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Sentinels Need something.. no way bioware meant for this.


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a whole bunch of people post (who never played one and dont currently) saying how they own other classes.


BS - i've been playing all day and sentinels need something. My gear is bad as bad ***** as it can get without dumping another 100k in implants to get epic.


My skills are all put into watchman (because everyone says combat stinks until level 43) and still classes that are much lowern in rank are beating me even 1 on 1.


Now the reserse is true when i use my sage/sorc.


I'm not a complete moron. Something is wrong with this class.


as others have posted - the killer is the armor - healing - and fact that they can simply stun us to death... and then we can't get to them. Lots of suggestions have been made.



But lets face it, we either need immunity chance on these slows and such at least and lower focus costs.. OR when we DO get close adn DO build up al ltha focus while trying to cut through armor, stunned and everything else. LET US HIT HARDER. ALLOT HARDER

Edited by Darth_Dynas
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I'm guessing you're not high enough lvl yet, and if that's the case you will suffer quite a bit.


Once you're lvl 50 and start getting Champion/BM gear it'll be a whole other ball game. Back when I was in full champion gear, I maybe lost 1 or 2 times ever in a 1v1, but now that I'm in almost full Battlemaster, I haven't lost a 1v1 even to sorcs or ops in BM gear.


The only thing that annoys me a bit is the amount of CC in this game. If you're melee you'll pretty much gonna be stuck in place in case you fight 2-3 sorcs at once. I'd love to see Resolute on a 30-45 secs cooldown instead of the incredibly long cooldown that it currently has.


Just hang in there, it'll get better as you level up and as you rank up your valor. Of course, with the current bag lottery system, you'll need to have luck when opening those champion/bm bags.

Edited by ---AlterEgo---
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Once you're lvl 50 and start getting Champion/BM gear it'll be a whole other ball game. Back when I was in full champion gear, I maybe lost 1 or 2 times ever in a 1v1, but now that I'm in almost full Battlemaster, I haven't lost a 1v1 even to sorcs or ops in 1v1.




sage/sorc suck in 1v1 they are just **** in team fights.

i do agree this class does reasonable damage, but correct use of cds is what makes it shine

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i'm guessing that a sorc in teh same gear - or any of th classes really will pwn even wtih teh gear.

i'm sure with more skill, better gear it can compensate.


But until we either hit like a truck - or have some passive skill to ahve us to have a 25% chance to avoid the stuns pushbacks slow throws at us.



They could just bump our speed up such that we move 25% baster all the time (then ataru would be more so).


I'm rank 41. I'm getting close to end game here.. i'm sure playing against battle master geared anything isn't going to be fun.



My biggest beaf is me not being able to do enough damage and being so squishy. (I'll accept being squishy IF I can do damage. But not being able to even hit someone because of cc's and slows and such while they can continusally do damage to me is just beyond horrid

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I'm guessing you're not high enough lvl yet, and if that's the case you will suffer quite a bit.


Once you're lvl 50 and start getting Champion/BM gear it'll be a whole other ball game. Back when I was in full champion gear, I maybe lost 1 or 2 times ever in a 1v1, but now that I'm in almost full Battlemaster, I haven't lost a 1v1 even to sorcs or ops in BM gear.


The only thing that annoys me a bit is the amount of CC in this game. If you're melee you'll pretty much gonna be stuck in place in case you fight 2-3 sorcs at once. I'd love to see Resolute on a 30-45 secs cooldown instead of the incredibly long cooldown that it currently has.


Just hang in there, it'll get better as you level up and as you rank up your valor. Of course, with the current bag lottery system, you'll need to have luck when opening those champion/bm bags.


Actually - if they gave sentinels a skill that let us use resolute more - that would certainly help us!


They could turf those ONLY HIT THEM WHEN STUNNED moves. We don't have much that we can use it for. The slow never lets us do it against players.

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a whole bunch of people post (who never played one and dont currently) saying how they own other classes.


BS - i've been playing all day and sentinels need something. My gear is bad as bad ***** as it can get without dumping another 100k in implants to get epic.


My skills are all put into watchman (because everyone says combat stinks until level 43) and still classes that are much lowern in rank are beating me even 1 on 1.


I'm not going to say we wtfpwn classes, but we are very much one of the most dangerous classes in solo combat, and can be as dangerous as any other class in group PvP.


Alot of it depends on how the class is played, we aren't meant to withstand focused fire, that combat stealth ability, awe, and guarded by the force are all your best friends, and we have multiple interrupts for a reason. Force leaping into the middle of a group of charging imps first is a quick way to kill yourself, unless you have awe and stealth ready to slip away after stunning a group and killing their momentum.



Valor ranks dont give any sort of buff to anything, just title ranks (until 60), so if you're getting beat by someone with lower valor ranks its not because of that.


Watchman is also viable in PvP, I usually pvp with watchman. I don't usually top the damage charts but I die less and am more often than not in the upper section of medals. It should be noted that I mostly have champ gear with some orange gear and a columi helm.


I've also tried out focus, and it does significantly more burst damage with its force sweep when properly set up, though I feel like I have somewhat less survivability unless I have a pocket healer. That force sweep is basically your tracer missile in focus...use it whenever you can.



Now the reserse is true when i use my sage/sorc.


I'm not a complete moron. Something is wrong with this class.


as others have posted - the killer is the armor - healing - and fact that they can simply stun us to death... and then we can't get to them. Lots of suggestions have been made.

But lets face it, we either need immunity chance on these slows and such at least and lower focus costs.. OR when we DO get close adn DO build up al ltha focus while trying to cut through armor, stunned and everything else. LET US HIT HARDER. ALLOT HARDER


Playing up through to a geared 50 I can't say there is too big an issue with the class, it is definitely possible to do well, but it isn't player friendly without a doubt.


We are gimped with regards to grabbing medals in warzones, because all we can do is dps.


I havn't played another class, though I've been thinking of trying out a trooper alt, so maybe they are face rolling easy compared to a sentinel, but as it is at 50, I can't say they are broken.:D

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sage/sorc suck in 1v1 they are just **** in team fights.

i do agree this class does reasonable damage, but correct use of cds is what makes it shine


say that to my sage haha.


I fear no other class in 1v1. Sometimes if I get too clsoe to a bounty hunter i'll have to bit careful. In general I tear through anyone dumb enough to fight me 1v1.


Normally i tear 2v1 without issue depending on the classes.- Sentinels. 2 on me, bla. i'd be hurt bad, but they'd be dead.

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I find the slowing all teh time is the worst thing they do to us.. that alone just lets them walk away while they beat on us.


That is jsut wrong.


(and I do it to sentinels too). I get a sentinel jumping on me (armor is up all the time) so i beat on them a little til it shatters, stunning them. THen i back away hitting them with all my skills i can do while moving. I stun them, hit them with my hard hitters.


If they break it, I slow them backing up the while time adn hitting them the whole time. Then if they leap at me again, I'll push them away( sorce can stun again when that happens i am pretty sure). If they haven't died by now I may lev, throw myself a heal, take a medpack. Then finish them off.



Same idea against two basically, cept more pushing, and i may run at them to have them get stunned.

Edited by Darth_Dynas
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I'm not going to say we wtfpwn classes, but we are very much one of the most dangerous classes in solo combat, and can be as dangerous as any other class in group PvP.


Alot of it depends on how the class is played, we aren't meant to withstand focused fire, that combat stealth ability, awe, and guarded by the force are all your best friends, and we have multiple interrupts for a reason. Force leaping into the middle of a group of charging imps first is a quick way to kill yourself, unless you have awe and stealth ready to slip away after stunning a group and killing their momentum.



Valor ranks dont give any sort of buff to anything, just title ranks (until 60), so if you're getting beat by someone with lower valor ranks its not because of that.


Watchman is also viable in PvP, I usually pvp with watchman. I don't usually top the damage charts but I die less and am more often than not in the upper section of medals. It should be noted that I mostly have champ gear with some orange gear and a columi helm.


I've also tried out focus, and it does significantly more burst damage with its force sweep when properly set up, though I feel like I have somewhat less survivability unless I have a pocket healer. That force sweep is basically your tracer missile in focus...use it whenever you can.





Playing up through to a geared 50 I can't say there is too big an issue with the class, it is definitely possible to do well, but it isn't player friendly without a doubt.


We are gimped with regards to grabbing medals in warzones, because all we can do is dps.


I havn't played another class, though I've been thinking of trying out a trooper alt, so maybe they are face rolling easy compared to a sentinel, but as it is at 50, I can't say they are broken.:D


did you pvp the whole time-? Im in warzone ques almsot 100% of the time i'm on. I took vacation for this game - so i was putting in 10 hours a day for a week ro so.

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try a force build if you find you are too squishy. I personally had a very hard time with the class until I hit 50. I switched to this build and started really upgrading gear. In little time that my damage improved and survive ability was definitely improved. You probably won't notice any sort of improvement at 50 until you can get around 5% expertise imo.


Keep at it if you can. If not reroll to something more your style.



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try a force build if you find you are too squishy. I personally had a very hard time with the class until I hit 50. I switched to this build and started really upgrading gear. In little time that my damage improved and survive ability was definitely improved. You probably won't notice any sort of improvement at 50 until you can get around 5% expertise imo.


Keep at it if you can. If not reroll to something more your style.




hmm thats about 120 expertise?


i've already got some expertise - and of course i pop my pvp thingy when ever i can in pvp.

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the progress of sentinel is sorta broken, its like the story of a jedi knight is design for a almost tanky spec guardian. i struggle to lvl my guy to 50 compared to my trooper that im leveling right now. one problem i notice is most of the dps abilities i get are way high lvl, its like your leveling with Master strike as your most high damage burst ability. If your like me i took a couple of passive abilities on other tree before maxing the main watchman tree. then you hit 40 suddenly you get a ton of different burst abilities which makes the progress abit less painful.


point is the progress of the character is sorta broken, the fact that you get doc at 30ish and after that most of your other companions are useless since youll be using doc 99% of the time, unless the enemies are lowbies that dont damage you.


im completely disappointed with the class, Range gets me most of the time but in terms of damage output i think i am ok its just it dies to fast w/o support. i sorta hate how the mechanic of the class is so clunky too with so much active abilities to choose, focus to manage, buffs that need to activate to activate another... its just overall clunky and complicated compared to other classes.

Edited by keizen
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you guys saying this because a sentinel is way more gear sentetive then the other classes?



IF so what kind of gear should I be aiming for - Stat wise?


Crit, Power, accurascy?


Force Surge?


If you're running Combat or Focus spec, you want Crit and Surge, to make those chunky Blade Rush, Blade Storm, and Ataru Form crits even bigger.


If Watchman, it's debatable. I would use Power to make your DoTs tick bigger, but Crit/Surge is also good to make them crit bigger and more often.


Most Sentinel-tailored gear has Crit on it. I'd go with that.

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I've tried PvP and PvE in all 3 trees, I found PvE Focus is easier Combat is alright and Watchman is before for groups with HM DPS race fights etc...


When it comes to PvP (in all trees) I find the ONLY class that can beat me 1v1 is the IA and even they struggle, I'm Valor 35 (and I've not had one champ item through the random loot bollocks thanks BW) and I have 0 expertise because the random loot stuff is stupid and I've been massively unlucky with it.


So basically if you are struggling I would suggest trying Focus as you survive easier the Combat line is the next easiest for surviving BUT if you truely want to cap your DPS and really bring the pain you will want to go Watchman and burn them into next week, you have access to a lot of slows and to be very honest if I need to run through how to play the class you do need to re roll into something easier, maybe grav round or tracers? Something a three year old could do?


Sentinel is an advanced class not an easy one we are in no way weak YOU are the problem not the class, when I get my battlemaster gear I can't wait as I will most likely be unstoppable.





Good luck with the class but if you can't master it I really would re roll a different class.

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Sentinel is an advanced class not an easy one we are in no way weak YOU are the problem not the class, when I get my battlemaster gear I can't wait as I will most likely be unstoppable.



Why do people always have to act like such tools on here?

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Why do people always have to act like such tools on here?


Because nobody has to be polite on the internet. It's not just here, man. It's been like this since the internet forum was created.


Class is hard to play should be sufficient, folks.


I've read L2P and "You're the Problem" on the Sentinel forum so many times it makes my head spin. The person is frustrated and you're having an easy time, so why make a lame attempt at building yourself up by tearing them down?


If their complaint is inconsequential, the devs will ignore it because they have actual raw data, which none of us have.


If it isn't, then just let them complain and go off and be awesome somewhere, or if you're feeling really saucy, maybe grow up just a bit.

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Normally i tear 2v1 without issue depending on the classes.- Sentinels. 2 on me, bla. i'd be hurt bad, but they'd be dead.


Not sure if we are playing the same game or maybe you are finding the cretins. Sorcs are the first ones I look for. Sents should know not to start with FL so when a Sorc/Sage uses the kb it is ready to go.


My best guess is you are just trolling. I'm sure the general community will agree that we eat Sorcs for lunch.

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