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(PvP) Dispels and Watchmen burn effects


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Cure/Cleanse costs resources and it has a cooldown. Anything to keep enemy healers busy is a good thing. People are thinking burns will just disappear


The resource cost is laughably low and comes with only benefits talented (like heals).


It worries me because I have a 50 bounty hunter healer and I cleanse dots like a mofo when I see a dotting sentinel/marauder in a WZ. I know how trivial it is to cleanse and how powerful an effect it has.

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I highly doubt you will see dispels of watchmen dots even come rated wz for one reason. Its to hard to see what buffs/rebuffs a player has on them with the current ui. So a healer can't tell what debuffs a person has on them so the gcd is better spent healing through it then guessing.


Mmm some UI improvements are coming with 1.2 though no? Once people can at least increase the size of the debuff icons and move them to a more visible location that could make a huge difference.


In all honesty, Watchman DOTs should not be dispellable. It is core to the tree's performance, and Sentinels need the damage to offset survivability issues.

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combat really didnt get much..i'd say the Inflammation buff was better


Focus spec will now how something else to do while waiting for CD's to come up..although i do like the fact the slash crits will have a chance to give 2 focus, but imo..it shouldnt require a form


Focus may be the new king for pvp though i do give you that.

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combat really didnt get much..i'd say the Inflammation buff was better



I don't agree at all. Combat got MS being uninterruptable, a potential boost to ataru form damage (from proc's now scaling with weapon damage), and access to a couple of nice buffs from the other trees (valor centering buff, MS damage boost to name two). The addition of cyclone slash to zen also gives combat some AoE potential. Overall some decent buffs.

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you guys act like our burns/bleeds are going to be the only thing on the target or that the target can choose to dispell them. Pretty sure other DOT classes in other MMO's still did fine in pvp using DOT's...


Yup. It'll be fine. People are freaking like usual.

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Rated warzones up the stakes, and once that one guy makes a "How to rated warzone post"--dispelling dots is going to be at the front. Dot Dispelling will make or break teams in rateds.


I made a similar thread on the marauder side that's gotten a few pages of discussion; hopefully Bioware considers making dispel remove 1 physical debuff (so healers/mercs/ops choose between burning GCDs or straight healing) or gives us some built in 25-50% resistance. Right now DoT dispelling isn't a choice--there's no thought. It's always going to be better than straight healing, 99.9% of the time (1.5s to remove a crap ton of damage/slows/healing debuff, np np).


If we get to choose which debuff to dispell somehow or it prioritizes intelligently, sure. Otherwise hell no it wouldn't even be worth it with only one dispell 90% of the time with all the junk thrown around. If anything it should be 1 of every 'type' if not 2 of every type it can dispell.

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Having Watchman's burns being 'dispelled' is good!!


All Watchmen have to do is press the SAME series of buttons all the time, what fun is that?

Having the DOT's beaing healed off is good, it adds dynamic to your gamestyle, thus requiring more skill to use the class.


If you can't play with DOT's being healed off, then respec to Focus and go EVEN MORE EZ mode.

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