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Ok how broke is slicing?


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So can I get a consensus on how youre supposed to make money with slicing? I have 400 slicing and everytime I send out my companions for level 6 or w/e missions that cost 1400-1600 credits, they will bring back the same amount or less. What the hell is the point of the missions if you only hit a positive amount every 6th or 7th time but every other time youre losing or breaking even. I understand it needed a nerf but now it's like it was thrown in the other direction and meant for you to lose money.
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Most missions for most professions do not give you a profit. There's a reason behind it and I'm not full of the details but slicing is not the only one that works that way. Slicing just has lock boxes so you can put a tangible number on them instead of getting items from them.


That being said maybe look at missions you are doing and adjust from there? I know of one or two missions I do and ALWAYS get a profit, not much but it is a profit. Course I am not level 400 in slicing but I am sure upper levels have the same deal.

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I found a Slicing guide that breaks down the most profitable missions; I don't remember where it is, but it shouldn't be too hard to find. Just search for "slicing guide". In any case, the quick and dirty of it is, never send a comp out on a mission with less than "Bountiful" result, and preferably "Rich". Never "Moderate." I do that, and I make a very nice sum over time. That, combined with harvesting every node I see, got me over a million credits as of today.


Well, that combined with questing and selling all the assorted crap that comes from it.


But yah, slicing is by no means broken, imo.

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thats all I can think of too, the slicing nodes in the world give me more (im only level 33) vs time spent sending companions.


Yeah but you have to remember if you are sending your companions what would you do with them otherwise? Specially end game if you have all your goodies maxed why not send your guys out slicing for cash. Sitting on thier thumbs or making ya any cash. I think I would rather them make me cash. Good slave labor and they never complain about the hours.

Edited by foulcault
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I constantly send my guys out on the 2 rich mission for levels 41-47 or whatever. The second highest. They always bring back at least 1800 and every 4th or 5th time I'll get a blue box with 6-7k inside. It generates a tidy sum. Just ignore all non rich reward missions.
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The missions DO make very good money. It's just not the way you're expecting. They bring back minimal credits, sure, but they bring crafting missions which sell very well. Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting missions in particular bring in a great profit.


Not to mention the boxes you Slice at level 50 have anywhere from 1.5-2k credits each in them. And as plentiful as the boxes are, you can make 100k an hour while you do dailies.

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The missions DO make very good money. It's just not the way you're expecting. They bring back minimal credits, sure, but they bring crafting missions which sell very well. Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting missions in particular bring in a great profit.


Not to mention the boxes you Slice at level 50 have anywhere from 1.5-2k credits each in them. And as plentiful as the boxes are, you can make 100k an hour while you do dailies.


Well today with companions that I have good affection with, I could only get a lost with slicing. I don't expect the mass gains the slicing had a launch, but right now, I can see no reasion to even have the skill.

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I find it more profitable to send my comps out on mid level bioanalysis missions and sell the mats tbh. Slicing is nice for the box on dailies or what not and the purple missions of you critical but the rest of the gain isn't much really for me anyway. I have been considering dropping it.
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Slicing guide


Research suggests Class 6 missions offer very poor profits. Check out the google doc link in the guide.


That said, most of the profits from slicing come from gathering while running your quests. The great part is that lock boxes are immediately converted into credits, where other gathering professions require bag space.

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Well today with companions that I have good affection with, I could only get a lost with slicing. I don't expect the mass gains the slicing had a launch, but right now, I can see no reasion to even have the skill.


Read his post again then :)


You don't print money anymore with slicing missions, but you get custom missions and cybertech schematics that more then make up for having a low return of creds.

(over time, you actually get creds as well, but not on a per mission basis)


And you make tons of money from slicing nodes in the world.


The nerf was to stop afk money printing that would lead to a really broken economy.

Good thing is that people don't understand the value of it now, so a lot of people dropped it, which makes my custom missions sell for more :p

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The lock-boxes from missions? Who cares, I barely pay attention when I open them.


I run Slicing missions for mission unlock items. Grade 6, and Rich grade 5 Slicing missions have a chance to return level 340 mission unlock items on a critical. That's where the real profit is. Most of them come back with Investigation or Diplomacy unlocks, which aren't worth but around 3-4k, but if you're lucky you might end up with an unlock worth 20k or higher.


Even better, if you can use those unlocks, then you can turn a real profit, perhaps 40k+. Get lucky and return a rare 340 Slicing mission, then get lucky on THAT, and you could see a profit of 60k+ from a +28 augment.


Now, if all you care about are the credits, then just run Rich Grade 5 missions. You'll still have just as many losses, but when you crit, you crit big, often with returns of 7-8k.


Taken by itself, the missions will return a small average profit just from the lock-boxes, after you factor in criticals, but it's so small that it's generally inconsequential. However, if you just fixate on that, then you've missing the real potential of Slicing. It can stand on its own in terms of generating profit, but when used in conjunction with other mission skills, those mission unlock items are extremely lucrative. Slicing is basically a support skill for other skills, and that's where it really shines.

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Pretty bad. If you have a server economy that pays handsomely for the missions you can make some credits if you get lucky. But then odds are you got a server that pays handsomely for gathering materials aswell.


Either way, dropping Slicing for another gathering crewskill and just sending companions to get whatever is good in the market (Red Good from bio seems to do well) returns a much bigger profit and much more consistently.


Slicing is only usefull if you got plenty of alts and dont really need anything else, and use the missions yourself. Augments sell for peanuts and so do schematics. Lockbox missions return so little profit you're better of running around Dromund Kaas at lv50 and have your companion kill random mobs. Thats a more profitable endeavor.


People seem to want to point out "all gathering missions cost credits". These people are wrong, other gathering missions exchange money for gather materials. And these gathering materials are worth credits. And if you do it right, a whole lot of credits. So untill i see Bio analysis have a chance to take away 3 Red Goo or Neural Whatsyahmahcallit its not the same.

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Slicing generates about 5k credits an hour per companion at 400 not counting the missions you get and schematics its pretty useful if you roll up say 6 alts generating 30k credits an hour so you can craft with the other 2 just run a timer and log in on them once every 35 mins.


I enjoy slicing atm on my alts because it lets me craft and watch tv which i kinda enjoy without having to go run dailies with my 50 to gather credits to run gathering missions.


Most of your money btw comes from critting missions. BUt even the robot tends to crit once about 10% of the time on slicing missions which you gain a large profit from.


Now would I ever keep slicing on my main, no i wouldn't. In theory if your raiding though and serious your pigeon holed into biochem/bioanlysis/diplo

Edited by Antipiety
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