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Complicated but Effective - Marauder Solo PVE


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This thread is in response to many complaints about Marauder soloing abilities. This class will not roll over content like some other classes. You must utilize many abilities to be successful.


I was level 37 last night and was completing level 41 class quests last night. My goal was to test the abilities of my Marauder as normal questing becomes quite boring for me. At level 37 Carnage spec Marauder, I was able to kill level 41 golds and 41 silvers + weak mobs. My gear was sub par and most of it was between 30-37. I bought a full set of gear for Quinn around level 36.


Defensive cooldowns -


The Marauder is heavily reliant on defensive cool downs against strong/elite mobs.


- Cloak of Pain - Bread and butter defensive ability. Use when jumping into a group of

mobs as it makes the most use of the 20% damage reduction.


- Obfuscate - 6 seconds of the enemy missing for 90% of attacks. The ability does seem lack luster but it does help. (use against strong/elites)


- Saberward - Increases defense by 50% for 12 seconds. Again, the more mobs you are facing, the more effective this ability is.


- Call on the Force - 2% health for 1 minute. Use on fights that are giving you a lot of problems


Even in normal grinding situation, rotate these cooldowns during your grind to help reduce downtime.


Proper Use of Quinn


After level 30, Quinn becomes an awesome tool rather than a healbot. Make sure you keep his gear current and you should prosper. Quinn will gain an ability that freezes targets in place for a few seconds.


- silver + weak mobs - Tell Quinn to attack the silver and charge into the weaks. You can kill a normal/weak mob in the time it takes the silver mob to dethaw. Go kill the second mob if there is one, then proceed to beat on the silver. Quinn will be taking the damage from the silver while you are killing the normal/weak mobs. (Do not aoe as you will break the freeze effect on the silver)


- Gold mobs - Quinn is great for soloing gold mobs. However you must interupt casting on these gold mobs to reduce the damage that you take. You can force camoflauge every 45 seconds which will drop aggro to Quinn so that you can get some damage in without taking any damage. Rotate force choke and interupts to keep the gold from casting and you can beat them easily. Quinn will also freeze the mob during combat, if the target is not dotted, you can pause for extra healing.




-Use your cooldowns in rotation

-Use Quinn to your advantage

-Interupt casting (very important)

-Force camoflauge to drop aggro to quinn

-Carry medpacks because they will save your life

-Update your gear as well as your companion. Buy some cheap greens off the GTN if need be.


We cannot solo as easily as others, but we can solo just as well as most other classes. If you are not using all of these abilities listed above, you are gimping yourself. The class could use a little work, but by no means are we broken. I hope this helps some of you fellow Marauders that are having trouble leveling by yourself.

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The fact that we need posts like this is sad. That it is so hard to take out elite mobs when leveling, is a tragedy. I started playing a merc a few days ago and its now upto 28. I could solo group 2+ and 4 quests and kill champion mobs without breaking a sweat. Its rediculous.
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The fact that we need posts like this is sad. That it is so hard to take out elite mobs when leveling, is a tragedy. I started playing a merc a few days ago and its now upto 28. I could solo group 2+ and 4 quests and kill champion mobs without breaking a sweat. Its rediculous.


We don't need posts like this. Did you notice the part where he was doing content 4 levels under?

Edited by Sayc
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We don't need posts like this. Did you notice the part where he was doing content 4 levels under?


Then why is the post here in the first place? I was soloing the group fours and twos, at 26 and they were 28. Point being our questing is much more difficult that most others

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We don't need posts like this. Did you notice the part where he was doing content 4 levels under?


I was level 37 killing level 41s. I was 4 level under content...not over.


Nvm I cant read. We obviously need it because of the mass complaints. If I can assist and help someone, thats cool. If not, they will reroll another class and leave the marauder forums.

Edited by beaujames
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