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Mouse look issues


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I'm posting this here because i figure most of the dedicated PvP'ers must have figured this out.


How do i set my right mouse button to mouse look mode even when a modifier like control is pressed? I turn exclusively with the mouse, and often find myself unable to turn because i'm trying land an attack bound to ctrl+x. I don't see an option to bind mouselook anywhere in the binding menus


Is there a workaround, and if not, how do other competitive PvP'ers deal with this?

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I've had multiple screw-ups while having anything bound to CTRL+something and trying to move with WASD at the same time, I just stopped using most of these binds and try to switch to ALT and SHIFT instead...


If you try and press CTRL+A it's somehow bound to turning Ambient Sound on/off, but yet I haven't found this bind anywhere in the Preferences/Keybinds, also you can walk backwards when pressing CTRL+S, but you don't move with CTRL+A,W or D.

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interesting.. i just assumed this was going to be the same with all modifiers... I will rebind to alt and see if it makes a difference.


I have ctrl+WASD bound aside WASD, but i do occassionally get a glitch where my guy gets stuck going a direction, and won't stop until i press ctrl + the direction he's going. If rebinding to alt fixes that too, double thanks to you.

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