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Is this a good pyrobuild?


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This is what I'm doing... Stay away from alacrity for the time being its kinda broke alot of people say. You def want the cylinder buff off of the arsenal tree and the 9% aim is a pretty good jump too. Also the Muzzle Fluting is a big help since power shot cost a alot of heat.


The push back reduce on Bodyguard is nice but not worth losing all the perks you gain in the aresenal tree. Cheers!




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Would this build be good for pvp, daily quests and very casual PvE?


The idea is that I put some points in bodyguard to be able to put out some healing and the majority in to pyro.


I don't like it for any part of gaming. If you want to be able to heal yourself better, but still have the necessary talents to push Pyro - go 0/10/31. (You can talent it with those 10 points in Arsenal to end up making it so all of your self-heals heal you for 10% more, which is better for your solo Merc for healing than the pushback talent you took in Bodyguard)


But honestly, 3/7/31 is better. 3 talent points for 6% crit in Hired Muscle, 1 point in Upgraded Arsenal for another 3% tech crit (tech is your fire and DOTs)


Don't take Alacrity. Even if the endurance talents are weak as ****, it's still better than alacrity. Envy the Powertechs, both of their non-endurance 1st tier talents are better than both of ours.


I wouldn't take Automated Defenses, but that's just me. 31 points in the tree, max. You want to make the most out of every single talent point.


In order to help Cardio Package be worthwhile, I dip one point into Custom Enviro Suit rather than Muzzle Fluting. I have three points in Hired Muscle, but later on down the line once I can reach 30% crit without Hired Muscle, I'll replace it with Improved Vents and another point in the Enviro Suit.


Here's my build plan.


Here's what it will be once I can hit 30% crit without Hired Muscle.


Once you can hit your soft-cap of crit, you must keep in mind that any increased heat venting is a direct damage output upgrade. This is why I will eventually switch Hired Muscle for Improved Venting. An extra 16 heat vented every 90 seconds is an extra two people I can DOT, or an extra missile or two I can fire on the move before Rapid Shot is needed. The idea is borne from pve, but it translates well to pvp for a smart player. Managing your heat is the difference between being inferior and being superior to the Arsenal tree.

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