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my theory of why things are broke


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1. The reason why we slam our buttons is because our abilities show that they are off cooldown because they are not greyed out. I have noticed that when we have enough rage to use a skill it no longer greys out when in reality the ability is still on cooldown.....


1.1 simple fix for that is to keep skills greyed out untill they are fully off cooldown.


2. Ravage is just broke half the time I use it I get rooted in place... I have no fix for that


3. Force choke only works half the time I use it due to the fact that during use it fills the resolve bar and during our channel if u fill it they just walk away. Or if it already filled it just don't work.


3.1 as this being one our best skills for the rage tree, it builds shock and is our best form of CC (which we lack) allow this skill to not build resolve, and all problems with the skill will be solved.


4. If you use your slam directly after a force charge and happen to get knoced back the ability goes off after the knock back. Or if you happen to get it off at the same time u get knocked back they don't take damage and the ability is on cooldown and you lose your shockwave.


4.1 fix: increase the the are of affect size of slam so people can't walk away from us, also give us a 1 sec immunity to knock back after a force charge should fix the whole issue.


Guys I hope this post helps us along the way BW can make these simple changes and I think people would enjoy the mara so much more....


If you have any helpful ideas add them to this post.....

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First post ever......


1. The reason why we slam our buttons is because our abilities show that they are off cooldown because they are not greyed out. I have noticed that when we have enough rage to use a skill it no longer greys out when in reality the ability is still on cooldown.....


I agree, that gets annoying. Id rather see a timer.

1.1 simple fix for that is to keep skills greyed out untill they are fully off cooldown.

Which i thought was how it was until a recent patch a week ro two ago, a friend of mine noticed this change as well.


2. Ravage is just broke half the time I use it I get rooted in place... I have no fix for that

Its a bug, eventually itll get fixed...till then, pray to the nerd gods.


3. Force choke only works half the time I use it due to the fact that during use it fills the resolve bar and during our channel if u fill it they just walk away. Or if it already filled it just don't work.

Yep this happens to me too. Im sure its a bug.


3.1 as this being one our best skills for the rage tree, it builds shock and is our best form of CC (which we lack) allow this skill to not build resolve, and all problems with the skill will be solved.

No, its a stun, other classes will call for there stuns to not build resolve either. Rage needs another way to build those shock points, else rage is pretty weaksauce.


4. If you use your slam directly after a force charge and happen to get knoced back the ability goes off after the knock back. Or if you happen to get it off at the same time u get knocked back they don't take damage and the ability is on cooldown and you lose your shockwave.

I noticed this too when i tried it out, biggest reason i respeced back to Carnage.


4.1 fix: increase the the are of affect size of slam so people can't walk away from us, also give us a 1 sec immunity to knock back after a force charge should fix the whole issue.

Just increasing the range of smash is enough


Guys I hope this post helps us along the way BW can make these simple changes and I think people would enjoy the mara so much more....


If you have any helpful ideas add them to this post.....



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