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Let's start a list and see how many Operatives are rerolling with Nerf


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Im not rerolling I just quit the game. No point of playing a game when 1 month its out they do such a ridiculous patch that they make the class you play completely worthless. Bioware is obviously incompetent. Ive played other mmo never have I seen a nerf so bad and so early in the game that completely destroyed a class for both pve and pvp when they weren't even the biggest dmg dealers.
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BW did not broke the class you play, they adjusted it. In fact even with these adjustments, the class is still fun to play :D


Have you tried PvE?


This is the part that kills me. Everyone over in the test server forums is talking about how Ops are just fine still, because they can stunlock you in PvP. Guess what? The entire problem we're complaining about is that balance now apparently ONLY matters in PvP. The devs decide we're too strong in PvP, and give us some nerfs that affect PvE as well... and people tell us to quit complaining because in PvP we're still somewhat viable thanks to the resolve change, which obviously doesn't benefit PvE at all.


Can I still get groups in PvE? Sure. My friends still play with me, and if a group has an Op healer they can usually be convinced that I'm not worthless as those folks won't have the same bias. Also, people who've grouped with me before know that I know what I'm doing and so are more than happy to group up again, even post-nerf.

But PUG HMs? Operations? There, it starts getting more problematic, because they know (correctly) that there are plenty of better DPS classes that want to do the same content. Even a badly played Sorc can do a good amount of DPS, but a badly played Op is often a liability, so if the groups don't know me, they're taking a risk.


And that's the problem. Not just that we're a one-note spec, not just that we're only okay (not great) in PvP, but that the same isn't true of other classes.

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