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The Problem with Premades Explained.


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Premades have one glaringly obvious problem currently.


I Cannot fill an entire Warzone with my guildmates / friends.


No matter how hard we try HALF of our team is going to be comprised of random people in the que. To players who take PvP seriously this is literally unacceptable. Imagine going into an Operation only half your guild disapeared and was replaced with random people who were LFG. You don't know them or their gear level, their skill level you just have to HOPE they know better than to stand in front of Bonethrasher. And then they don't know anything. No ball passes, no incoming calls some are just flat out AFK waiting to push Need on their tier 2 helm.


sounds horrible right? IT IS HORRIBLE. And is easily the worst aspect of PvP


Just let us Que up as an Operation.

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I'm fine with Operation-strength premades... as long as they are only fighting other premades.


Its bad enough having a 4-man Premade + 4 randoms vs. 6 randoms, without making it 8-man premade vs. 6 randoms.


Tonight I did five warzones in a row where the Republic started with less than a full team, against Imperial premades in four of those five. Of course, the majority of the Imperials had better gear as well due to the fact that they constantly get to farm such situations. Seriously, is that really fun for anyone? A game that is a challenge for both sides is much more fun.


Undergeared, Outnumbered and less coordinated most of the time - those are the things that Bolster should compensate heavily for but it doesn't. So either fix Bolster or fix the imbalance.

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