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Penalty on Warzone leavers


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It's really stupid, you start a lvl 50 Warzone and if the other team start to win people always start to leave, then there is no way you're going to win or even enjoy that game.


Leavers should get a penalty, something like they can't join a Warzone again in 1 minutes, and if they repeat the same in the next 60min that penalty time should be increased to 5, 10, 15min...


Just to increase competitivy because it is just stupid that "hey well i'm not going to win this, i leave" mentality. Maybe with penalties people will focus more on winning the game instead of joining warzones until others win for them, like pure leechers.

Edited by JabbaCG
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It's really stupid, you start a lvl 50 Warzone and if the other team start to win people always start to leave, then there is no way you're going to win or even enjoy that game.


Leavers should get a penalty, something like they can't join a Warzone again in 1 minutes, and if they repeat the same in the next 60min that penalty time should be increased to 5, 10, 15min...


Just to increase competitivy because it is just stupid that "hey well i'm not going to win this, i leave" mentality. Maybe with penalties people will focus more on winning the game instead of joining warzones until others win for them, like pure leechers.


Shouldn't the penalty start at 1hr? A 1 minute penalty is a viable option because the time cost for leaving is less than the time cost for savings. You want it so that the fastest way to the next pvp match is to stay in the current one.

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Well maybe 1 hour is too much if you get a disconnect or system crash.


And maybe 1 minute is too low but it could start at 5min, and that time being increased after that if you continue leaving warzones.

Edited by JabbaCG
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I'd say start at 15 minutes. That's about how long a match can take and not horrible for someone who gets kicked rather than quitting. Then make it longer the more times it happens in one 24-hour period.


1st time - 15 minutes

2nd time - 30 minutes

3rd + time - 1 hour each


Then just reset the counter once a day when the dailies reset.

Edited by Kazmtyh
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yes I like this idea.

to be honest I also left WZ few times (reason - really but really lame team <yes I am also lame> or troll game when I am put into ongoing WZ and loosing team)...


And honestly I would prefer that you loose commendations than you can not join WZ for 5min (sometimes you wait longer for WZ depends how many people plays etc.)

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I disagree with this until most servers balance out and have regular 50 pvp, its hard enough with a low pop server to even get a pvp game started and running, so if leavers are penalized we are less likely to have rolling 2 minute games during prime time for our dailies and such as many people are not particularly interested in pvp at the time or queue in the intention of just causing a lobby to form for someone else.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I have to agree with the original poster. Nothing more annoying that joining losing warzones back to back to back because people just leave and join another, screwing over other players like myself that have been waiting in que. Anything to cut down on warzones leaver would be better than what we have now.
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I'm curious how many people that responded in this thread in favor of punishing leavers play Sith? I started out as Sith and noticed it was a big problem. I have since made a Republic character on the same server and it's really not a problem at all but then again, Republic tends to win most of the games on our server where they go against Sith. Not coincidentally, there always seem to be more healers pvping on the Republic side.
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I'd say start at 15 minutes. That's about how long a match can take and not horrible for someone who gets kicked rather than quitting. Then make it longer the more times it happens in one 24-hour period.


1st time - 15 minutes

2nd time - 30 minutes

3rd + time - 1 hour each


Then just reset the counter once a day when the dailies reset.


I think this would work really well.


+1 Support

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