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5 Easy things to improve Operations

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1.) Ready Check


2.) Make the target icons/markers bindable to a key


3.) Ability to right click a name on my guild list/tab and invite to group or send a whisper. (This works for friends btw)


4.) Target of Target - (Or some other way to tell if the giant faceless flying circular droid is actually being tanked by me or launching bombs at the healer)


5.) Combat log - Because I need to know what happened on that last pull . . . Did I get attacked by a ability I was supposed to avoid or did healers just drop the ball?



PS- Give us a reason to run 16 man instead of 8 man, otherwise don't bother. 16s feel more epic though, I'd hate to see them go away. But why suffer through harder trash and the extra pain in the rear organizing it? Give me something . . . give me anything!


PSS- Loved the Soa fight in EV. Enjoyed it!

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4.) Target of Target - (Or some other way to tell if the giant faceless flying circular droid is actually being tanked by me or launching bombs at the healer)


Agree with all of the above but especially #4! I already gotta work my butt off as a Guardian tank. Show some mercy!!

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