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Plagueis >Sidious


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Note some of my argument is from the recent Darth Plagueis novel and will be spoiler.



I say this because had Plagueis not been killed by an overconfident Sidious.. Luke's rebellion, isn't even getting off the ground.. then again.. perhaps Anakin doesn't fall and ends up kill them both 'bringing balance to the force'


thats all conjecture of course


Having read this novel, it ties in lots of lose ends about events leading up to, during and after EP1.



It was all Plagueis' doing the senate manipulation, the money and power involved was astounding. The reason Palpatine was the senator and then Emperor was all owed to his Masta. Sure Palpatine was the 'face' and powerful in his own right, but the novel clearly shows how much more skilled Plagueis is. by the 3rd part of the novel Plagueis is manipulating midichlroins and creating life-albeit failing horrible/creating monstrosities. Plagueis didn't show Palpatine all he knew or else he'd be able to cure himself of his Ghost face he got from Windu. As by the 3rd part Plagueis is repairing himself through his mastery of the midichlorins in his body, even Palpatine notes that Plagueis looked as young as he did when he first met him 20 years earlier.




granted after the novel, I found myself liking Sidious more, he is bad *****...but ... Plagueis was the real Lord of the Sith in this novel.. Palpatine came off as a too quick to anger and too easily manipulated. Had Plagueis killed Palpatine and not the other way around i think TFU 1 &2 and Ep4-6 would have turned out much different. The fact that Palpatine went a 'b$$tch move and attacked him when he did I lost some respec for him ..

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Sidious killed his Master to take his masters power. Sidious actually out-smarted Plagueis and his own words best describe it;


"Ironic, he could save others from death but not himself"


Sidious WAS one of, if not the smartest Sith to ever live. He may not of created ideas but he took them and used them to glorify and empower himself which worked out quite nicely.

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Plagueis was weaker then Sidious.


1. He slept, doesn't matter how or why he fell asleep when he shouldn't have and even having a hiding spot to sleep in he failed to keep it a secret from his apprentice.


2. He couldn't sense his apprentice's intentions, when force sense is a very basic force ability the moment he lost that he was screwed.


3. Sidious may not have known at the time, but according to his bio, Sidious learned all force powers previous and current and he could make new ones on a whim so the whole "Plagueis not teaching Sidious" is irrelevant.

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