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Character Transfering


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I believe that 1 long thread on a forum, in which over 15-20 people have individually commented on their need for this service will definitely motivate Bioware to realize our need.


Think of how many people want this service, but don't know this thread exists, or even that the forums have a place where you can post about this. I am not a forum troll, I am merely here to get the point across that people really want this to be enabled for all of us to have a better time playing the game that we pay monthly for.


This is a service that we are entitled to since we are customers with recurring subscriptions.


i dident even knew there was a suggestion box till i wanted to open this thread. so yeah, there are more out there who want this, but dont know about this thread.

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after a little talk with an ingame admin, i came to the conclusion of opening a thread about this, to show if im maybe the only one wanting this, or maybe not.


my case:


i just simply picked the wrong server, and also stayed to long on it. now i got a level 50, and a level 41 character on that "wrong" server. i tried to reroll the same characters on the "right" server, but got bored after reaching level 29. because i know the most things about my story line, and its not so interessting again, even thought i did the other advance class, then before.


its the wrong server, because i got 8 friends playing on the right server.


so i opened a ticket, if maybe some one can transfer the characters to the "right" server.

they cant. but told me, if enought people are asking for a transfer, they will look what they can do.


so, what about you? wouldnt be a server transfer option a good thing?


now im just trying other classes like crazy, and also leveling a character i find quit fun. but still. the bounty hunter on the "wrong" server is my favourite class, and dont want to redo all the stuff.


+1 to player server moves.

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I also would be interested in server transfers. Same reason as many - I started playing before others and the guild my friends joined is on a different server, but I've put too much time into my main to start over elsewhere.
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I am all for server transfers, more over I am for them being free since we are in the process of still developing servers. I went where they sent my guild when it was created, and in this case, the server seems to have faded drastically. It may be more useful for them to at least allow lower populated servers to transfer amongst themselves to offer more people.
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I would like a lot of services. A faction change and a server change would be nice. I want my level 50 operative to be a smuggler on a different server.


I would NOT want to be allowed to faction change. Your companions would change, your story would change, and you'd just insta-get a other faction character. No no no absolutely no.


On topic, I'd love server changes. I got stuck on a ruin server and its so overpopulated by ruinites I had to join them in order to be able to have opportunities at raids and such.


My friend rolled on another server not knowing I'd be on the one I am on now as well. Plus, my girlfriend plays on my server and a friend of her's server. The server her friend is on is nearly dead, and she never plays her 50 because she can't find any groups.

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I would like a lot of services. A faction change and a server change would be nice. I want my level 50 operative to be a smuggler on a different server.


thats a complete different thing. if you want a lv50 smuggler, make one. the unknown story will keep you leveling with fun. its not the same when you do a whole story line again, from the beginning, or a character with the same playstyle, but with a complete different story and compangion.

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I rolled on my server on release, as there is no real difference between them, (+ I prob didn't do enough research in to what would be good servers. but I do wish to have some form of server transfer / faction change, as I am a very casual SWTOR player as I have commitments to other games (such as the "W" "O" "W" words) I don't really have time to start again from scratch. so all in all very good idea. would love to see this implemented
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Since most of us were automatically transferred to the server that fitted our guild's interest, we still didn't get to pick it manually. Most of us however were not happy with the choice that bioware gave to us, but we refuse to quit on our current servers because of the time and effort we put into our characters and it would be frustrating for anyone to go to another server and start all over again. That's why transfers are important to the average gamer, we still need to consider about user/legacy names what happens to them? What if another player claims the same name or surname as you do when you get transferred over would that be fair to the both of you? No, that is why these type of things shouldn't be unique at all, how many times have I wondered across different people with same name? this shouldn't be different, so as long as your in a guild then you shouldn't have no problem with changes, but of course this is just a suggestion but at least it's something to consider. Edited by RaithHarth
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after a little talk with an ingame admin, i came to the conclusion of opening a thread about this, to show if im maybe the only one wanting this, or maybe not.


my case:


i just simply picked the wrong server, and also stayed to long on it. now i got a level 50, and a level 41 character on that "wrong" server. i tried to reroll the same characters on the "right" server, but got bored after reaching level 29. because i know the most things about my story line, and its not so interessting again, even thought i did the other advance class, then before.


its the wrong server, because i got 8 friends playing on the right server.


so i opened a ticket, if maybe some one can transfer the characters to the "right" server.

they cant. but told me, if enought people are asking for a transfer, they will look what they can do.


so, what about you? wouldnt be a server transfer option a good thing?


now im just trying other classes like crazy, and also leveling a character i find quit fun. but still. the bounty hunter on the "wrong" server is my favourite class, and dont want to redo all the stuff.

They need full strung server merges at this point, they have basically 3 heavy/very heavy US servers, and the rest are Standard or Light, even on a standard there aren't enough people so they need to merge the light with the standard to make more heavy/very heavy servers. This way player's actually have something to do and aren't queueing 50 warzones for hours. Bioware Failed by making so many servers and not realizing not everyone is going to resub to this game. Now they need to mend this problem and fast, or people on standard/light servers will have no reason to Resub because there aren't enough people to get anything going. Add this to the fact they have faction imbalanced servers where Imps are 3 to 1 or more over Republic. This makes the issue even worse for Republic players, leading to yet another factional imbalance.

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