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How is there an empire in this game?


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Considering Palpatine created the empire



Formed from

Grand Army of the Republic


19 BBY


4 ABY, 130 ABY


19 ABY


right out of lore baby.....


So how is it the empire seems to exsist when they wont be formed for another 3500 years?


The Republic had no army so theres no republic trooper clones were there first army..


As well the senate this far back the head of the senate is...dun dun dun a Jedi Master!


lol the sad part is, Bio Ware didnt have to make up this time in the time line it was there for the past 10-15 years all they had to do was read the novels watch the movies.


any lore short commings is laziness, you have litterally millions of lore freaks from sw literally world wide. this is why these games are held to a higher standard then wow.. Making a Sw game writing a novel = instant 500,000,000 fans drooling at the prospect of returning to a Long time ago in a galaxy far far away......




Ill sit here with my Darth Bane darth malik revan vader tyranus sidious figures twirling my force fx mr lightsaber waiting for these replies!

Edited by Gphalen
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oh yes the sith empire the one destroyed exactly 1500 years prior to this story line?


during the war in which the entire sith was destroyed and all sith temples manuscripts artifacts were hunted down by JEDI SHADOWS not sith shadows and destroyed that sith empire? lol



the sith empire you refer to was led by Naga Shadow sith lord who was killed by jedi.


forcing very few surviving sith to flee korriban into deep space well into unknown territory and into hiding.


in 1500 yrs from this time line that new sith order will come back to attack the republic and the jedi only to have its remenants destroyed by the force bomb released by Darth Bane...enacting his rule of two.


even still no imperial officers were in the sith army no Imerial pilots no imperial agents.


As well the Sith ari long dead and extinct in known space long before this time line. and they Hated non sith ari like the plague killing all they came across so the sith race shouldnt be in game imperial troopers agents again not int his game.


on the flip side Republic soldier not in this game Smugglers and Bounty hunters were neither republic or imperial they were credit motivated. they worked for whom ever paid more..


There should be as stated in another post a third faction.. cartel gangster what ever that is where bounty hunters and smugglers should be.

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Heres an end to anything on the sith empire being in this game..


With the Sith Empire defeated, its long reign came to an end as a result of the devastating conclusion of the Great Hyperspace War. Worlds such as Korriban became lasting monuments that provided traces of the ancient Sith Empire.[

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There is more lore then what you refer to. After the Sith fled Korriban they went to Dromand Kaas a planet unknown to the republic and rebuilt under the successor to Naga Sadow, the current emperor, who has ruled for 1000+ yrs. Some of this is explained in game, some is explained in kotor 2, and some explained in the novel Revan. It is well documented that the Jedi and their archives are no where near as infallible as they would like you to believe :D This is of course the condensed version as there is a LOT more to this era of history.
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There is more lore then what you refer to. After the Sith fled Korriban they went to Dromand Kaas a planet unknown to the republic and rebuilt under the successor to Naga Sadow, the current emperor, who has ruled for 1000+ yrs. Some of this is explained in game, some is explained in kotor 2, and some explained in the novel Revan. It is well documented that the Jedi and their archives are no where near as infallible as they would like you to believe :D This is of course the condensed version as there is a LOT more to this era of history.


Naga Sadow is not the emperor.

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Considering Palpatine created the empire



Formed from

Grand Army of the Republic


19 BBY


4 ABY, 130 ABY


19 ABY


right out of lore baby.....


So how is it the empire seems to exsist when they wont be formed for another 3500 years?


The Republic had no army so theres no republic trooper clones were there first army..


As well the senate this far back the head of the senate is...dun dun dun a Jedi Master!


lol the sad part is, Bio Ware didnt have to make up this time in the time line it was there for the past 10-15 years all they had to do was read the novels watch the movies.


any lore short commings is laziness, you have litterally millions of lore freaks from sw literally world wide. this is why these games are held to a higher standard then wow.. Making a Sw game writing a novel = instant 500,000,000 fans drooling at the prospect of returning to a Long time ago in a galaxy far far away......




Ill sit here with my Darth Bane darth malik revan vader tyranus sidious figures twirling my force fx mr lightsaber waiting for these replies!


this is a pure fail rant.

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I don't want to be rude, but man, BEFORE you make a review and beginning to say all kind of things to BioWare (How can they do it worst, etc, etc.) Inform yourself, because you are making fool of yourself. This is a constructive critic.


I put some links for you:





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Here's some compiled information posted before the forums went Kablooey.



I. Sith History

The conflicts between Sith and Jedi over the centuries can be divided into two eras: the Old Sith Wars and the New Sith Wars. Wookieepedia and other sources do not include the Great Hyperspace War or the Great Galactic War (featured in SW:TOR) in either category, but due to the fact that both wars occur within the timeframe of the Old Sith Wars, and that both involve the original Sith Empire which set the stage for the Old Sith Wars, I believe including them in the Old Sith Wars category is logical and fair. Thus, the Old Sith Wars began in 5,000 BBY and ended in 3,653 BBY, while the New Sith Wars began in 2,000 BBY and ended in 1,000 BBY. Future wars, such as the Clone Wars, were not technically Sith-Jedi conflict, although a Sith orchestrated and managed the entirety of the war against the Jedi.


Ia. Beginnings


The Sith of yesteryear were unlike any modern depiction of Sith we know. The Sith were, in fact, a species of red-skinned humanoids with tentacle beards that evolved on Korriban, with a civilization established approximately 100,000 years Before the Battle of Yavin (BBY). Far from the evil, sinister Sith of the movies or most other publications, the Sith species were primitive and developed a very strict caste system. The entire species was Force-sensitive, and they developed a religion around the dark side of the Force, with the Sith sub-species Kissai acting as the spiritual leaders of Sith society in the dark side of the Force. However, the Force as a concept and idea would not be discovered until much later, in 36,453 BBY, when scholars on Tython converged to share their mystical knowledge. The Sith species were too far and isolated to have ever been involved in the dealings of Tython. The mystics of Tython would later be splintered into two camps: the Bogan, the followers of the "dark" side of the Force, and the Ashla, the followers of the light side of the Force. Ashla would emerge victorious in this war. The defeat of Bogan led to the establishment of the Jedi Order, the sworn enemies of the later Sith Order.


But on Korriban, there was no notion of dark and light, good and evil; the Force just was, and the red-skinned Sith species used it as such. In 28,000 BBY, Adas became King of the Sith after a brutal war in which he unified the nations of Korriban. He became the Sith'ari, or Overlord, of the Sith peoples - the "perfect being". A powerful Force-sensitive, Adas ruled as a God-King on Korriban. His 300-year reign saw the birth of the first Sith Empire. Using technology borrowed from the Infinite Empire of the Rakatan, the Sith Empire conquered nearby worlds, including Ziost. The Infinite Empire also shared the secrets of holocron technology to the Sith. Under Adas's leadership and with help from the Rakatan, Sith society developed into a more civilized society - although primitive acts of ritual sacrifice were still common centuries later. At some point, Adas discovered that the Rakatan were planning on conquering Korriban. Adas would lead his people to victory over the Rakatan, stopping their plans of conquest, but the effort cost him his life.


Without their God-King, Sith society collapsed into civil war once more, leaving Korriban a wasteland. The surviving Sith relocated to nearby Ziost where they would rebuild their society. Many warlords claimed the title of Sith'ari in Adas's wake, but none would live up to the title. These warlords squabbled for control of the Sith, and it was prophesied that a true Sith'ari would come into being to save the Sith: this prophecy would not be fulfilled for several thousand years.


Ib. The Hundred-Year Darkness

Much changed in the galaxy in the coming centuries. A plague ravaged the Infinite Empire, leading to the near extinction of the Rakatan and the collapse of the Infinite Empire. In 25,053 BBY, the Core Worlds founded the Galactic Republic with the Jedi Order as the keepers of peace and justice. War and conflict were not unknown to the early days of the Republic, but none were as severe and far-reaching as the conflicts that would erupt after 7,000 BBY.


In 7,003 BBY, a small sect of the Jedi Order began to practice forbidden Force powers. They created new species, such as the powerful and dangerous Leviathan, and it was believed their powers could stop death itself. But the other Jedi believed such powers would only lead to abuse - fearing a repeat of the First Great Schism of 24,500 BBY, in which the Legions of Lettow went to war with the Jedi Order over the right to use the dark side of the Force, the Jedi Order attempted to stop this group of Jedi dissidents, lead by the Jedi Ajunta Pall, XoXaan and Karness Muur, among others. The two sides went to war, beginning the Hundred-Year Darkness. The war came to a head at Corbos, where the last of the so-called "Dark Jedi" surrendered after a bloody battle. The surviving Dark Jedi were rounded up and exiled from Republic Space - stripped of their weapons, the Dark Jedi were sent into the Unknown Regions of space, with most believing they would not survive for long on their own.


They were wrong. The Dark Jedi Exiles, lead by Ajunta Pall, survived. They came upon the world of Korriban in Sith Space, former homeworld of the Sith species. They eventually travelled to Ziost, where they were treated as Gods by the primitive Sith. Showcasing their amazing powers with the Force, the Dark Jedi subdued the Sith'ari, or King of the Sith, with help from the King's Shadow Hand, or second-in-command. The Dark Jedi installed themselves as ruler of the Sith, and Ajunta Pall became the first "Dark Lord of the Sith".


The centuries would past and interbreeding - made possible through Sith alchemy - led to the bloodlines of the Sith and Dark Jedi becoming intertwined. The term "Sith" eventually came to mean not just the red-skinned inhabitants of Korriban and Ziost, but the Dark Jedi who ruled them. Under the rule of the Dark Lords, Sith society advanced drastically - its borders were expanded and new species were brought into the Sith Empire, including humans, but the most populous species of the Empire remained the Sith.


Sith society eventually entered a Golden Age. The most prominent Dark Lord of the Golden Age was Marka Ragnos, a powerful Sith/Human hybrid Dark Lord whose rule saw the Empire at its most powerful. He died after a century of ruling, leading to a power vacuum that would see Naga Sadow vye for control against Ludo Kressh, culminating in the Empire's downfall.


Ic. The Great Hyperspace War

Two hyperspace explorers from Koros Major, Gav and Jori Daragon, came upon the Sith Empire in 5,000 BBY. They were treated with immediate suspicion by the Sith and arrested. Believed to be spies from the Republic, their execution was ordered by the Sith council. But Naga Sadow, one of the more treacherous Sith Lords, had other plans for Gav and Jori. Sadow believed that the Empire had become stagnant and the time was ripe for the Empire to conquer new worlds and spread the glory of the Sith Empire. His beliefs ran opposite those held by the former Dark Lord of the Sith, Marka Ragnos, and his contemporaries, including Ludo Kressh. Kressh and the other Sith Lords believed in remaining isolated and that pursuing a war-like path would only lead to their downfall. But Sadow would have none of it: he orchestrated Gav and Jori's escape from prison, and then killed a fellow Sith Lord, Simus, with Gav's own weapon to make it seem like the two explorers were responsible. After their escape, Sadow came before the Sith council, using the death of Simus and the explorers' escape as a means to press his cause of war against the Republic. The council bought his story, and Sadow was voted in as the new Dark Lord of the Sith.


Sadow took Gav Daragon under his wing as his apprentice, teaching him the ways of the dark side, while Jori escaped back to the Republic. Unbeknownst to her, her ship was bugged with a tracking device, allowing Sadow to know the way back to the Republic. Sadow launched his invasion of Republic space with his entire amassed fleet, leaving Sith territory undefended. The Republic was caught off guard. Koros Major and Coruscant became targets of a two-pronged assault, with Sadow using his dark side powers to create illusions of even larger assault forces. Sadow suffered a momentary lapse of concentration when his apprentice opened his meditation sphere, causing his illusion to falter. The Republic and Jedi forces were able to emerge victorious on Coruscant and Koros Major as a result. With the Sith invasion faltering, Sadow became desperate. After a counter-attack at Primus Goluud, spearheaded by the Koros fleet, Sadow betrayed his apprentice and used a superweapon which caused the system's star to implode. Realizing the errors of his ways, Gav gave the coordinates of the Sith Empire to Empress Teta, ruler of the recently unified Koros system, moments before his death at the hands of Sadow's betrayl.


Sadow fled back to the Sith Empire with the remnants of his invasion force. Over Korriban, Sadow was ambushed by Ludo Kressh and his fleet, declaring that Sadow was not fit to rule the Sith and had only led them on a path of detruction. Sadow was able to survive and kill Kressh by ordering one of his vessels to ram into Kressh's flagship. But Sadow would not rest easy for long: a Republic invasion force arrived and annihilated the remnants of the Sith fleet. Sadow escaped with his sole surviving ship, landing on distant Yavin IV where he placed himself into stasis for the centuries to come. As for the Empire he left behind, the Republic initiated a full-scale invasion of Sith space, rooting out the last few strongholds of the Sith Empire. One Sith Lord did survive the war; this surviving Sith fled to Dromund Kaas where he began rebuilding the Empire, vowing to defeat the Republic and return the Sith Empire to its rightful place. This secret group of Sith, later called the "True Sith", would remain hidden for nearly 1,300 years. But this sect of Sith were not the only survivors. On the Wild Space world of Kesh, a stranded Sith vessel, "Omen", set up a society that would remain hidden and isolated for millennia that would later be called the "Lost Tribe of the Sith". Several Sith escaped to the world of Thule, where they established a military dictatorship, while others escaped to Vjun, eventually giving rise to the Mecrosa Order.


Id. The Great Sith War

Freedon Nadd was a prodigy of the Jedi Order. But in 4,400 BBY, he fell to the dark side, the details of which are too lengthy to get into here. Nadd set his course for the heart of the old Sith Empire, hoping to search for Sith artifacts and teachings. He discovered the holocron of King Adas on Ashas Rees and eventually came upon the jungle moon of Yavin IV. There, he discovered the spirit of the ancient Dark Lord, Naga Sadow. Sadow took Nadd under his wing and taught him the ways of the Sith. When the time came, Nadd vanquished Sadow's spirit and left Yavin IV, eventually coming upon Onderon. Using his power, he proclaimed himself King of Onderon and taught the people Sith lore and magic. He won over the people by going to war with the Beast Riders and his dark side teachings spread throughout the populace. His bloodline would continue his dark rule years after his death, culminating in the rule of King Ommin and his wife, Queen Amanoa.


The Jedi eventually put an end to the dark bloodline of Nadd, ending the Beast Wars and moving Nadd's tomb to Onderon's moon of Dxun. But his tomb would not remain closed for long. A Jedi by the name of Exar Kun, hungry for knowledge, discovered the tomb and unlocked it, unleashing the spirit of Nadd. Promising knowledge, Nadd led Kun to Korriban where Nadd trapped him. Nadd claimed the only hope for escape was to turn to the dark side of the Force. But Kun refused at first, instead calling on his Master, Vodo-Siosk Baas, for aid. But the evil spirit attacked Vodo from light-years away, preventing the Jedi Master from helping. Exar, seeing no alternative, pledged himself to the dark side and was healed by Nadd's darkpower. In the resting place of the ancient Dark Lords, Nadd unleashed guardian beasts on Kun, who called upon the dark side to slay them all. The ancient Sith spirits approved of Kun and set him on his path to becoming a powerful Sith Lord.


On Yavin IV, Kun gained the loyalty of Naga Sadow's Massassi warriors and acquired the amulet of Marka Ragnos, boosting his power significantly. Nadd was pleased with Kun's progress, and believed that through Kun he would be able to resurrect his mortal self. But the Sith spirit was wrong: Kun turned on his Master, vanquishing the Sith spirit for good. But before his final death, Nadd reached out to the Sith adepts Satal and Aleema Keto, warning them about Exar Kun and declaring him to be a pretender to the Sith cause.


Satal and Aleema were royal heirs to the Empress Teta system and had begun initiating themselves in the ancient Sith lore and magic. They formed a group on Empress Teta called the Krath and began planning a take-over of the system. Having been trained by Freedon Nadd during their time on Onderon, the cousins launched a coup in 3,997 BBY and murdered the nobility. Empress Teta fell under the rule of the Krath and the dark side of the Force.


At the Jedi convocation on Deneba, called to discuss the threat of the Krath, Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma argued that the way to defeath the Krath was for him to infiltrate the group and destroy them from within. The Jedi Masters assembled saw the dangers in Ulic's plan, knowing the dangers inherent in attempting to infiltrate the dark side. But after witnessing the death of his Master, Arca Jeth, at the hands of Krath war droids, Ulic decided to go ahead with his plan. Ulic successfully infiltrated the Krath; during his mission, Ulic discovered Satal Keto was responsible for the attack that killed his Master. Losing himself in anger, Ulic killed Satal, which further pushed him into the darkness.


But the newly forged Sith Lord, Exar Kun, saw the danger posed by Ulic Qel-Droma and set out from his base on Yavin IV to kill him and Aleema. He saw them both as threats to his power. Attacking the Krath base on Cinnagar amidst a Republic/Jedi invasion, Kun incapictated Aleema and dueled Kun. But before the battle could be decided, spirits of long-dead Sith Lords appeared in the Citadel, including Marka Ragnos. Ragnos put a stop to the duel and ordered that Kun and Qel-Droma must work together to achieve a new era for the Sith. Agreeing, Kun was declared the new Dark Lord of the Sith, with Ulic his apprentice. The two vowed to conquer the galaxy and destroy the Republic and the Jedi.


As the Great Sith War raged, a new threat appeared on the horizon: the Mandalorian Crusaders, the roving warrior society. Seeking glory, the Mandalorians attacked the forces of Exar Kun. But Mandalore the Indomitable, leader of the Crusaders, was defeated in single combat by Ulic Qel-Droma. Swearing his loyalty, Mandalore vowed his armies to the Sith cause, allowing the Sith to greatly expand the war.


A major assault was launched on the Republic capital, Coruscant, in an effort to bring a swift conclusion to the war. Kun was hesistant about launching an attack on the capital so soon, instead believing the Sith should consolidate their forces. Mandalore and Qel-Droma, however, disagreed and believed they could handle the invasion without the support of Kun and his Sith converts. As Mandalorian Basilisk War Droids and the Sith army attacked the city-planet, Aleema, the treacherous leader of the Krath, finally initiated her plan to overthrow Ulic; using her Sith magic, she convinced Mandalore and the armies of Ulic to retreat, leaving Ulic behind on Coruscant to fight alone. Ulic was captured by the Jedi and sentenced to death. He would later be rescued by a force led by Mandalore and Exar Kun; Kun would slay the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and his Master, Vodo-Siosk Baas, during a grand duel in the Senate Chambers.


On Ossus, home to the great Jedi library, Ulic fought against his brother, Cay, and killed him. Nomi witnessed the murder of Cay at Ulic's hands and lost control of her emotions; lashing out with the Force, Nomi stripped Ulic of his connection to the Force. Upon losing this connection, Ulic was horrified to realize the atrocities he had committed, including killing his own brother. Repenting, he vowed to help the Jedi defeat Kun.


As Qel-Droma turned, the war turned sour for the Sith. On Onderon, the Republic and Onderons were able to repel the Mandalorian Crusaders with help from the Beast Riders. Mandalore himself was shot down on the jungles of Dxun and killed by native beasts; his body would be found by another Mandalorian, who would take his helmet and become the warrior later known as Mandalore the Ultimate.


On Yavin IV, the Jedi, led by Ulic Qel-Droma, arrived with a full battle-fleet. Kun realized his battle was lost and used his Sith powers to drain the life essences of his loyal Massassi warriors, using it to strip his spirit of his mortal body. He believed that he would be able to escape Yavin IV and continue his war against the Jedi. The Jedi, with Nomi Sunrider directing them, combined their powers in one massive effort of light side energy that swept across Yavin IV. This energy collided with the dark side energy created by Kun's magic; a chain reaction was set off, resulting in a massive firestorm that swept across the jungle moon, destroying most of the surface of Yavin IV. The Jedi were stunned and horrified by what their actions had wrought on Yavin IV and left the world behind.


With the defeat of Kun, the Republic launched an offensive against the remaining Krath forces in Empress Teta and returned the system to Republic control.


Ie. The Jedi Civil War and the Dark Wars

Several decades after the end of the Great Sith War, the Mandalorian Wars raged across the galaxy. Led by Mandalore the Ultimate, the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders wreaked havoc across the Republic, still reeling from the devastation of the Great Sith War. The war was orchestrated by the secret Sith Emperor on Dromuund Kaas, still alive after his escape from the Great Hyperspace War; the "True Sith" as they would be known to a select few were behind Mandalore's invasion in preparation for their own later invasion of the galaxy. The invasion was a large success, largely because the Jedi were hesitant to get involved. Their numbers having never recovered from the Great Sith War, the Jedi Council was reluctant to get involved in another war. But some in the Order refused to stand by and watch: one such man was a Jedi who would later be called "Revan" after the Revanchist movement he started. Gathering many Jedi to his banner, Revan initiated a campaign against the Mandalorians. A strategic genius, Revan was able to turn the tides against the Mandalorians. During his campaign against the Mandalorians, Revan discovered Star Maps left behind by the Rakatan Infinite Empire, hinting at a superweapon of great power lurking in the Unknown Regions. Revan ultimately discovered the existence of the "True Sith" and believed he could stop them by turning to the dark side.


Revan ultimately defeated the Mandalorians at Malachor V and became a hero to the Republic. But soon after he disappeared with his apprentice, Malak, and many military officers of the Republic Military. He went on a search for the Star Forge, the weapon left behind by the Rakatan. On his journey he encountered the Sith Emperor of the True Sith. The ancient Emperor corrupted both Revan and Malak and gave them the mission of returning to the galaxy to spearhead a Sith invasion. With the power of the Star Forge at his hands and a significant portion of the Republic fleet, Revan launched a surprise invasion of the Republic in 3,959 BBY. His Sith Empire was a powerful insitituion based out of Korriban, where a new academy was built and many new Sith adepts were trained. The war was long and costly and there seemed to be no end to Revan's resources, thanks to the dark power of the Star Forge. But as with all Sith, betrayal soon turned Revan's plans on its head.


During a battle against a Jedi task force sent to bring Revan to justice, Malak opened fire on his Master's ship during a Jedi incursion that saw Revan pitted against several Jedi, including Bastila Shan. Revan survived the attack was but comatose and was saved by the quick actions of Shan, who escaped the flagship to safety. She returned to the Jedi Council with the still comatose Revan. There, the Jedi reprogrammed Revan's mind to forget his evil ways; Shan, who had a connection to Revan through the Force, was charged with protecting Revan and to hopefully learn the secrets of how Revan was able to build such a massive fleet.


With a new identity, Revan was implanted into the Republic army and placed under the command of Jedi Shan in the war against Malak and his Sith Empire. Malak initiated a galaxy-wide search for Shan, hoping to capture her and use her for her rare ability of battle meditation. Malak caught up with Shan at Taris, who escaped to the planet below. Revan also escaped the attack and, with help from Carth Onasi, rescued Shan from Taris as it was destroyed by Malak's orbital bombardment.


On Dantooine, Revan was brought before the Jedi Council, still unaware of his past. There he began training as a Jedi Knight; the Masters were cautious of perhaps training the man who could become Revan again, but the Jedi went through with it in the hopes of stopping Malak and the superweapon he held secret. After receiving a vision of the Star Maps, Revan and his companions set forth to piece together the puzzle of the Star Forge. But their journey was cut short after capture by the Sith flagship Leviathan. There, Revan discovered the truth of his identity. But the man named Revan refused to return to his old ways, instead renouncing his dark past and pledging himself to the light. Escaping Leviathan, the Jedi and their companions made their way to Lehon, homeworld of the Rakatan, where they discovered the Star Forge, key behind the Empire's military might. Signaling the Republic fleet, the Jedi and Republic launched a full-scale assault on the Star Forge while Revan infiltrated the Star Forge. There, he confronted his former apprentice, Malak, and slew him in battle. The Star Forge was destroyed, and the threat of the Sith Empire seemed over. However, Revan began to recover more memories after war's end. He remembered the True Sith, the group that had corrupted him in the first place, and set out to the Unknown Regions alone to do battle against them before they could invade the Republic.


But with Revan's departure, the Jedi still faced many threats. The remnants of the Sith Empire fought one another in the sith Civil War, but were eventually re-united under the Sith Triumvirate of Darth Sion, Darth Nihilus and Darth Traya, whom was Revan's former Master, corrupted to the dark side after following in Revan's footsteps to find out what caused him to turn. The Sith Triumvirate began to undermine the Republic from within and eventually launched the First Jedi Purge; the Purge saw nearly the entire Jedi Order eradicated. The Order publicly disbanded as the Triumvirate and their agents assassinated Jedi across the galaxy. Nihilus, the Lord of Hunger, devastated the entire world of Katarr by draining all life there, including that of nearly one hundred Jedi.


Eventually, the Triumvirate split apart - Nihilus and Sion, concerned only with greater power and slaughtering the Jedi, betrayed Traya and severed her connection to the Force. Traya set out on an even greater cause: she vowed to destroy the Force itself. Aiding the Jedi Exile on her return to the galaxy, Traya orchestrated the deaths of the surviving Jedi Masters and her own two former apprentices, Nihilus and Sion. She then intended to sacrifice herself to create an even greater wound in the Force which she believed would destroy the Force itself. But her plans were foiled by the Jedi Exile, and in her last moments she surrendered herself to the Force. The Dark Wars came to an end, and the Jedi Exile went ahead with the task of rebuilding the Jedi Order before she herself set out into the Unknown Regions in search of Revan.


After the collapse of the Triumvirate, the remnants of the Sith Empire completely swallowed themselves whole.


If. The Great Galactic War

This section won't be in great detail as the game is yet to be released. But, the Sith Empire of old - the true Sith Empire that ruled over Sith Space centuries ago before the Great Hyperspace War - remained hiding deep within the Unknown Regions, led by a Sith Emperor who had survived the Great Hyperspace War, making him nearly 1,400 years old. Almost three hundred years after the end of the Jedi Civil War, the Sith Emperor initiated his grand invasion of the Republic. It is unknown what came of Revan and the Exile, for the Sith military stampeded over the Republic defenses with the help of the Mandalorian clans. A final push was made into Coruscant, where the Sith forced the surrender of the Republic by signing the Treaty of Coruscant.


After war's end, the Sith Empire carved up a significant portion of galactic territory and fell on this newly acquired territory to hold their ground, fearful of overstretching their resources. The Sith Emperor himself retreated from operating his Empire, instead leaving the day to day operations of the Empire to his Dark Council. The galaxy then entered an interstellar Cold War, with the Sith and Republic engaged in an intense stand-off, ready to re-ignite the flames of war at any time.


Ig. The New Sith Wars

Eventually the Sith Empire collapsed and lost their war against the Republic; scattered Sith clans remained throughout the galaxy over the next thousand years, but for the first time in millennia the galaxy was free of the tyranny of the Sith. That all changed in 2,000 BBY. Phanius, a Jedi Master, abandoned the Jedi Order and became the first Dark Lord of the Sith in centuries: Darth Ruin. He united the remaining few Sith clans and tribes into the New Sith Empire. He declared war on the Republic and set the galaxy down a path of darkness for the next thousand years.


Ruin himself would not last long; he would eventually be assassinated by his minions. But Ruin's death could not stop the rebirth of the Sith. By 1,750 BBY, the Empire was under the domination of the Dark Underlord who unleashed a terrifying campaign against the Republic with his Black Knights. Eventually he would be stopped, but his position would soon be replaced by other Dark Lords.


A turning point in the war came at 1,466 BBY, where the Sith achieved a stunning victory over the Republic and the Jedi at Mizra. The Battle of Mizra would unlock the Outer Rim to the Sith; for the remainder of the war, the Sith totally dominated the Outer Rim territories. The Republic fell further back on the Core as resources ran law and the Jedi found themselves overstretched. By 1,400 BBY, the situation had deteriorated so badly that the HoloNet collapsed and interstellar commerce became non-existent, and the Jedi were forced to assume military and political control over the Republic; from 1,400 BBY to the end of the war, a Jedi occupied the post of Supreme Chancellor. To make matters worse for the Republic, the Candorian plague swept across the galaxy, killing two-thirds of the population on many Republic planets.


But the Sith were in a precarious situation of their own; while the New Sith Empire was indeed a powerful political and military force, it was a loosely organized one with various Sith Lords and clans vying for power. Many Sith claimed the title of Dark Lord of the Sith, leading to much in-fighting in the Empire. By 1,250 BBY, Belia Darzu ruled as Dark Lord of the Sith and her campaign against the Republic would be called the Sictis Wars, where Darzu's creation, the Technobeasts, unleashed havoc on the Jedi from her base on Tython, birth place of the Jedi Order. Darzu would be assassinated by the Mecrosa Order, a Sith organization based in Tapani that did not appreciate Darzu's incursions into Tapani territory.


By 1,100 BBY, after nearly 900 years of war, the Republic entered its "Dark Age". The Republic essentially ceased to exist. The remaining Jedi wielded near-unlimited power in their control of the remnants of the Republic. The Sith, however, were so divided against one another by this time that the Sith Empire too was in a final stage of collapse. In 1,006 BBY, one of the Dark Lords, Kaan, reorganized the Empire into the Brotherhood of Darkness. In the Brotherhood, none were called "Darth" and instead there were many Dark Lords of the Sith who ruled together, thus keeping the Sith content and preventing further in-fighting. The Brotherhood began their assault by recapturing the Sith homeworld of Korriban, where they re-established a Sith academy. The Brotherhood's assault ravaged the Republic, capturing worlds as far into the Core as Chandrila. By 1,001 BBY, they were well on their way to taking Coruscant. However, they were opposed by the Army of Light led by Jedi General Hoth. Hoth's counter-attacks took the Sith by surprise, even capturing the former capital of the Sith, Dromuund Kaas.


As these events occurred, an aspiring Sith Lord was rising through the ranks of the Brotherhood: Bane. This powerful Sith, destined to be the propheized Sith'ari, read much of the ancient texts and saw Kaan's "Rule by the Strong" as weak and ineffectual; he believed that so many powerful Sith ruling together was diminishing their individual powers. He secretly began to plot against the Brotherhood as the Sith and the Jedi engaged on the world of Ruusan. There, seven battles would be waged, with many Jedi and Sith losing their lives in bloodshed. Bane was not present, however; instead he was on the world of Lehon, where he discovered a holocron created by Darth Revan centuries ago. From that holocron he was able to forge the idea of the Rule of Two, an idea he saw as the salvation of the Sith. The holocron also taught him the power of the thought bomb. Realizing his opportunity, Bane taught the thought bomb to Kaan, who saw it as his opportunity to wipe out the Jedi. Kaan and his Brotherhood hid themselves in a cave, where they were assaulted by Hoth and ninety-nine of his Jedi. Kaan unleashed the thought bomb; unable to properly control it, the thought bomb killed all the Sith and Jedi in the cave, exactly as Bane planned. Bane was the last surviving Sith Lord, and he set about to resurrect the Sith under his Rule of Two. But for the Jedi, they saw the threat of the Sith as over. The New Sith Wars came to an end on Ruusan, and the Republic entered a transition phase known as the Ruusan Reformations, spearheaded by the first non-Jedi Chancellor in centuries, Tarsus Valorum.

Edited by Rhyltran
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Republic is a form of government that each member has total control over the government.



Empire is ruled by a Emperor which can be a hereditary or elective monarchy.


example:Japan WWII.


The Sith Spirit of Marka Ragnos pronounced Tenebrae as Lord Vitiate. Dark Lord of the Sith. So in a sense a previous Emperor pronounced Vitiate as the new one.

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The Sith Spirit of Marka Ragnos pronounced Tenebrae as Lord Vitiate. Dark Lord of the Sith. So in a sense a previous Emperor pronounced Vitiate as the new one.


Then again, it is entirely possible that the story you are referring to is apocryphal.

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The Sith Spirit of Marka Ragnos pronounced Tenebrae as Lord Vitiate. Dark Lord of the Sith. So in a sense a previous Emperor pronounced Vitiate as the new one.


I don't remember that happening. In fact wasn't it said that the old Sith Lords do not support The Emperor?

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I don't remember that happening. In fact wasn't it said that the old Sith Lords do not support The Emperor?


It is part of the story Darth Nyriss relays to Lord Scourge. Of nebulous fact, more than sufficiently colored with legend and potentially propaganda. It is said that Marka Ragnos bestowed the title of Lord Vitiate to Tenebrae, in addition to rule over the planet Medriaas when Tenebrae was somewhere around thirteen. Stress on the "it is said" part.

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Wait, is this a joke?

I'm going to assume its not.

Honestly, isn't there supposed to be an age restriction or something to prevent 12 year olds from posting random **** in threads?

Bro, if you had thought before posting this thread you would've realised (hopefully) one thing: The word EMPIRE wasn't invented by George Lucas, it was there before 1978.

Roman Empire anyone? :D

Regardless, research and review your posts before insulting Bioware's competence with the Star Wars lore (although its beyond me why the interceptors are/look exactly like the ones in A new hope. Would the emperor use dated technology?).

Don't assume that Bioware doesn't know what it's doing. There have been several Sith Empires throughout history.



Just my two cents.




P.S. Nice grammar in the first post.

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