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Similarities over thousands of years??


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So while looking at everything in the game, plus going back to even KotoR and the movies, anyone have any thoughts as to why ships, fighters, even Republic troopers, basically look the same? You look at the Sith Fury interceptor, and you can see Darth Maul's ship, and a lot of TIE fighter designs in it. The BT-7 looks a lot like a B-wing, the XS has elements of the Millennium Falcon, etc. This is supposed to be a few thousand years in between movies and SWTOR, so shouldn't there be radically different designs?


Granted I'm not up to speed in everything Star Wars, I just began to read some of the Old Republic novels, never read any of the novels based after the original trilogy, never read any of the comics, so please go easy on me... :D


Thought I get some other people's opinions and start (hopefully) a friendly discussion.

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Well, if you think about it logically; technology reaches glass ceilings all the time. Our perspective is kind of derailed because we live in a time of exponential technological growth.


These people have had interstellar travel and gravitational manipulation mastered for millennia. So it stands to reason that many technologies would follow a certain style or form for very long periods of time. Another thing is that we cannot really perceive a single company surviving for 10's of thousands of years, but it is very plausible once certain technological plateaus are reached.

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True... thinking about it from our 100 years of technology innovation does kind of skew things.


Using my example though of trooper, from what I've read and understand (again limited), Clone Trooper armor was based on Mandalorian style armor (loved the Republic Commando novels). But if Mandalorians and the Republic went to war a few times and basically hated each other during SWTOR timeframe, why would republic troopers look so similar to clone troopers? Mandalorians would not have just given tech to the Republic to copy, and not sure the Republic would want to look just like an enemy.

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They've had inter-galactic Space Flight and Blaster technology for twice as long as Earthlings have been growing food for themselves, and thats just the Core Worlds, The Rakata and the Celestials? thats a whole other ball game. Star Wars has different rules. Edited by adamqd
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Well, armor is armor is armor. There are only so many ways to design humanoid armor from a practical standpoint. The only thing that can really be randomized is the aesthetics (something that mandalorians are particular about), and from a perspective of cost : functionality there is really no reason to change a basic design if it performs the way you want it to.
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They've had inter-galactic Space Flight and Blaster technology for twice as long as Earthlings have been growing food for themselves, and thats just the Core Worlds, The Rakata and the Celestials? thats a whole other ball game. Star Wars has different rules.


<3 the Celestials. I was hoping against hope to come across Centrepoint Station within the Corellia story line. I was disappoint.

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