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Induction Changed?


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Induction talent in-game right now reads "Increases the critical strike damage dealt by Maul by 30%. In addition, Thrash and Voltaic Slash have a 100% chance to grant Induction WHILE SURGING CHARGE IS ACTIVE reducing the Force cost of your next Shock by 25%. Stacks up to 2 times."


Was it always like this? Because the Surging Charge part is missing on TORHead.


Is this a ninja nerf, or am I having a brainfart? Kinda puts a big fat X on the good old 27/14/0 build.

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Don't freak out yet. Induction still procs in Dark Charge. The in-game tooltip says it doesn't, but it's wrong, because I was proccing it a few minutes ago. Just like the tooltip for Harnessed Darkness is wrong and Wither doesn't proc that. Edited by AnubisXy
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Don't freak out yet. Induction still procs in Dark Charge. The in-game tooltip says it doesn't, but it's wrong, because I was proccing it a few minutes ago. Just like the tooltip for Harnessed Darkness is wrong and Wither doesn't proc that.


heh at work now, but i will be checking it on my lunch break.

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The tooltips seem to reflect the next batch of changes that aren't curently live.


That's most likely the case. Bioware is going to let Wither proc Harnessed Darkness and Induction only function in Surging Charge as a way to force people away from Hybrid specs.

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Wow, i hope this isn't a sign of a change to come. It completely ruins any viable tank/dps hybrid build.


At 45 force Shock isn't even worth casting for the damage it does, even if it crits everytime with energize; you'd be better off just thrashing really. IMO it makes that energize talent nearly worthless.


The only time it would be worth using shock without induction is if you had Chain Shock and Torment (to reduce the cost), but even that wouldn't be very efficient since you'd still run out of force within the first 7 seconds of the fight.

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Bioware said over a year ago they didn't want or intend for hybrids to be viable at end game, and if they saw that most players of a given spec were only speccing 75% or 50% into one tree and few were bothering to finish it, then they were going to buff/nerf the trees to encourage players to finish off a single tree.


Some people weren't around then, but this has always been Bioware's design goal.

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Bioware said over a year ago they didn't want or intend for hybrids to be viable at end game, and if they saw that most players of a given spec were only speccing 75% or 50% into one tree and few were bothering to finish it, then they were going to buff/nerf the trees to encourage players to finish off a single tree.


Some people weren't around then, but this has always been Bioware's design goal.


Back then bioware also said they wanted compact speeders that didn't clutter up towns and areas... and now we have giant cars; design goals change, what they said back then may or may not apply now.

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Bioware said over a year ago they didn't want or intend for hybrids to be viable at end game, and if they saw that most players of a given spec were only speccing 75% or 50% into one tree and few were bothering to finish it, then they were going to buff/nerf the trees to encourage players to finish off a single tree.


Some people weren't around then, but this has always been Bioware's design goal.


When/where did they say that? Because that just sounds ridiculous. That's essentially saying, "We want everyone to be the same cookie cutter spec." Why would they want that and why would they tell their players that's what they wanted? Players have never liked dull one dimensional talent trees.

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Wellp, this has me seriously worried about the future of the class. Heck, about the future of the game. Some of the most fun specs so far have been hybrids. The Carolina Parakeet build on the Powertech, the mixed healer Merc build, etc.


If they start killing off hybrids, it'll be rather boring and predictable. We'll end up with one spec that everyone will use, and there'll be little/no variety at all.


I'm just hoping this is a mistake or something. Though I'm not holding my breath, looks like an upcoming change. And if they're doing it to Sins, they'll like as not do it to other classes too.

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Unfortunately I can't link to the Dev post talking about their desire to see pure specs rather than hybrid specs for end-game (mostly end game PvE) since it was on the old forums and those were wiped.


Bioware has changed a lot of their design philosophies, but I'd be surprised if they decided to change this one.


Ultimately, it doesn't matter much; just wait and see. If you notice changes that push players to go 31 in a talent tree then you'll know Bioware hasn't changed their mind. If you don't see those changes, then you'll know they have.


But, based off the Induction and Harnessed Darkness tooltip changes, I'm thinking we're going to be seeing those changes go live at some point.

Edited by AnubisXy
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Unfortunately I can't link to the Dev post talking about their desire to see pure specs rather than hybrid specs for end-game (mostly end game PvE) since it was on the old forums and those were wiped.


Bioware has changed a lot of their design philosophies, but I'd be surprised if they decided to change this one.


Ultimately, it doesn't matter much; just wait and see. If you notice changes that push players to go 31 in a talent tree then you'll know Bioware hasn't changed their mind. If you don't see those changes, then you'll know they have.


But, based off the Induction and Harnessed Darkness tooltip changes, I'm thinking we're going to be seeing those changes go live at some point.


ya wait and see dose not cut it. monthly sub fees and all.

i will stay as long as this still works, but if that's the truth, then they will be losing even more subs. i know a lot of people that are not playing this game for pve, and hybrid builds give you more dynamic to handle more situations in pvp. so 1st move they make to going to force people to 31 point builds and im out. and i know a few others that rock hybrids that will be gone too.

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31-point builds are fine with me if it allows them to balance more appropriately.


Of course, instead of pigeon-holding in this manner, I'd prefer they just make the 31-point ability something you wouldn't want to turn down.

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31-point builds are fine with me if it allows them to balance more appropriately.


Of course, instead of pigeon-holding in this manner, I'd prefer they just make the 31-point ability something you wouldn't want to turn down.


Problem is, they won't be able to force ALL classes into this.


Warriors have stances, they can be forced.

Bounty Hunters have cylinders, they can be forced.

Sins have saber energizer thingies, they can be forced too.


But what about Sorcerers and Imperial Agents? No stances! Good luck trying to force those guys not to hybridize. That's what I don't like. Smart money says we'll end up with Sorcerers being the only class capable of going hybrid. They are already exceptional from every other class with their stupidly insanely large force pool.

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Problem is, they won't be able to force ALL classes into this.


Warriors have stances, they can be forced.

Bounty Hunters have cylinders, they can be forced.

Sins have saber energizer thingies, they can be forced too.


But what about Sorcerers and Imperial Agents? No stances! Good luck trying to force those guys not to hybridize. That's what I don't like. Smart money says we'll end up with Sorcerers being the only class capable of going hybrid. They are already exceptional from every other class with their stupidly insanely large force pool.


Everyone faces balance issues. The downside of an MMO launch. I have faith it'll get balanced eventually.


Until then, let's hope Sorcs start hybrid'ing into heals. :S

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I really hope that they don't go after hybrid builds. As others said, those are usually the most fun builds. The parakeet for Powertech, Darkness/Madness Hybrid for Assassins, etc.


If they go the route of Cataclysm - "you have to go 31 points into your primary tree or else!" that every spec will be the same and only change a very few talent points around in their secondary tree. Right now spec diversity is rather high, with full specs being viable, hybrid specs being viable, etc.

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I really hope you're kidding. If you quit an MMO because of a build you do not belong here anyway ;).


if they mess up hybrids for one class they will ruin it for all the other classes too, plus i have a mara, sin, BH, and sorc. the sin is the most fun to play.

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if they mess up hybrids for one class they will ruin it for all the other classes too, plus i have a mara, sin, BH, and sorc. the sin is the most fun to play.


Non sequitur. If the whole "fun factor" depends upon Surging Charge not being forces upon you because you like induction, you better leave now. We're only in the second Month of SWToR and many things will be changed over the course of the game, including little things lilke making some hybrid builds obsolete.

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They need to buff surging charge, not nerf dark charge. Deception speced assassins aren't running around pvping in dark charge because they want to be dps tanks who absorb other people's incoming damage. The problem is that surging charge is too much glass and not enough cannon. It costs too many skill points, ties up too much of the deception tree, and I do believe is causing a nasty outbreak of cancerous aids worldwide -and not in a kill your oponents slowly and painfully sort of way. The 30% ac boost that currently costs 2 additional skill points should be built right into it to lubricate our **** properly as a mellee dps class in it's "native" stance, and a +spike damage from surging (for example) should replace the ac skill points as a start...


Give people more reason to be in surging than "pew-pew pretty numbers ! Aw **** I'm dead again. Shoulda just stayed in darkness.", and they won't need to worry about hybridization.

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