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SWTOR not a threat; Blizz cancels Blizzcon


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Before SWTOR launched, Blizzard went all out for the 2011 Blizzcon... Mists of Pandaria announcement with tons of new systems and features, new playable character, new race, and many other design changes. In short, Blizzard wanted to give MMO fans something big, new, and shiny to entice them not to play SWTOR or at least come back for MoP's launch.


Fast forward to a month after SWTOR's launch, Blizzard doesn't even feel the need to promote their product with Blizzcon during the same year that its biggest competitor should experience the most growth. The gaming industry always takes note of what is talked about at Blizzcon. Yet, Blizzard thinks it does not need the publicity or word-of-mouth to overcome SWTOR, aka the biggest challenge to WoW's subscriber numbers since launch.


What could have changed in the last 3 months since Blizzcon 2011? Possible answers:


1. Lukewarm reaction from SWTOR fans

2. Bad press and word-of-mouth from SWTOR's PvP issues

3. Drop in EA's stock price since launch

4. Method and speed of developmental response to issues


Now, what Blizzard thinks about the success of SWTOR has little effect on its actual success. However, it is somewhat telling, considering that Blizzard is the biggest kid in the MMO sandbox.


What can be done to elevate SWTOR:


1. Listen to playerbase

2. Make informed and logical decisions

3. Players provide constructive feedback

4. No pride or stubbornness getting in the way


Ultimately, we won't be able to see if Bioware put out a great product for years (maybe months, depending). BUT, we do know that some people are upset and vocal about core design issues. Yes, yes... massive QQ. It is everywhere. And with this game being so new and unquantified, the negative impressions that the QQ can propagate will only hurt the game overall. The more subscribers, the more Bioware can do with the game.

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