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Yet another imbalance in the game favoring imps. 1.1 edition!


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If that is true, then it is poorly balanced and should be fixed.


Anyone arguing it shouldn't is basically allowing the designers at Bioware to be lazy and ignore glaring balance and design problems. The only valid argument against fixing it is if the information presented by the OP is wrong.

Edited by Mannoth
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If that is true, then it is poorly balanced and should be fixed.


Anyone arguing it shouldn't is basically allowing the designers at Bioware to be lazy and ignore glaring balance and design problems. The only valid argument against fixing it is if the information presented by the OP is wrong.


Its probably on the back burner like all the other issues regarding mirror balancing. Just like Project vs Shock, Smuggler animations vs agent animations, ect...

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Actually the republic is the legitimate and legal government in this era. The imperials are in fact the "rebel scum"


Don't care about the RPness...


This is all opinion based with no real hard evidence to go by other than your incredibly detailed paint drawing.

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