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Is Obi-Wan incapable of fighting well unless on the defensive?


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I ask this because in Episodes 2 and 3, Obi-Wan doesn't appear to fight effectively unless he is on the defensive. Dooku treated him like a gray mob in the Battle of Coruscant and he went down just as fast against him on Geonosis.


It seems that only when Grevious went in on the offensive did he really display his strength, even when most Jedi would have felt intimidated by Grevious' advance with four blades.


I'm aware Soresu is a defensive form, but was Obi-Wan dead weight in a fight that depended on pressing the attack?


His form in Episode 1 was Ataru I've heard, so if he was a practitioner of Ataru before Soresu, why couldn't he have used the traits to press the attack against Dooku in both encounters? In his encounter with Darth Maul, Maul seemed to be playing defensively and cautiously as he dealt with two Jedi at a single time, and the only advantage Obi-Wan had was fighting alone, his burst of emotions and freedom to maneuver giving him a momentary edge.


Can Obi-Wan not defeat an opponent that isn't trying to go after him aggressively? Was it not only Dooku's reputation and experience, but his raw talent with dueling that allowed him to best Obi-Wan as he did? Or was it merely that Makashi, Dooku's form I believe, was a counter to Obi-Wan's own style? Was it his defensive nature that was his true weakness in some encounters?


EDIT: I know the questions are everywhere but I really wanted to get this down. If anyone has any book information they'd wish to share that would help explain Obi-Wan's abilities in saber combat that the movies cannot, I'd like you to do so!

Edited by RayceUlrand
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3rd Paragraph, I already mentioned I know his form of battle, please read all I said next time.


Or in case you did but the title didn't change for you, I changed it to 'Is Obi-Wan incapable of fighting well unless on the defensive?' to better make sense of the thread's spirit. Not tryin' to be a dick or anything. :3

Edited by RayceUlrand
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Dooku in Episode II was a better duelist. He had mastered Makashi, but Obi-Wan had not mastered Soresu. There's the disparity there...as for Episode III....script. He had to get knocked out of the fight in order to have Anakin vs Dooku, Palps egging Anakin on yada yada yada.


In Episode I he IS offensive and does beat Maul. Yes he did it cause Maul was taunting him, Maul had the upper hand etc.....last one stainding was Obi-Wan so he won that fight. Lets not forget our very first scene with Obi-Wan "fighting"....he cut off someone's arm. So yes, he can be aggressive and win fights, but it's not his way thus his mastery of Soresu.


As Yoda says, ". A Jedi uses The Force for knowledge and defense. Never for attack"

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