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PvP Appreciation thread


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So I've been reading tons of negative feedback about the PvP in SWTOR. I think its time we shared the things we LIKE about PvP in SWTOR. Please only state what you LIKE about PvP, 95% of the other threads are for QQing.


First of all, I truly love huttball. It can be very fun and very challenging. It rewards and encourages cooperation which is a must in an mmo. The concept of huttball is something that can be a template for many many many more huttball-styled warzones. Bottomless pits, more fire, freezing traps. The only limit is your imagination.

The other positive thing with huttball is the ability to fight against your own faction. This opens up for more frequent battles and the chance to fight versus that one guy who ninjaed your loot or your best friend.


I like how diverse the classes are and how they all have their distinct combat style. Some classes might need finetuning, but no class is unbeatable atm. Teamplay and coordination beats OP classes.


In the future I would love to see bigger warzones with 16v16 or even 24v24. Most of us remember epic large scale fights from Alterac Valley that lasted for days. Perhaps looking at the old Alterac Valley could be a solution for Ilum. Perhaps make Ilum a crossrealm warzone style where the fighting goes on for days.


All in all I love what I see and I have a feeling it'll only get better. The force is strong with you Bioware!

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i like warzones and the concept they are sharing. All pretty much focused on objective and not outkilling (even i miss some deathmatchs).

Actually this part of the game is keeping me playing.

I also love Hutball games ! they are trully product of cooperation. But to be honest, my personal favorite is definitelly Voidstar defense. I just like how my premade is working right there..

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I really like the balance, really, no joke, there are easier classes than others, but as usual, "easy" doesnt mean "better".


i like the principle of huttball, but i hate the setting; it should be militar (imho), like carring a bomb to enemy base; that way i could picture myself as jedi fighting siths (rp-pvp server)

a battlefield , not a football field, that i would LOVE


i like the fact that BW doesnt ignore PvP, they aknoledge it as very important (look at server pops, the most pops are in pvp or rp-pvp servers).


i like the fact that we get a planet and a free for all pvp map.They will correct the problems, i really do think they will at least try till the most pvpers are happy.


I love to **** people with my annihilation marauder being outnumbered in open world.

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Nice thread, i also enjoy pvp, it only needs a bit more balance between classes, being actually Jedi Knights/Warriours the most underpowered.


That being said,i like cooperative PVP and the most i like is definitively Alderaan, don´t know why:)

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The overall balance in this game between the classes are pretty spot on, for being this close to release. The changes they have made for PvP so far hasnt been huge, but they have all been in the right direction and I really think this game can become a competitive PvP game if they keep it up.


I've enjoyed it alot, from level 10 til now with full BM gear, its been a really fun trip :)


Just waiting for abit more content, hopefully some smaller scale competitive PvP!

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huttball is simply one of the best ideas for pvp i've seen in an mmo in quite some time. THe level of depth to the "meta"game is limitless if people would learn to play it and try rather than just try to roll as a big ball and walk it to the endzone.


I envision formations, playcalls, crazy spread passing. It will be a lot of fun once people stop facerolling the keyboard.


Ranked huttball play will be fun.

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