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PVP Healing is so rewarding.....


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So your telling me that you should be able to just heal and get more than 4 medals? The way any good player will see it is your damage on targets will actually make you have to heal less in the long run due to targets dieing faster. Now do you have to press 2 - 3 more buttons than dpsers to get those 3-4 extra medals? Yes so if thats to much for you qq
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So your telling me that you should be able to just heal and get more than 4 medals? The way any good player will see it is your damage on targets will actually make you have to heal less in the long run due to targets dieing faster. Now do you have to press 2 - 3 more buttons than dpsers to get those 3-4 extra medals? Yes so if thats to much for you qq


I can only speak for myself as a sorcerer, but when I do extensive DPSing, I'm hurting my team (usually). The same DPS spec sorc can do way more damage then I can and with much more cc ability.

Smart healers will make sure they dot everyone they see, that affliction damage can add up a little. I only DPS when I believe I can help finish someone off - within say 3-5 seconds.


Really, there needs to be an additional tier of healer medals It goes from 75k to 300k. They could easily fit in a 150k for example, and that's one medal.

Then, they could un-nerf healing itself, so people who can crit for 5k healing OUTSIDE of PvP warzones can actually do it IN the warzone. That'd be another medal. I mean my PvP healing force power is 500, and there's no way I can crit a single heal for 5k in a warzone.


Bioware doesn't need to do that much to make primary healers more viable for medals.

Edited by islander
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So your telling me that you should be able to just heal and get more than 4 medals? The way any good player will see it is your damage on targets will actually make you have to heal less in the long run due to targets dieing faster. Now do you have to press 2 - 3 more buttons than dpsers to get those 3-4 extra medals? Yes so if thats to much for you qq


If I spec Arsenal I can sit and hit 1 button for an entire WZ, do nothing to help my team win and get way more than I do as a healer. The system is broken for healers.

Edited by Srqt
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Screenshot from another thread


So... the guy on the other team who did 780k healing and only got 3 medals didn't deserve more?


He chose to focus on healing the whole game and didn't get any of the killing medals or damage medals..


Taking time out of healing to medal farm (do your crappy healer dps) does hurt your team.. A lot.. And you don't get rewarded for focusing on keeping everyone alive..

Edited by Mcfondles
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So your telling me that you should be able to just heal and get more than 4 medals? The way any good player will see it is your damage on targets will actually make you have to heal less in the long run due to targets dieing faster. Now do you have to press 2 - 3 more buttons than dpsers to get those 3-4 extra medals? Yes so if thats to much for you qq


Classes have specs for a reason...to excel in that field. if I spec healer and dps, I'm not playing to my strengths. Same goes people that spec dps and try to heal for additional medals. When everyone is going against their build focus you have a below average team. When I'm dps'n, I'm not healing. That means a real dps is probably getting close to dying and they have to either go into survival mode or suicide dps. When the real dps goes down, **** dies slower and your team dies faster. Exact same reason people focus the healers...to prevent them from healing other people.


Speaking of the thankless job of healing...not only do we get few medals for focusing on healing, we become #1 target to be focused in any match. So we're constantly fighting for our lives while we try to save everyone else's. More and more good healers are going to stop PVP altogether unless the reward system is completely overhauled. Scores, assists, defense, takeaways, steals, etc... I purposely left out passes in general because that could easily be abused, only pass that should have a medal is the last one before a score (I.e. an assist). Unfortunately, damage/heal/prot medals would still need to exist because not everyone can carry the ball or make an assist (only 6 opportunities of each per huttball).


If they can find a way to make more objective meals than mindless dps medals, PVP will be much better off.

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I always pick the healer as MVP.


In order to medals / rewards for healing in comparison to damage dealers, yes, that should be reviewed.


lol, I would do that but I pick the worst player on my team as the mvp, a nice ironic gesture lol. "Oh you were afk underneath center turret the entire fight cloaked, had >10k stats across the boards, you need this valor more than I do."

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I really want a bioware response to whether or not their actually going to balance the pvp medals in 1.2, they've stated their adding new ones, but question is if they are actually going to make more healer only medals(And for the love of god get rid of taunt/guard and the protection medals, its broken in pvp tbh, it just gives free medals to a few classes*cough assasins* whilst they still get their other medals)


Edit: Do i really have a thing about making threads die? when ever i post in them its the last post before the thread dies, weiiiiiird...

Edited by Forthehonor
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