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Map Filter Addition


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Caveat: If this has been posted before, I apologize for bringing it up again.


I didn't know where to put this thread, so I'm just going to post it here and see what people think. I submitted this as a feature request ticket and I was advised to post it on the forum for discussion. So here I am.


I think it would be a really cool addition if the developers could add two more Map filters.


1) Fleet/Orbital Station Shuttle

2) Spaceport/Hangar


While the Spaceports actually SAY spaceport on them, but....there's a filter option for the Taxis and the Quick Travel points, but nothing for the Shuttles/Spaceports.


Obviously once you've gone around a planet a few times, you start to remember where they are, but it would be really nice if they added a filter to the map so you could easily find a shuttle location.


I've found myself more than once wanting to just find the nearest shuttle and go up to fleet and it stinks to have to use a Quick Travel or Emergency Fleet Pass if you want to get there quickly (yes, i know they sell a 1 time use Teleport to Fleet).


So, I open the discussion to you, the SWTOR community. What do you think? Good idea, bad idea, Indifferent?

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