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cant kill elite chars


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Tougher enemies can be a handful especially if you're underlevel or on-level with them. I spent most of my run at least three to four levels over all the content, which made everything more bearable.


Without any information about your build, your gear, the companion you use and your normal battle progressions, it's hard to what the problem is. While a lot of the content can be very tough, I don't think any of it is insurmountable. Elites should be challenging but doable and even champions should be very hard but still possible if you have your companion with you.


Here's some general tips:

-Make sure you keep your gear upgraded. The most notable pieces of any orange-grade gear you have is hilts for your lightsabers and armoring for your armor. Both of those pieces increase the "base" stats of the item - damage for sabers and armor value for armor pieces. The same applies to your companions. Don't send in a companion who is under-equipped.


Check out the GTN or Light/Dark vendor to see about upgrading your earpiece, implants or relics. Those items typically drop more rarely than armor pieces, so you may need to hit the market to find better ones for your level. Again, the same applies to your companions!


-Remember to keep buffed. Make sure your Force Might hasn't ticked off when you weren't paying attention. Apply a stim for tough fights. See if other players in town will give you a drive-by buffing with their appropriate class buff. All those little things can help.


-Interrupt! This is the most important piece of information to keep in mind since a lot of elite or champion enemies use channeled abilities. Enemy attacks like Full Auto or Force Storm can absolutely **** you, so make sure to constantly bust those up with Force Kick (best option), Force Leap or Force Stasis.


-If you're a Watchman (highly recommended spec for PvE leveling), make sure you're consistently applying your burns with Cauterize and Overload Saber. Also when Zen is available, make sure to pop it on and then use your burns so you get a bit of healing.


-Send your companion in first. If you're having trouble, send your companion in first to make sure they pull initial aggro. Eventually if you out damage them (you should no matter if it's T7 or Kira), the enemy will focus on you. But remember you can use Force Camouflague to dump threat back onto your partner.


-Use your defensive abilities. In a tough fight, I almost always use Rebuke immediately to reduce damage. When your life is going down, pop Saber Ward. If you're still dying, use Call on the Force to instantly cool Saber Ward and provide healing. If you're stunned, bust it up quickly with Resolute to get back in the fight and cut off that extra damage.

Edited by SteveGarbage
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It generally is a lot more difficult for deal with elites for a sentinel until you get doc. My main is a lvl50 sentinel and i recently started a smuggler alt and was shocked how much easier it was for elites. Sure this is early days but even back at the early times of sentinel it was a lot more difficult as a meelee class. I think the challenge is very good though although if you like challenge the disadvantage of this is when you reroll the other classes might actually be TOO easy after completing a sentinel to the end.
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