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Sith Marauders would like to have the gear they were shown in the trailers and other media?


For some reason i don't know of, BioWare decided instead of using the armor for marauders shown in the videos and trailers, they would go with some really lame armor that was never even shown anywhere, leaving people who chose marauder based on the looks disappointed and confused.


In fact the marauder armor shown that was the reason i chose it, was actually switched to Juggernaut armor in the level 40 pvp section.


I had a clear picture of what i wanted my Marauder to be, and i am pretty disappointed now especially not being able to change.


Proposition, take away the red dress that looks awful, give us back the gear from our progression video we were shown as both Jugg and Mara, simple and doesn't hurt anyone.


So, what do all you other Marauders and/or Juggernauts think about the matter?

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The looks were one of the main reasons i decided to go marauder over juggernaught, especially as Bioware made it clear that all DPS classes, including dps specced tanks would be able to do the same dps, but I did not like the way Juggernaughts looked and was far more hooked on the hooded black robe that marauders had going.



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The looks were one of the main reasons i decided to go marauder over juggernaught, especially as Bioware made it clear that all DPS classes, including dps specced tanks would be able to do the same dps, but I did not like the way Juggernaughts looked and was far more hooked on the hooded black robe that marauders had going.




Exactly what I'm saying, its like they just switched them around at launch.


Also to add the the frustration, WHY NO HOODS AND MASKS!

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