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Which Class Has The Best Storyline?


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Having seen the Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisiter storylines basically side-by-side as I leveled with a SW friend from 1-50, I have to say that while SI has a couple of really awesome points through their story, I believe SW to be overall quite a bit better. The high points are really the only thing that saves SI for me, as it would otherwise be terribly boring. As it is I would call it average overall.


I do feel there are several points where they missed a couple clear opportunities in Chapter 3 to make things better, such as



when you complete the final battle with Thanaton, I feel they tried too hard to make it melodramatic by making him slowly crawl away from you, then have one of the other Dark Council members finish him off. I felt it a very unsatisfying ending.


Additionally, in the final scene with the ghosts, I felt Kalig should have made another appearance, since you basically did exactly what he was asking of you. Adding dialogue from him would have helped make the ending more personal, since as it was it felt like a poorly written wrap-up.


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Rather, it seems it's about justifying one's own enjoyment of the thing. Apparently, some people believe you're not allowed to like any stories aside from the ones they did, go figure.


point, personally their all good, which is the best is a matter of what type of story people like I think, I plan to role all eventually.

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Currently playing a JK a lvl 40, her story has been getting better and better, currently freezing her but of on Hoth but she's got Doc to keep her company so it's ok.


I would also like to see why people like different class-stories =)


It is fun to hear about what other people enjoy and perhaps get a new insight into something that you previously did not enjoy.


My little smuggler has brought me much much enjoyment as well as my very small bounty hunter. And I must mention my twilek SI, I loved playing her as a slave who suddenly has a new life in front of her, seeing how she will respond to that. Playing her LS as all my chars and it has fit her very well. There isn't a evil bone in her body, only a strong will to survive and never ever becoming a slave again. Only gotten as far as balmora but so far, I have loved every second with her.

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Aww..I'm enjoying my SI story so far :o [just lvl 35 atm] will see how it ´keeps up :]


What I enjoy...is for example..my companions & their history, especially Khem Val & Andronikos, I also like the idea, that the spirit of my ancestor guides me in the way's of the force, aswell as sith-politics. :sy_empire: I'm not a fan of Zash though, she's such a brat/bimbo, and I'd happily slay her asap. :wea_03:

Edited by gaskull
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A whole lot of angry nonsense.


I'm so very sorry for having the audacity to try to involve someone in a discussion on story on the bloody "Story and Lore" board. Had I known that I would get a lot of passive aggressive "u bad man u no like play good guy u bad" from him I wouldn't have bothered.


And yes, the Agent stuff typically waffles back and forth between James Bond and Jason Bourne. Hence why I said the highlight of the whole thing is the end of Ch1. It's all downhill from there and it wasn't a particularly good climb up to the peak either. But it's still a higher peak than I've seen from the BH, smuggler, inquisitor, and warrior stories and was one of the more Star Wars-y things I've encountered in the game.

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Imperial Agent is basically


Chapter 1

You hunt a dangerous terrorist by taking down different terrorist cells.


Chapter 2

You work as a double agent for the SIS.


Chapter 3

You hunt an ancient and corrupted galactic conspiracy.


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I'm enjoying the Sith Inquisitor story allot, but I was disappointed by the lack of the political element I was expecting.


I thought that it would evolve gaining followers, creating a power base, making power plays and perhaps even an ascension, or attempted ascension to the Dark Council, .


But whilst some of that happens, it happens because various elements happen to be in the right place at the right time.

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I loved the smuggler storyline. The highlights are the 'Lightspring' and 'Distressed' missions.


Both of which occur after Taris, mind you...


I'm so very sorry for having the audacity to try to involve someone in a discussion on story on the bloody "Story and Lore" board. Had I known that I would get a lot of passive aggressive "u bad man u no like play good guy u bad" from him I wouldn't have bothered.


And yes, the Agent stuff typically waffles back and forth between James Bond and Jason Bourne. Hence why I said the highlight of the whole thing is the end of Ch1. It's all downhill from there and it wasn't a particularly good climb up to the peak either. But it's still a higher peak than I've seen from the BH, smuggler, inquisitor, and warrior stories and was one of the more Star Wars-y things I've encountered in the game.


I think the main issue people seem to have with your comments is that they're logically inconsistent. You rate the Agent storyline as tops, but say that's only because how it gets resolved at the end of chapter 1, even go so far to say "it wasn't a good climb to there". Yet you trash other story lines well before the end of chapter 1. If 'how good the end of chapter 1' is going to be your main measuring stick, then at least keep it consistent across all classes you review.

Edited by StealthNerf
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The trouble with story line opinions is that there are eight different stories with eight different tones, some serious and some more light-hearted. Also, the expectation of the player. If you roll a smuggler and expect uber-serious character drama, you'll be disappointed.


Another important note is how willing the player is to "add" to the story their own imaginings. If you're expecting the stories to essentially be told to you, you'll also be disappointed. IMO, you're expected to give a bit to the story to help it along...almost like BW provided the framework, and you get to add some of the details.

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I'm so very sorry for having the audacity to try to involve someone in a discussion on story on the bloody "Story and Lore" board. Had I known that I would get a lot of passive aggressive "u bad man u no like play good guy u bad" from him I wouldn't have bothered.


And yes, the Agent stuff typically waffles back and forth between James Bond and Jason Bourne. Hence why I said the highlight of the whole thing is the end of Ch1. It's all downhill from there and it wasn't a particularly good climb up to the peak either. But it's still a higher peak than I've seen from the BH, smuggler, inquisitor, and warrior stories and was one of the more Star Wars-y things I've encountered in the game.


Stop apologizing to me. I don't CARE that you adored the IA story in the least. I simply don't find it "unbelievable" that you did, not enough to confront you by saying so, as you told him. What I'm pointing out, rather, is that what YOU like isn't neccessarily going to be what ANYONE else likes, and there's nothing at all wrong with that.

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point, personally their all good, which is the best is a matter of what type of story people like I think, I plan to role all eventually.


Completely agree. I liked pretty much all the stories, aside from one, and I don't begrudge anyone's enjoyment of whichever one they liked "most". It's all good, imo.

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When I first grabbed the game I rolled a SI and played without paying too much attention to the story, thinking I'd see it over & over again as I rolled new toons. Now that I've played a few class stories through prologue I see that the story is just as important as the play style of each class, the combo of both determines how much you'll enjoy a character.


I also find it interesting that, for instance, some people roll their eyes at the James Bond-ness of the IA story, while others love it for the exact same reason. I guess it all comes down to personality and expectations.

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I also find it interesting that, for instance, some people roll their eyes at the James Bond-ness of the IA story, while others love it for the exact same reason. I guess it all comes down to personality and expectations.




I hate James Bond movies, mind you. Always have. I respect the simple fact I'm never ever going to enjoy any story that is stylized off of a James Bond thematic. That's ME, though. I have nothing against fans of James Bond type stories, it's great if they enjoy them, have at it. But if they insist I'm supposed to find just as much satisfaction in those stories as they do, I'm going to at least laugh my butt off, shrug.

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The trouble with story line opinions is that there are eight different stories with eight different tones, some serious and some more light-hearted. Also, the expectation of the player. If you roll a smuggler and expect uber-serious character drama, you'll be disappointed.


Another important note is how willing the player is to "add" to the story their own imaginings. If you're expecting the stories to essentially be told to you, you'll also be disappointed. IMO, you're expected to give a bit to the story to help it along...almost like BW provided the framework, and you get to add some of the details.


I agree with the first part, however couldn't disagree more with the second. The sole reason I bother with playing video games is that they make the story more engaging with stuff actually happening on screen, you can feel your character doing it. However promising storyline premise is, its the execution which counts. And so far, at least for the consular the execution was very sub-par. If I want to create stuff up, and I am perfectly capable of doing it, I would go play role playing game like Fate, DnD, or something similar.

It is writer's job to allow you to make decisions in story, which makes it yours, but he has to deliver. If you need to do it just to make the story work, then he/they have made a poor job. And I feel, judging about this discussion, that some people are complaining just about that.

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I agree with the first part, however couldn't disagree more with the second. The sole reason I bother with playing video games is that they make the story more engaging with stuff actually happening on screen, you can feel your character doing it. However promising storyline premise is, its the execution which counts. And so far, at least for the consular the execution was very sub-par. If I want to create stuff up, and I am perfectly capable of doing it, I would go play role playing game like Fate, DnD, or something similar.

It is writer's job to allow you to make decisions in story, which makes it yours, but he has to deliver. If you need to do it just to make the story work, then he/they have made a poor job. And I feel, judging about this discussion, that some people are complaining just about that.


Hehe, don't worry, I disagree with it too, but that's the decision that the writers made, as stated in the Art and Making of the Old Republic. They wanted more player agency which, IMO based upon the finished product, amounts to "you'll have to add some of the motivation, meaning, etc. yourself."


I think the writers are struggling to fit their highly cinematic stories from single player RPGs into the MMO mold, where they were limited on options.

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Hehe, don't worry, I disagree with it too, but that's the decision that the writers made, as stated in the Art and Making of the Old Republic. They wanted more player agency which, IMO based upon the finished product, amounts to "you'll have to add some of the motivation, meaning, etc. yourself."


I think the writers are struggling to fit their highly cinematic stories from single player RPGs into the MMO mold, where they were limited on options.


:) They are entitled to it, I think if conscious it was very bad decision. Regarding storytelling I don't see that many differences between single player and MMO game :)

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I'm enjoying the SI story. I had goosebumps last night as I:



stood over the body of Lord Zash and had the assembled Sith and acolytes kneel before me as Khem announced me as the newest Dark Lord of the Sith and heir to the artifacts and legacy of Tulak Hord.



Plus the chance to shock people who displease me is just too much fun. :D

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I'd say the IA story feels more like Jason Bourne and Michael West than James Bond, really, save for the womanizing the male IA can get up to.


I like all there of those characters (James Bond depends on actor), but using them as a reference in a mmo does not make me want to play IA actually.

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I'll just quote myself from a related thread:


I think one of the reasons I like the IA storyline so much is that there are definitely a couple spots in the story where what you choose to do has definite effects later on.


Sure, the main storyline does continue, regardless, but "how" it continues and how NPC's react to you later ... and whether or not you actually get access to certain quests, etc ... LS/DS decisions in certain spots have meaning ... and there are some real moral/ethical choices presented (if you choose to see them that way).


And there's 3 clearly different endings that you could end up with, depending on what you choose in previous chapters.


I'm not sure if other storylines have this ... would be neato if they did.


As for what storyline I think is the "worst" ... I am not sure. I don't think there is a "worst" per se`, but I do know that the BH story simply has not grabbed me whatsoever. I played a female BH, and I just didn't care about B-whatsis-butt getting killed. I got to lvl 20, and I've just stalled.

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So far I've seen Agent, Trooper, Smuggler, Knight. I was very impressed with the Agent story, but then I enjoyed my Trooper a lot more (chapter 1 was meh, 2/3 were great). My triumph was short lived though when I helped my Knight friend...


...defeat the Emperor. (though whacking him in the face with my gun was quite satisfying and I'll just say that's part of my story now :cool:)



I wasn't a fan of the Smuggler story, and neither was my brother who was playing the Smuggler. It doesn't have the same level of depth or impact as the other characters (though a lot of the dialogue/situations are funny and some people would certainly enjoy it).

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I feel like the Jedi Knight storyline gets a lot of hate, but I have enjoyed the hell out of it.

Well... act 1 was a little boring and focused more on Kira... but 2 and 3 are legitimately exciting for me.



Assaulting the emperor's station with 3 other Jedi you meet throughout the story.

Being corrupted by the emperor and having no memory of everything you did while under his control.

Asked to torture your companions while trying to hide that the emperor has lost his control over you.

Slowly finding out what happened to the other Jedi.



Good stuff.

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