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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why would you ever want to be republic?


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because you Sith need to be irradicated, something me and my republic homies enjoy doing on a nightly basis on my server...


Is that like irradiated? Just asking because I think you meant eradicated.


That misspelling might replace my oldest pet peeve of people that spell ridiculous with an "re". When I see that misspelling I immediately skip anything else the poster says, because if he or she is uneducated enough to misspell a word that is misspelled as often as it's mispronounced, he/she doesn't deserve to have their post read...by anyone...ever.

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because im not 14, and i find the teen angst on empire to be completely lol and i cannot make it beyond lvl 15 because i am spending so much time loling. SLAVE! ZAP ZAP lightning! EVIL! EVIL !EVIL! its really lol to me. thats why.


Yeah, because someone with the forum name "Darth_Pants" is obviously not 14.



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Well, if you think the Republic in this game is "nuanced" then I seriously hope we never get your version of "nuanced" in the democracies of the real world. Good grief.


I don't expect a faction full of angels, by the way, you're the one who's constantly pinning this mischaracterization on me; and quite frankly I'm tired of your constant pushing of this strawman. Have a nice day.


Your two complaints: corrupt politicians, and Belavis.


US government: corrupt politicians, and Guantanamo.


I rest my case.


More to the point: the story is fine, its not the problem. The problem lies in multiple elements:


- the "cool" factor. Right now the imperial classes just have straight out better animations and just looks better (PvP Jedi Guardian armor *cough*). I understand this is subjective, however it would seem most people agree with me if we are to judge by the numbers.


- Animation problems. Things like Mortar Volley being delayed by 2 seconds vs an instant DFA are a real problem, and somehow they are all on one side.


- the "snowball" factor. Republic had less players, people heard ot it, rolled empire, which made republic have even less player proportionally, which made some quit, some reroll empire, new players hear of the situation and roll empire in fear of ending up on a "dead" faction, etc. Its just a downhill slope.


Possible solutions?

Its not hard: make republic more appealing, on a basic level.

What that means is things like:

- Add the "Yoda" (forgot the name) race as a playable race. Instant reroll train inc.

- Make animations more appealing on the Republic's side. Pebble throwing is unsurprisingly less popular then lightning zapping. Why not change Pebble throwing to something else, like Force hurling (As in:

(her finisher @ 4:20))?

- Fix the bugs!!!

- Offer free faction transfer to Empire players willing to go on the Republic side. (if they can figure out how). Or make leveling a Republic toon fast (+% exp faction buff), and/or more rewarding (+% credits recieved from kills faction buffs). Or offer ingame items to new Republic hitting 50, like a cool vehicle. As long as you give players a good insentive to switch sides.

Edited by Stonedsoul
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Your two complaints: corrupt politicians, and Belavis.


US government: corrupt politicians, and Guantanamo.


I rest my case.


So, in your relativistic mind, Belsavis = Guantanamo?


I am not defending Guantanamo, but holy crap, do you realize what you just said? No wonder everything looks so "nuanced" to you.

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So, in your relativistic mind, Belsavis = Guantanamo?


I am not defending Guantanamo, but holy crap, do you realize what you just said? No wonder everything looks so "nuanced" to you.


Frankly no, I don't realize what I just said. Why don't you explain it to me, what was so horribly terrible in Belsavis that you seem almost traumatized by what you saw there...

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I obviously have never tried republic and have been playing empire from to get go, but just looking at the classes, republic sounds underpowered and weak If you ask me,

Can anyone reinforce the republic ? I've never played them what's it like ?


Because I never liked to burn ants with a magnifying glass or tie firecrackers to a cat's tail.

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Frankly no, I don't realize what I just said. Why don't you explain it to me, what was so horribly terrible in Belsavis that you seem almost traumatized by what you saw there...


Oh I wouldn't want to spoil it. I'd recommend you do the planet again if you passed it already, and make sure you pay attention to all the quests and side-quests, on both sides if you can (Empire and Republic).

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I play it because Ive got True Grit.I like the republic lore. I listen to country music. I like guns. I like freedom. I have a tatoo of my countries flag. I like dogs and think cats are mean. I love small children but dislike teen agers. I eat at small local greasy spoons. I shop at a farmers market.


Just to name a few reasons.

Lmao at this.

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Oh I wouldn't want to spoil it. I'd recommend you do the planet again if you passed it already, and make sure you pay attention to all the quests and side-quests, on both sides if you can (Empire and Republic).


Oh you misunderstand me, I dont mean "What is bad at this place". I simply am wondering how its any worst then being stripped of all your rights and dignity, shipped to a strange country, detained with no trial nor accusations, treated like an animal and tortured, both mentally and phisically.


Because somehow you seemd to imply that Belsavis is somehow so glaringly worst then all that that I am mad to even compare both... Or did you think that by "Guantanamo" i meant a summer camp?

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One of the fun things about playing republic is making your character gravitate towards the dark side. The jedi are so monk-like and stale in their obsession with purging passion from the heart, that I find it repugnant.


One quest as an example: there is a quest where it is found out that two jedi apprentices are falling in love, and the jedi leadership finds this unacceptable. It is fun to betray the leaders in this and start down the path of passion in defiance of them (like Anakin did).


There are so many different ways to play your characters on both sides that the question of why would you want to becomes more than a little absurd.


Who wouldn't want to play characters on both sides? In fact, in the long run, there are 8 major story lines to follow, four on each side, and each of these stories can take many unique twists and turns. So much fun to be had . . .

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To play an imp is to support communism and dictatorship.


Oh, and Republic wins the war.




Pretty much, People see this as good vs evil because they are stuck in the whole LS vs DS idea. That is just part of the equation, and if you ever read any backstory about the sith empire, you would know it has nothing to do with "evil", which is a completely subjective (and made up) concept to begin with.


Rather its a matter of lifestyles and politics. One side is militaristic, one side is not. One side is a democracy, the other side is a dictatorship. One side is capitalistic, one side is communist. Its the empire vs the republic, not the sith vs the jedi.


There are nuances on both sides, and only the most hardcore jedi/sith sees everything in black or white. Aka, the religious extremists of this world. Not surprising.


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes" - Obi-Wan Kenobi

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