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Beginner tips, please


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Hi, guys, I'm looking for some advice on the class.

My main is a Sage but I got a bit bored of healing and I decided to give the BH a go. Now, I think the mechanics are pretty easy to understand, yet since I'm not very used to melee I sometimes end up overheating.


I'm around lvl 13/14, I mostly use the dart, then unload, mob comes to me and the uppercut (can't remember name), flame thrower and rail shot. In between I use my regular attack so I don't overheat. Is that ok? Is there something more effective?


For the moment, I run with my Combustible Cylinder Gas since it's the only one I have. Should I switch to a different one on higher lvls?


And finally, I'm mostly focused on PvPing, I'm aware that certain builds will do good for lvling and some other for pvping but my idea is to lvl with a pvp build that might be able to make my lvling up to 50 not that boring. Can you help me with that? I've put my first skill points into Bursting Flame.

Btw, since the BH is an alt, I'll probably go solo.


Any other tips you might want to throw in are welcome. Thanks.

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which cylinder you use depends on which spec you run

ion gas > shieldtech cause shielding vents heat

combustible gas > pyro since pyro effects do more damage to burning targets

high energy gas > AP


other then that, flamethrower on single targets is a bit of a waste.

wrist rocket i seldom use these days due to terrible heat/damage ratio.

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spec shieldtech for leveling. you'll eventually use ion gas cylinder. you should have no trouble with normal questing as this spec and you may be able to solo some 2 man heroics.


i mostly open with explosive dart or death from above on groups depending if dfa is on cooldown. i then follow the explosive dart with a railshot and/or shoulder slam. there are very few abilities that i never use other than missle blast.


also there is an art in managing your heat. dont play like most of the random noobs on my server that just run there heat up to full and do piss poor damage because their heat takes forever to go down. keep your heat mostly below 40. if you let it get above 40 start using your auto shot ability until it comes down a bit. also, when you hit 40 you'll get heat blast which does some damage and vents some heat. it is good to use when you heart is getting close to 40.


if you spec shieldtech your main attack will become rocket punch because it will proc so often from shielding and it's your hardest hitting move other than a lucky railshot crit.

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lets see every minute it's death from above, then the aoe dart on any target left alive that's gonna die first (If) more than 1 mob still up. kill that mob fast to detonate the dart killing remaining mobs. If you use Ctrl-1 to have mako attack a target it will be the one that dies first and the desired recipient of your aoe dart if DFA isn't outright killing the packs.


or DFA(DOwn) run up to pack flamethrower a 3-4 combo, target mob thats going to die first as you channel, dart, uppercut or that flameblast thingy we do and dart explodes.


Once I realized the dart explodes on mob death it got really fast because you don't have to wait for it or have it blow apart your aoe cluster while using the flamethrower.


I dislike opening with a dart then the flamethrower as the explosion knocks the bunch out of my AOE.


Disable all but 1 of mako's attack abilities (they have CD's and I'm ok with 1 attack every six seconds) otherwise heelz me.


Did shield 1-20 and trash pulls went as fast as possible unless I blow a bunching maneuver. Build is also suprisingly good at this low level in PvP when shield spec.


elite pulls depends. elite plus trash I just single target burst the trash and tank and spank. follow basic pve rule drop trash DPS first then the elite and use the best tools you have to accomlish that.


Also having a taunt you can let mako get slapped aorund a bit on multi elite pulls before sucking in the aggro. 2 health pools not 1. Your bubble shield works great you want it up early on a multi elite pull when you'll be taking the most hits per second. Also on multi elite pulls use your stun early to disrupt dps. Rotation gets set by GCD's really after however you choose to open.


heat of our initial Single target missile ability is so much I don't use it except to finish a last ranged mob.

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