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Adding friends


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I just started playing about a week ago and one really annoying aspect I've discovered so far is the friends list. I have 3 RL friends on my server and it is very cumbersome to add them to my friends list because you can't add a character who isn't online.


I have 4 characters.

Friend A has 5 characters

Friend B has 2 characters

Friend C has 3 characters


Assuming that everyone isn't online at the same time. In order for friend A and myself to have all of our characters on each others friends lists there would need to be a total of 23 logon/logoffs to achieve this. Another 9 for friend B and 14 for friend C. If any of us were to create another character it would entail 10 more logon/logoff.


I know that we could create a guild (which would still require 13 more logs) and we could use vent/TS to keep in touch but that is all besides the point. It would make things a whole lot easier if I could just let each of my friends know that my 4 character names are X and they do the same.

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Agreed. This seems very odd also, in that I created an alt quite early on in the levelling process to be able to send the green items I didn't need, to be sold on GTN, and I was able to add that character as a friend on my main, but I can't do the reverse.


At the very least, it should be possible to add the sender of an in-game mail to your friends list, without telling me that they don't exist!

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Tremorlaine and I have talked about the reasons why they might prevent adding a player name while offline, and the only reason we could come up with is that it might be a layer of defense against gold spammers that could brute force add player names and start spamming. I think a friend request system (with a comment section) would be a good idea to help with both sides. If you don't know them, you can decline and won't be added to their friends list.
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I never understood this one either... Seems pretty standard, only reason I can think of is some obscure software/data issue.


Also, I'd like to see an account based friends list. Like battle.net when SC2 launched. I'd like to be able to talk to friends of other factions and servers without needing an extra program open.

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If this is for spammer protection couldn't the spammer just add everyone online to a friend list if they wanted? They are spamming so they don't care who they get to, rather the volume.


Please Devs:

  • Allow an option for Global Friends List
  • Allow offline friends to be added to Friends List
  • Allow notes for Friends List (i.e.- Mikes alt, Johns alt, Artificer, healer, etc)

Edited by SirArion
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