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Getting PVP gear in this game UNFAIR and Stupid


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It is quiet frustrating when you see people not even duelist with weapons, 4 piece bonus, and a few other random pieces of champs gear, yet I am 52 valor and 50% champs gear, 50% cent gear, lvl 48 weapon but even this is not the most frustrating part. The most frustrating part is having 7 ear piece tokens, 9 implant tokens, 11 relic tokens. Atleast offer an option to exchange gear we don't need for a few extra comms of some sort. Guess them are the breaks in poorly designed pvp systems but heres hoping they address some issues sooner rather than later.
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Joined a warzone last night and noticed that we had two people in the game who I didn't recognize, which is odd. I checked them out. One was Valor rank 23, the other was Valor rank 15 I think. Both were decked out in nearly full sets of Champion gear.


Now, I'm no Battlemaster - I just don't have the time - but I'm nearly Valor 50 and still missing several pieces of Champion. The randomness never bothered me until last night. Now I understand why people are getting so irritated.

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Yes it's stupid, unfair, and unfun as currently implimented and far too grindy for a modern MMO. Dare I say, SWTOR is a few steps away from being an Asian mmo clone and I am just waiting on the item cash shop a few months from now where you can skip the bag grind for $5.95 per wookie token? lol


I think my biggest problem with it is that gear wasn't supposed to be so overwhelmingly important to preformance and instead it feels like a primary determining factor in play. This isn't a high skill game but come on...

Edited by SDFX
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common guys.. stop it..

we are month from start and most of you are wearing champion or even battlemaster gear. Thats the endgame armor ! there is nothing more..

do you think other games provide you same?


Aion - after a month i wasnt able to have my max lvl not talking about gear either

WARhammer - after 8 months from relase i was wearing invader / warlord geear and thats still not the engame one !

Guild wars - thats the only different game where you can get gear faster then here..


But please do not forget the time investment... i know the bags are stupid concept but same you could be upset about not getting roll or whatever.. in fact the gear progression here is more or less 1-2 months till max gear. Thats not that bad.

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common guys.. stop it..

we are month from start and most of you are wearing champion or even battlemaster gear. Thats the endgame armor ! there is nothing more..

do you think other games provide you same?


Aion - after a month i wasnt able to have my max lvl not talking about gear either

WARhammer - after 8 months from relase i was wearing invader / warlord geear and thats still not the engame one !

Guild wars - thats the only different game where you can get gear faster then here..


But please do not forget the time investment... i know the bags are stupid concept but same you could be upset about not getting roll or whatever.. in fact the gear progression here is more or less 1-2 months till max gear. Thats not that bad.


I agree. The randomness can be frustrating but SWTOR is just over a month old. If anything it's too easy to farm for endgame PvP gear. You don't even have to win Warzones, you just have to show up.

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common guys.. stop it..

we are month from start and most of you are wearing champion or even battlemaster gear. Thats the endgame armor ! there is nothing more..

do you think other games provide you same?


Aion - after a month i wasnt able to have my max lvl not talking about gear either

WARhammer - after 8 months from relase i was wearing invader / warlord geear and thats still not the engame one !

Guild wars - thats the only different game where you can get gear faster then here..


But please do not forget the time investment... i know the bags are stupid concept but same you could be upset about not getting roll or whatever.. in fact the gear progression here is more or less 1-2 months till max gear. Thats not that bad.


I could honestly careless if it took 6 months to grind top tier gear, but the game being new has nothing to do with a system that can potentially reward a fresh level 50 with better gear than the level 50 that has invested some serious time into the grind. I don't mind the grind so long as I know I will be better geared than the guy that hit 50 an hour ago and its nothing personal, just a pay your dues kind of thing. Serious gamers actually like to feel good about there grind and not have that taken from them by a "chance" system.

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Let me start by saying; I play republic (aka "server minority"). I PvP daily. I do my daily PvP missions. I haven't counted how many bags I've opened the last two weeks of being level 50, and I don't really care what number I've reached by now, but I've gotten three chest-pieces and one relic, while I have friends getting one piece after another. And guess what? I. Don't. Care. ;]


As people say, the RNG gear-drops is a bonus. I've bought plenty of Centurion gear, and coupled with a few PvE artefact pieces, I'm more than able to be competition in a warzone. The times I've gotten gear from the bags, I've squealed and done a little happy-dance, because I'm like a kid on christmas going "I don't care what I got, I got something. Awesome!".


Just because you are not "server's best geared" doesn't mean that you're crippled against those having more gear than you. Stop whining, buy some more patience on the Wal-Mart sale and get over yourselves. I know it's hard to devour this, but PvP comes down to player skill and teamwork. I've seen recently dinged level 50's decimating well-geared players because they know how to.


As for "Ive opened 5 champion bags and got no gear, my guild mate has opened over 30 YES 30!!! and got none so he quit the game, he has every right to quit th egame, ..." and "honor grinding may have taken time but you fu got a guarenteed SET PIECE FFS." - Yes, sure. People quit all the time, usually for a stupid reason such as "RNG isn't treating me well", rather than suck it up and deal with it. Life ain't fair. And for the second part; you are guaranteed set pieces. You didn't notice the Centurion Commendations x3 that comes with every bag, did you? Well, those, dear mr. QQ, is to buy gear with. GLHF.


THAT said, I do agree with the part about adding level 50 blue gear to bring newly dinged up to a reasonable level when it comes to no expertise vs expertise.

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If you open 100 bags then you should be fully geared in Centurion aside from a weapon probably, and probably the most unlucky person in the universe. But this is a MMO, you dont get guaranteed drops in PvE either, they give you tokens for effort so you can get a base set, same as in PvP, but youll still be relying on RNG for the best drops.


By doing the bare minimum PvP each week for dailys / weeklys - and this is assuming you win every single one, you will get 23 bags. 20 from the quests, and about 3 from commendations. Thats 69 tokens assuming you havent won anything, which gets you about 2 pieces of centurion gear.


You have 14 slots, thats 7 weeks, assuming you dont win a single item, which is highly unlikely. Once again, we are talking bare minimum effort here. That isnt very long in the lifespan of a MMO.


logic is logic, but lacks a detail. you can get duplicates. duplicates can be very annoying when it comes to champion gear.


i had a look an bags/week as well and i count from 27 to 30 depending on win/loss statistics. thats even more that you said.


i am one of the luckier guys who got his gear, but what i dont understand is why the bags dont work the other way around. giving centurion items (base chance on expertise) and commendations for champion gear. meaning to provide you with t1 pretty fast and t2 by the time instead of the other way around.

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Let me just say, iv eplayed nearly every mmo out there and the gear system in this game is just stupid and insane, i mean the guy who designed this system needs fireing. Ive opened 5 champion bags and got no gear, my guild mate has opened over 30 YES 30!!! and got none so he quit the game, he has every right to quit th egame, why should people grind the fu out of a game pvping all day for NOTHING and someone opens 1 bag and gets an epic. this system is stupid, flawed and a giant fail, shame on you bioware, shame on you mythic and shame on you EA, you failed hard this time. i see why many people went back to wow. honor grinding may have taken time but you fu got a guarenteed SET PIECE FFS.



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