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In WZs and world PvP (the limited available through leveling), I've never run into a Marauder that did much of anything to me. I've had them chasing me around in WZs trying to hurt me, and I just ignore them. The 1v1s I've had with them I've always just taken them out handily.


I've chalked it up to rock/paper/scissors. I play tanks. First BH, then Vanguard, now doing Shadow.


Last night I had a Marauder dog me in Civil War the whole match. I tend to defend West node, mostly solo because as everyone knows in PuGs ppl don't tend to like to hang back and defend. I do.


Anyway, this guy pulled me apart, repeatedly. First time, he had me at half life literally in seconds...I was very surprised to have to go into OhCrap mode as quickly as I did. He ended up finishing me off after a more even second half.


Next time, he showed up with a buddy, but I had a heal buddy. I had guard on the healer, but they both focused me and took me down through heals (first time that's happened...tank guarding healer combo is pretty strong).


Third time was much closer...1v1 again. Was a great fight, all over the node, lasted a long time. I was *pissed* when he was at about 20% life, I was at 25% or so, and someone on my side showed up and /added.


The question: What the hell did this guy do right? Why was he doing it right when it seems that every single other Marauder I've met in the past month must be doing it wrong?


Keep in mind, this is 1-49 bracket, so it was not a gear issue. He was only lvl 31 (I was 25). This lvl 31 guy gave me worse fits than I had from the lvl 50 marauders I faced before they moved 50s out of the bracket.



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It's a high skill cap class, and when it is played wrong, it shows. You just met one of the few people who really knew their class and how to counter your own. You have to be really careful how you spend your skill points at low levels as well, since we don't get some key abilities till further up the tree. So he possibly spent his points well also. Edited by CaptainBarbosa
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99% of Marauders are bad.


He probably just pressed his buttons correctly. If he dropped half your HP really fast, he was probably rage with omega Smash, probably decent gear and popped a relic. But from his longevity he may have been Annihilation and you didn't block a crit Annihilate. Same deal, decent gear and a buff.


Tank spec VGs are somewhat tedious, but Annihilation spec can outlast them without a problem -- literally just 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 until they die. Bleed damage is internal, so it bypasses armor. Helps a bit.


Tank Shadows have a bit better sustain and some potentially dangerous burst, but a heal debuff and interrupting TK will take care of the sustain. Just need to make sure some cooldown is up when project flies.

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