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A Legitimate Question


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I know I'll get flamed, but...



I feel like lower level items are all but practically useless. Save for the stat bonus, applicable towards PVE, and the like, there seems to be no real reason to not sell something you can't use to the normal vendors.


Be it green, blue, orange, etc... All they seems to be useful for is taking up space. There are stat bonuses in PVP, so really the differences seem moot. I've looted numerous, superior quality items, only to see them sit in my bank, or be sold to a vendor. (Yes, I have tried the Galactic Trade Market. No, I have not had success - still trying to figure it out.)


Here comes the flame train part! I propose a level cap, and level dependent PVP WZ's - YES, just like 'the-game-that-shall-not-be-named'. It would jump start a rather non-existent economy, and promote an entirely different function of gameplay (as soon as PVP gets fixed, balanced, etc...)


The Desire to roll alts would increase, as well as the desire to hold on to ones items, and or sell them.


The fun of looting something rare just isn't as present as it once was, from a pve to pvp standpoint. That quality alone increased my desire to pvp and try out the advantages of a new piece of gear. I just reached level 40 the other day (yes, not 50, big deal) and I didn't even bother purchasing the pvp gear - whats the point?


TL : DR - Implement 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, and so forth level caps for pvp, and a function-able option to stop gaining exp (Toon town). I believe it would help boost the economy and add a little more flavor to the game.


I could be wrong, what do you guys think?

Edited by Kasukua
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The Bolster effect raises stats but it doesn't affect your gear. So it may be a small difference but yes equipment does matter in pvp.


The current problem with level caps is we're not cross server atm. Wait for that to happen then start suggesting leveling caps otherwise say goodbye to PVP.

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The Bolster effect raises stats but it doesn't affect your gear. So it may be a small difference but yes equipment does matter in pvp.


The current problem with level caps is we're not cross server atm. Wait for that to happen then start suggesting leveling caps otherwise say goodbye to PVP.


so you think is a possible chance once x-server pvp happens?

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