The ones that switch, usually switch to a higher priority target like a healer (and not a juggernaut). If you think through your actions before you take them and don't just rambo in you'll find life is a lot easier for you as an undergeared melee class.

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