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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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So go then, make yet another "I Cancelled and the Game Died Because I Left" post on these forums. But before that, how many people you would need to have around and in what capacity to make you happy with the game? Edited by Rouge
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I just got off my main server where we had 19-30 Imps on Fleet for the last hour. It's a light pop. I went over to a Standard server I have an alt on and there are 118 Republic on fleet.


The pop on my main server doesn't really bother me as my guild has 2 8 man Ops groups. I'd be running 1 now if I weren't about to go out drinking.



Why would you quit the game just because your server sucks when it's so easy to start on a server that has 100 or more on fleet at prime time?

Edited by Kourage
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So go then, make yet another "I Cancelled and the Game Died Because I Left" post on these forums. But before that, how many people you would need to have around and in what capacity to make you happy with the game?


I don't get your problem. You think rerolling is the answer? I really don't know if you've been reading this post at all, and your replies are far from constructive.


I don't want to cancel, the game isn't dying it is CERTAIN SERVERS. If you could read the posts that have been said you would have realised that by now.


Theres really no point in answering you because your one of those fanboys that will always turn things round, and make a mountain out of a mole hill. All people are trying to do are express their concerns for their servers which have less than 200 people on per side at peak times, hell even more.


And you come in here and provide nothing. Honestly just go troll else where, theres a problem, and you can keep denying it until your the last one left on fleet if your so lucky to be on a dead server.


But im guessing the fact that your not even 50 yet goes to show you've started fairly recently, or taken your time to level and have been lucky enough to put yourself on a populated and healthy server.

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I just got off my main server where we had 19-30 Imps on Fleet for the last hour. It's a light pop. I went over to a Standard server I have an alt on and there are 118 Republic on fleet.


The pop on my main server doesn't really bother me as my guild has 2 8 man Ops groups. I'd be running 1 now if I weren't about to go out drinking.



Why would you quit the game just because your server sucks when it's so easy to start on a server that has 100 or more on fleet at prime time?


Again. Gear. Gear. Gear. Gear and gear. Time = Money = Gear. You've already paid X amount to get this far in a game, why would you go and reroll just to do EXACTLY the same thing, prehaps even the same class on a different server because Bioware opened too many on launch / People have been leaving?


We've got enough for two NM Ops groups, we do it every week. But when your the only guild who's progressing, and everyone else is rerolling onto another server its demoralizing.


You've put the time and effort into a character already, and you have communities, guilds of 30+ people who all play together who have work, lives ect - You can't tell them "Oh guys, this servers ****, we're going to reroll" when you've already established yourself on a server.


Its silly to even think about as an "option" or a "solution" to this problem, as for quitting the game Im not personally but many other people have because this is a MMO - for those who have forgotten that means








Not a handful of active people on a whole server, let alone the size of the worlds. This game is based around playing with other people, and its hard to do so when there are hardly any people online.

Edited by Mysquine
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But im guessing the fact that your not even 50 yet goes to show you've started fairly recently, or taken your time to level and have been lucky enough to put yourself on a populated and healthy server.


I started late December. I have played from the start on an RP server that has always been Standard for most of the day. Can't remember it ever being Heavy. I've done all I've could, just missed on a few Heroics because I haven't gotten a group for them. Have done all Flashpoints, most of them twice, until my level. And this on a Standard server, so I don't understand the bored, can't get a group etc folks.


And I have a level 23 main Rep alt and level 15 and 14 alts.


Re-rolling is not just an answer, it's how this game has been intended to play. KOTORs 3-10, you remember?

Edited by Rouge
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I don't want to cancel, the game isn't dying it is CERTAIN SERVERS. If you could read the posts that have been said you would have realised that by now.


Well, they plan on opening character transfers in April, after they do the AP transfers. They have said nothing about server merges....so do not expect server merges. More like they will issue vacate order to some servers and shut them down at some point (Rift approach).


NOW, the smart move in any new MMO is roll a few characters on 2 or 3 servers, and play them all in rotation for a bit until you see what's up on the server. Then, pick a preference, OR keep playing on a couple servers with multiple characters in rotation. It slows down the leveling process, it provides play variety, it lets you play both factions and it lets you scope out different servers before setting down into a permanent home server.


IN REALITY, people say on one hand it is so easy to level, yet they complain about the concept of a reroll on a new server. Makes no sense really UNLESS you put all your time and energy into cap leveling a character quickly and playing the crap out of the end game PvE and PvP. If that is what you did, you have nobody to blame but yourself to do something like this on a brand new MMO. That approach works well on a mature established MMO, NOT on a brand new MMO.

Edited by Andryah
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NOW, the smart move in any new MMO is roll a few characters on 2 or 3 servers, and play them all in rotation for a bit until you see what's up on the server. Then, pick a preference, OR keep playing on a couple servers with multiple characters in rotation. It slows down the leveling process, it provides play variety, it lets you play both factions and it lets you scope out different servers before setting down into a permanent home server.


Actually the smart move is to roll on a full server with queues and start the login procedure way before you actually can/want to play (i.e. with remote access, before you eat, ...).

And never roll on one of the "recommended" servers.



But hey guys - cheer up - you'll get the bandaids crossrealm warzones / flashpoint finders instead of a good solution (mergers)

Edited by Zocat
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Just logged in and im one of two people in the entire rep fleet i understand its off peak hours but still leaves me with little next to nothing to do apart from log off, i hope this is fixed soon or swtor is going to be very short lived mmo for me which is a shame as i loved the game so far...please fix this bioware
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Re-rolling is not just an answer, it's how this game has been intended to play. KOTORs 3-10, you remember?


It is not how this game has been intended to play, and you are again looking past the whole problem which this thread is about >.< Im all up for leveling alts but on the same server I have my main on, however that is a very low population server. This thread is asking for more information in regards to merges (IF the are going to carried out) and if they are not then when will there be a form of transfer, will it be free? But Anyway think what you want.


Well, they plan on opening character transfers in April, after they do the AP transfers. They have said nothing about server merges....so do not expect server merges. More like they will issue vacate order to some servers and shut them down at some point (Rift approach).


NOW, the smart move in any new MMO is roll a few characters on 2 or 3 servers, and play them all in rotation for a bit until you see what's up on the server. Then, pick a preference, OR keep playing on a couple servers with multiple characters in rotation. It slows down the leveling process, it provides play variety, it lets you play both factions and it lets you scope out different servers before setting down into a permanent home server.


IN REALITY, people say on one hand it is so easy to level, yet they complain about the concept of a reroll on a new server. Makes no sense really UNLESS you put all your time and energy into cap leveling a character quickly and playing the crap out of the end game PvE and PvP. If that is what you did, you have nobody to blame but yourself to do something like this on a brand new MMO. That approach works well on a mature established MMO, NOT on a brand new MMO.


I'd like to know a little bit more about it, other than hoping they roll them out after the asian/Australian transfers take place in April, and as stated above whether or not low population servers will be eligible for free transfers, or if it will just be free for everyone.


As for the leveling, yes it is easy if you spacebar it all and just walk through the content, the PvE takes times, and a few weeks to get into the swing of things. But in reality a group of 30+ active people should not be expected to move onto another server or level up characters there just to do the same again as their primary server is dying.


As for the Brand new MMO - the content is interesting but it is not challenging. Gear is too easy to obtain for those that have grown up with MMO's but thats a different story all together.


Rerolling, or switching between characters isn't what this game to me is about, nor any other MMO. If you ask anyone who has played various online games from WoW to age of conan they will usually all say its about your main character. But at the end of the day its what works for you. Many of us have already rerolled alts to 50 on both republic and empire on our server, and really once you've done it 2-3 times you don't want to have to do it another time.


Lets steer this topic away from "Rerolling" and such like that, because honestly the majority of people that have posted here and are for server merges really don't consider that an option. If it was, there wouldn't be so many people asking for them.

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Just logged in and im one of two people in the entire rep fleet i understand its off peak hours but still leaves me with little next to nothing to do apart from log off, i hope this is fixed soon or swtor is going to be very short lived mmo for me which is a shame as i loved the game so far...please fix this bioware


Have you noticed that there is actual content outside the Fleets? Planets? Go and do quests on them?

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It is not how this game has been intended to play...


It is. This has never been intended to be Star Wars: The End Game.


When it comes to server mergers: No to them. Free transfers? Sure.

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But hey guys - cheer up - you'll get the bandaids crossrealm warzones / flashpoint finders instead of a good solution (mergers)


Made me laugh :D


It is. This has never been intended to be Star Wars: The End Game.


When it comes to server mergers: No to them. Free transfers? Sure.


And its not called Star Wars: Alt Fest 2012


When you have a game with content such as "Progress from level 1 to 50" the game doesn't tell you "Go back to Korriban, kill everyone on the planet as you know it because your an overpowered force/tech user!" no, it sends you into the direction of:


  • Flash points
  • Warzones
  • Operations
  • World Bosses
  • World PvP
  • Daily Quests
  • Weekly Quests
  • Crafting / Farming resources
  • ILUM! :)


and most importantly


  • Money farming


I have played from the start on an RP server that has always been Standard for most of the day.


I can see where you are coming from with of course, as you've now stated - an RP Realm for those that are interested the lovely few items of lore that are dotted around here and there on each planet and social ranks which has now finally been able to work to its full potential (due to a bug of not receiving correct amounts).


And this on a Standard server, so I don't understand the bored, can't get a group etc folks.


If you reffer back to my "list" the majority of these require more than one person. This is not a Single player game, again it is a MMO. Now not every server is standard. And from doing a little bit of research as to numbers of people it requires to make a server appear as "standard" it lays around 500 in total.


When a server is not even at standard, and is below - this would mean that there are less than 500 people. And again in my servers case there is usually about 300-450 spread out between empire and republic.


There is a mixture of different levels and where people are progress wise meaning that when you are on a planet there might be 3-5 other people your level who may be eligible for your quests. Or if your lucky the most I've seen on one given planet apart from ilum and corellia is around 10.


Now, when you ask for a group in /1 - You wait for a response. Nothing. You look to see and theres a few people, you ask them for a group and they have already done it or prefer to do other things. It makes it alot harder to progress whilst leveling with heroic quests.


Flashpoints - How fun. Its gotten to the point that people on my server are now asking for boosts because you can sit there in fleet for x hours, you can move to a planet your level and ask people and they are not interested. Yes the LFG system would solve this problem, but it still means the server as a whole has hardly anyone on there and the community and economy suffer.


Warzones - Again same can be said about this, at the moment theres usually 1-2 level 50 bracket pvp games at prime times, and a few low levels running. The Cross-server would solve this problem but again, communities and economy suffer.


Crafting and Resource farming - With a server that has a lack of players items are rare on the GTN. Mission discoveries go for 100k+ and theres barely any consumables to be seen or anything else that is useful.


Hopefully you can see where I am going here. A game like Starwars: The Old Republic - needs a healthy amount of people per server to provide gamers with the ultimate experience which this game should provide.


Sitting around in fleet or any other planet for hours trying to find a group to complete game content should not be part of any game.


If you had chosen a server which was Heavy / Had a queue from release and it turned into a light unpopulated server - I think your opinions would be very different.


Running around Ilum, unopposed and on your own getting armaments - now that's world PvP and a game at its best.

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Lets steer this topic away from "Rerolling" and such like that, because honestly the majority of people that have posted here and are for server merges really don't consider that an option. If it was, there wouldn't be so many people asking for them.


Bioware has said zero, squat, zip, nada about server merges.






General character transfer will follow after the optional one-off transfer already announced for Asia-Pacific players.


Since AP transfers are not until April, the earliest there can be character transfers is sometime afterward.


That's two months from now, and clearly their plan is character transfers. And probably vacate notices on some of the dead servers. NOT Server merges.

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That's two months from now, and clearly their plan is character transfers. And probably vacate notices on some of the dead servers. NOT Server merges.


Just posting in the thread with the specific name relating to merges and was meant in a general term, probably wont happen but something needs to be done :) Would nice to be confirmed at-least, and Im sure a few of the servers would end up ghost towns.


Question is : Free or paid. (I know which one they'll probably go for $£)

Edited by Mysquine
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Just posting in the thread with the specific name relating to merges and was meant in a general term, probably wont happen but something needs to be done :) Would nice to be confirmed at-least, and Im sure a few of the servers would end up ghost towns.


Question is : Free or paid. (I know which one they'll probably go for $£)


Personally, I think they will go the Rift route, because they have about 30-40 servers between NA and EU that are perpetually light and they probably do not want to try to draw down from the healthier servers. Basically free transfers, with restrictions in some cases (ie: shutting full servers from transfers into).


If they had a good number of servers with queues every night, then they would go the WoW approach and control transfer routes, or force you to pay to override the approved transer routes.


But we will have to wait and see.

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I dont really care what they do, whether it be server merges or paid transfers, I just want them to do SOMETHING. I am fairly new to the MMO scene, I'm not going to lie, and I play in the TELOS RESTORATION PROJECT server. I understand that it is my fault for picking this server from the get go, its just that I was under the assumption to NOT pick a heavy server, since it would become over-populated. (My mistake). It just sucks that someone like myself who is an MMO noob has extreme difficulty finding ANYONE to group with, no matter I am trying to do. I play very often, but would LOVE to get the full MMO experience and join a guild but even that is difficult in the server im in. Its sucks, BIG TIME!!!
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I play on Dark sion, and mind trick both get in to the HEAVY category every now and then, questing on planets stills feels dead, 3 different guilds I was in on dark sion have died or are slowly dieing. Bottom line is people are leaving at a alarming rate, the server cap is WAY TO LOW, this is supposed to be a mmo, yet feels like a SP game most of the time, I dont think mergers will even help this game, at this point I feel like it is a heavy rock sinking to the bottom of the ocean
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I don't think that BW will ever merge servers. They will offer either free or paid transfers and let the community do it themselves.


If they do a forced merge then they have to handle guilds, character names, legacy names. They tick off all the people that lose their toon names, legacy names.


Providing a transfer leaves it is up to the player to choose to go to another server and accept that he has to change toon/legacy names if they are already taken there .. or choose a different server where he/she can keep their names.

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I dont really care what they do, whether it be server merges or paid transfers, I just want them to do SOMETHING. I am fairly new to the MMO scene, I'm not going to lie, and I play in the TELOS RESTORATION PROJECT server. I understand that it is my fault for picking this server from the get go, its just that I was under the assumption to NOT pick a heavy server, since it would become over-populated. (My mistake). It just sucks that someone like myself who is an MMO noob has extreme difficulty finding ANYONE to group with, no matter I am trying to do. I play very often, but would LOVE to get the full MMO experience and join a guild but even that is difficult in the server im in. Its sucks, BIG TIME!!!


Its definitely not your fault im on Port Nowhere, an above average server and i still cant group.

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I play on Dark sion, and mind trick both get in to the HEAVY category every now and then, questing on planets stills feels dead, 3 different guilds I was in on dark sion have died or are slowly dieing. Bottom line is people are leaving at a alarming rate, the server cap is WAY TO LOW, this is supposed to be a mmo, yet feels like a SP game most of the time, I dont think mergers will even help this game, at this point I feel like it is a heavy rock sinking to the bottom of the ocean





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I play on Dark sion, and mind trick both get in to the HEAVY category every now and then, questing on planets stills feels dead, 3 different guilds I was in on dark sion have died or are slowly dieing. Bottom line is people are leaving at a alarming rate, the server cap is WAY TO LOW, this is supposed to be a mmo, yet feels like a SP game most of the time, I dont think mergers will even help this game, at this point I feel like it is a heavy rock sinking to the bottom of the ocean



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Having leveled 2 Imperial toons to the upper 40's and currently playing a Republic toon, I have no real desire to get to 50 on any other them due to the low population on ICE Breaker. Yes, it claims to be standard, but my fear is that once I get my toons to 50, I will not be able to progress into end-game material. So, merging servers to increase populations would encourage players like myself to top off my toons with confidence that they will be more than just banks. On the other hand, toon transfers may be an equally suitable solution. Low population servers are nice to level because the kill snatchers need not bother, they have very little to worry about, their kill is usually up. I have, however, not been able to enjoy the heroics and flashpoints due to the difficulty in finding groups consistantly. On this note, I think BW needs to look at the solution to these problems that Rift presents, cross-server grouping/pvp, easy toon transfers and an overall reduction of total server count. These are my humble opinions that I hope help BW build healthy in-game populations.
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If they wait until the end of April or May to merge servers/start transfers you will see this game crash and burn. The purpose of Ilum was to have a war not drive in circles picking up boxes...


I have an extremely dedicated guild on a "standard" but low pop server. But on off days it's impossible to get a group together. If my standard set of guys aren't on there is absolutely nothing to do. It's impossible to do endgame all you do is drive in circles trying to compete with 2 other people to get armaments, and people are talking about leaving because they want to be on a higher pop realm.

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